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Posts posted by Trisul

  1. It was 100mil to GWS to startup wasn't it (overall package)? This was my starting point when talking to people taking the 'it won't work' line. It will be made to work. The numbers game is an easy win and yet is where significant attention is paid. Get ~20k+ to each game in the first five years. 5k kids freebies (who will bring parent(s) in) for 11 games for 5 years would cost no more than 3mil. Something as simple as that, combined with actual members, gets the job done. In that period the concessions start paying off and all of a sudden 'GWS' has a viable team to support.

  2. I would much much rather we continued with our AFL exposure and development of the younger players, than overly err on the side of caution.

    I think Blease has done enough for a taste.

    While not our scenario Fletchers' never-ending 22 spot at the EFC shows just how far you can take the 'the youngsters aren't ready' line and I don't like it at all.

  3. /Places target on back

    So. As per the rules Sherman cops his rightful whack. 4 weeks.

    MRP says off the play elbow to the head is 1, that a tackle is worth 3, and that a punch to the head ('I was going for the ball' that I was looking at 5-10 metres away) is worth 1.

    Stick and stones.. aint what they used to be.

  4. I might be, but given the huge threads ranting about alternate strips before our current one was adopted, contrasted with the almost complete lack of interest in the topic now, I don't reckon I am.

    When people stop listening / engaging, it doesn't mean they aren't interested.

    Fans were VERY keen to have some buy in, some voice, on a key issue for (most of) them - identity.

    What for? The AFL had already pre-determined the majority of the outcome.

    Common sense is over ruled - Pink umpires, pink players.

    Non standard kit enforced - Hooped socks.

    Some clubs are more equal than others.

    To top it all off, clubs have been made and will continue to be made to wear these things in grand finals.

    How are supporters supposed to engage that demonstrated system in good faith?

  5. I'd rather have the job of being Osama Bin Laden's sacrificial wife than have the job Strauss had today with the kickins. "Here son, here's the ball. Your 17 team mates are all within 75 metres of you, they're all manned up on, and not a single one of them is actually moving. Good luck."

    So, if in doubt and you can't kick it to a 2 on 5, kick it 20 metres over the boundry line, that'll stuff 'em.

  6. How is Chewy, Wheels ?

    You may remember my dog with the ultra long tongue - Hannabal ? She died last year. Anyone ever had a 15 year old family dog put to sleep at your home while she lay on your lap ?

    I've not been the same.

    In the space of 3 months last year I had my best mate randomly fall and fatally crack his skull, my 14yr old cat go down in 1 day, and my father suffer complications from heart valve surgery to the point where he was almost lost three times. I've alot more grey now, and feel your pain.

  7. Who cheated more? Stupid question, because neither of them cheated at all.

    Maric legitimately thought he kicked the ball, and even if he didn't, he was entitled to 'appeal', if you will. It happens all the time. Players saying they touched the ball before the goal umpire disagrees. Players saying they handpassed the ball when they're called for a throw. It happens.

    Thomas hit Jones in the head. That happens too. It's not cheating.

    Appearing before a judiciary afterwards and declaring that, hand on heart, you were attempting to punch the ball, while simultaneously tracking said ball with your eyes and head as it moves 5+ metres past you, is cheating.

  8. Over the previous couple of years I'd often see Stef outside gate 5/4 before the match, pacing around chatting with the mobile glued to his ear. Always wanted him out there. Nice to see his determination and hard work speaking for themselves.

  9. Watts just continues to get better and better

    Strauss showed he can take the next step although still has alot to do

    Stef Martin just sensational

    JRiv wow welcome back!

    Trengove I just loved when he came in and pushed the bomber players around when they got into Martin. And yes he really can play

    Gyberts just prolific

    Scully thank god you are back we missed your pace and running around the packs

    Jordie the tackle machine returns

    Brad Green Captains game finally!

    So much to be positive about!

    Im off to enjoy a great weekend too!

  10. What about one from left field ... Would you consider Brian Lake, assuming the Dogs have to rebuild, you would think you would get him for a second round pick. He is flexible, top quality defensive skills, started as a full-forward and out of favour at the Dogs.

    Still gives you the option of moving Watts back & forward.

    ie Your Key Backmen - Frawley & Garland, Key Forward - Jurrah & Howe or Cook, Swingers Watts & Lake

    His only negatives are salary & age ... just a thought.

    Hear your thinking. However, this/next year, I wouldn't trade for anyone older than 24. Quite the task in and of itself though. Lake is the 'type', but I'd much rather a Lake-esque be with us for 5 years minimuim than, say, 2+.

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