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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. you must miss writing all those letters to heartbalm, uncle, and desperately waiting for the reply
  2. seems jack can still fill threads on land based on nothing
  3. salami and cheese on rice cakes, od well at least you can leave it for another 19 days, or you could get out the permanent marker pen
  4. leave it there, od, as your "away" sticker
  5. i never listen to sen, but what a bastard way to terminate two long-standing employees. i hope there is karma coming.
  6. go and give yourself a jolly good flogging then. i'm sure you'll feel better for it
  7. well if you want to delude yourself that the holocaust was a christian inspired genocide then be my guest
  8. Hitler, Himmler, et al would be very amused to be described as christians, so too all the christian priests who died in concentration camps or gestapo dungeons. Mind you, different story in the balkans
  9. Is the no B$ in thread title a reference to Bill $horten?
  10. yes i know. win some, lose some. like ablett's mark of the century that wasn't - lol
  11. dr who speaks with forked tongue is he a dual citizen?
  12. #8 was not a mark. clearly hit the ground. strangely swans didn't object
  13. If only we had demonland then we could search the archives. I'm sure all the answers would have be there
  14. the guy is so ambidextrous he seems to be able to switch to either hand/foot so naturally seems to prefer left hand for bouncing and right hand for kicking but no weakness either side freak
  15. uncle bitters will rue the day he built his manor house on an ancient river bed........a real barry prendergast decision
  16. so much demand or too many reporters/commentators? real end user demand or fake media generated demand - push or pull?
  17. has the ox become captain obvious? must have been rushed for content
  18. think you will find the pyramid texts pre-date the vedas by 1000-1500 years ernest but yes, if you only include current religions
  19. "Kroc's first McDonald's restaurant opened on April 15, 1955, at 400 North Lee Street in Des Plaines, Illinois, near Chicago." i'll close the door.........
  20. ok understand that. demonland responded about how it is a pre packaged piece of software. other forum software i've seen works similarly. here is a possibility. on the far right of each thread title line it will show last poster name and under it the time. If you click on the time (not the poster name) it will position you to the last post of the thread. Then you can work backwards. This is the closest i can think to your requirements.
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