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Posts posted by Trisul

  1. Please.

    A(nother) development year is just that.

    Do you really think that even if DB adopted the '100% winning game plan', that the youngest team currently in the comp (bar the newcomers) could make it work? Long term?

    Essendon is riding the love child wave atm. They're well drilled - for the now. Which now will their premiership year be?

    To me they reek of St Kilda. Whatever though. Given that we are nowhere near a premiership, why the game plan circle work?

  2. "Juice might be putting his hand up, bagging 11, developing a strong body, developing late, training the house down or he might even be the re-incarnation of the Buddha. But he has proven over 6 (or is it 7) years that AFL standard football is too fast and too intense for him."

    Jamar says hi. IMO, when you can't even quote the coaches comments on the BOG, it's you that has the problem here. Another 6 goals this week.

    To address the 'has stunk it up' comments, Juice has had 15 AFL games kicking 16 goals in our last 3 years (where we placed 16,16,12)

    'It's the midfield stupid' has come up a lot lately. Why is that? Was is any better in the last 3 years? Could it have been worse?

    His elevation rounds have looked as follows:

    2008: 1, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21

    2009: 4, 5, 17, 18, 19

    2010: 2, 3, 21, 22

    5 callups in the first 5 rounds, 10 callups in the last 7 rounds.

    If we were looking to delevop, say, Watts, would he only play at the start and the end of the season? For a maximum of 3 games sequentially?

    Btw, Debut:20y 63d Last:23y 124d. He has had only 4 years, not 6 and certainly not 7.

  3. Does lions blood count as tiger blood? I've booked a few tickets to find out - will let you know. Winning?

    I'm confident the hard yards will be done this week, but I recall clearly how we failed to put WC 'to the sword' at the G last year.

  4. The crowd, & the Media, at the Casey Scorpions tonight, makes this decision appear a winner already. If Fev draws attention,,, for the right 'reasons', to the Casey team,,, then as an extension, Fev,,, to yourself, then it will be a mutual benefit.

    Enjoyed the vid.

  5. I watched the replay last night, and feel Yokozunas post says it best:

    I have been away all week and just watched the replay.

    Let it be said I would prefer to have won, but having read some of the posts prior to watching the game I was expecting to be belted or to watch the worst display ever.

    The negatives I saw were our long bombing into the forward line, often when we did not need too.

    Also our reliance on not only swithing the play, but kicking backwards 20 metres and putting someone under more pressure.

    We also needed to improve our pressure on the ball carrier.

    That being said, people were going on about how bad some players were, and how we were smashed in certain areas, but I think there was an overreaction.

    We got beaten easily in the last quarter, other than that it was a pretty good game, if you listen to the commentators they loved the game.

    Positives IMO were Maric (but still needs to get more touches), Sylvia in the clearances, Grimes and MacDonald (who should not get suspended), Jurrah and Trengove. Others like Bail were OK, I love his run and attack, just needs to work on his disposal (as do a few others). Not sure about the Bate hating, I think he battled well, especially against 2/3 opponents and bad delivery.

    I am just hoping the players listen to Bailey, cos at 3/4 time he said we were bombing it too much and not delivering it well.

    I have faith they are doing the right thing, we just need a little patience and a little reality check. We are not there yet, as a matter of fact we have a hell of a way to go, so hopefully this game puts it in perspective for the supporters and club. We showed both opur best and worse the other night, obviously we need more consistent efforts of our best, AND it is still pre season, hopefully we dont lose like that in the last quarter when the real stuff comes around.

  6. I would have thought Dunn should top this list after his repeated 50m+ goals last year.

    Davey doesn't register many from that distance.

    Agree re Dunn, and Davey, although if Davey gets a chance to Buddy hook it they seem to sail through. The Freo comeback double fake masterpiece comes to mind.

  7. Tapscott looked great last year playing for Casey.

    Maybe some of you missed it.

    Grimes took a while but was well worth the wait.

    LT will be the same.

    He did at that. Maybe that's where the keen-ness to see him out there for the MFC comes from.

    I keep mentioning him to mates as a hidden gem and it would be sooooo satistfying to finally have them see the light.

  8. The local shops around Cranbourne, including the main shopping centre has nothing.

    I have been into the local Kmart on a few occasions and am always suprised to see there is no MFC merchandise hardly, if at all. (Other clubs are represented).

    I know this shouln't concern members who should be buying from the club anyway, but one would think that we should probably have a big representation in the Casey area.

    This is also not a blight on the club, as i'm sure they prob have no say as to what Kmart put on their shelves. I have put it down to poor management of Kmart. Sack the purchasing officer I say.

    Hmm. There were reports last year that there was no gear because it was selling out (I think that was Fountain Gate down the road in Berwick). One was from a store manager if I recall correctly.

    Love the fact that residents are getting ongoing MFC information. Fantastic news KC.

  9. ..........so back to all out panic. Oh no, what are we gonna do, the world is ending aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

    Go crazy?! Don't mind if I do! Hubagh, hgrmnahbul hna! Wullahgna pfdalrgaha! Woo! :)

    10 points to whoever id's the reference.

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