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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. now you mention it. i remember that too. i remember also placing it in the circular filing receptacle - lol
  2. very astute observation for a frog now that jack watts has departed, i think all future blame should be directed mercilessly at uncle bitters
  3. it's rather irrelevant now who's fault it is there is a rift/disconnect which if not healed, bodes ill let's just hope it is successfully and genuinely patched up........and before the season starts
  4. this is bad with a capital b doesn't really matter who is technically "right" or "wrong" a line has been crossed, a trust has been breached, a precedent set
  5. well there goes the season and the coach's credibility and i've already renewed bugger
  6. good start to 2018 season for fd/player relationships just wait for the sledging
  7. for $10k a pop the rich clubs will appeal every suspension to the tribunal
  8. if he leaves 3aw that will be a positive, but
  9. exactly grapeviney. i was going to post almost the exactly the same but i didn't feel like being abused today by the usual self-righteous
  10. morals.....politics......surely you jest, colin?
  11. you must miss writing all those letters to heartbalm, uncle, and desperately waiting for the reply
  12. seems jack can still fill threads on land based on nothing
  13. salami and cheese on rice cakes, od well at least you can leave it for another 19 days, or you could get out the permanent marker pen
  14. leave it there, od, as your "away" sticker
  15. i never listen to sen, but what a bastard way to terminate two long-standing employees. i hope there is karma coming.
  16. go and give yourself a jolly good flogging then. i'm sure you'll feel better for it
  17. very interesting
  18. well if you want to delude yourself that the holocaust was a christian inspired genocide then be my guest
  19. Hitler, Himmler, et al would be very amused to be described as christians, so too all the christian priests who died in concentration camps or gestapo dungeons. Mind you, different story in the balkans
  20. I'd be talking to amazon
  21. Is the no B$ in thread title a reference to Bill $horten?
  22. yes i know. win some, lose some. like ablett's mark of the century that wasn't - lol
  23. dr who speaks with forked tongue is he a dual citizen?
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