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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. yes, and these weren't guys we just missed or didn't consider. we effectively had them all sewn up and just threw them away
  2. lol, davey. that's what supporters do. we continually knock ourselves out
  3. yep franky, rory sloane and oliie wines still hurts
  4. this thread is about (predominately) white clash jumpers. the richmond gf clash jumper was just the home jumper in reverse (no white) most opponents here of the clash jumper have basically 2 issues 1. no white clash jumper 2. no clash jumper in games when there is no real need for one
  5. playing frisbee with his dog, moonie
  6. i agree hardtack, being superior is no excuse for smugness
  7. think he just means the reverse (of colours) of current home jumper
  8. and a good lab coat has plenty of tomato sauce on it
  9. not to worry, uncle, dan the man will no doubt provide free counselling to all aggrieved fans
  10. what's '10 days' cryptic for, red? i don't get this new countdown
  11. well may we say "god help me" because nothing will save hemingway or the game
  12. but will the umpires be skillful enough to all throw the ball up the same height? and what is the ideal height anyway? higher the better i think, especially not those dinky little tip ups like basketball you so often see
  13. heard he failed a mindfulness test, but keep it under your hat
  14. not really was more due to clever and tireless recruiting (caldwell) and the attraction of the 'g' where we were the only tenant the money was peanuts
  15. i wonder what uncle bitters and his Temple of Mindlessness think of this thread?
  16. Myth of the flat Earth From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the modern myth that medieval Europeans believed that Earth was flat. For mythologies involving the actual belief in a Flat Earth, see Flat Earth.T The myth of the flat Earth is the modern misconception that the prevailing cosmological view during the Middle Ages in Europe was that the Earth is flat, instead of spherical.[1][2] During the early Middle Ages, virtually all scholars maintained the spherical viewpoint first expressed by the Ancient Greeks. From at least the 14th century, belief in a flat Earth among the educated was almost nonexistent, despite fanciful depictions in art, such as the exterior of Hieronymus Bosch's famous triptych The Garden of Earthly Delights, in which a disc-shaped Earth is shown floating inside a transparent sphere.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myth_of_the_flat_Earth
  17. the church didn't object to the earth being round. anyway irrelevant because science knew the earth was round and that was the subject under discussion
  18. this "flat earth" claim has been discussed and debunked on many history forums. science was not that ignorant. even any common sailor knew the world was round. they only had to look at the horizon and see the bottom half of ships disappearing p.s. copernicus's issue with the church was about heliocentricity, not about whether the earth was flat
  19. that is just a tired old myth the ancients knew the world was round, in fact they "fairly" accurately calculated its circumference long before christianity even existed
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