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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. ?? hallelujah, you an now retire to the recliner and enjoy a nice scotch
  2. seeing as it is OUR home game, cats supporters should only get an allocation equal to the visitors allocation they offer at the cattery for their home games ..... only fair
  3. calling @old dee - how did you go?
  4. only if you really truly believed the above figures. i reckon they are inflated for the usual reasons
  5. DONE. got my preferred location. Ran like it should. Lvl 1 Southern stand wing M12 OD, get into it
  6. what's happened to cam mccarthy, ethan? has the talent but seems to lack consistency and application
  7. I must say i never had great confidence frost would morph into a great player, but i did have lot of hope. His stature, athleticism and speed were always impressive and a good foundation. He was/is very similar to a young stef martin or alex rance with that bit of unco and dodgy decision making. If he continues to develop as they did we will have a weapon. my hope is morphing into confidence. go sam, go dees
  8. everyone is a bit unfair on tex. in adelaide he is considered an academic
  9. feedback on 3aw is mostly positive, fwiw
  10. not good when commentators become the news, but that's life i guess in a celebrity focused world
  11. for fun i just tried to login. got in straight away.
  12. would love to know what's going on with gaff so much bs clock-bait rumours around free agents i'm still quietly optimistic (for no particular reason)
  13. i quite agree sue, which is why i gave a counterpoint to moonies attempt at partisanship
  14. serious?
  15. yep, those compulsory union dues being funneled to the labor party are not a good look. moonie
  16. bit surprised seeing he played 13 games for norf this year
  17. dunno. some creative minds kinda thing perhaps?
  18. certainly a non issue now, but it was a potential red flag at the time
  19. which won't help much when you still don't get a ticket
  20. moonie, you wouldn't know a blue rinser from a cross dressing pervert even though you attend games with one
  21. groins or hips? seems he never fully recovered, had a strange gait afterwoods
  22. They can certainly stand the stand, but they can't walk the walk looks like an audition for godzilla's bride
  23. don't worry, he's totally hooked. he's becoming a walking encyclopedia on mfc and afl
  24. for the sake of my grandson, yes. otherwise i'd be booking the couch and watching tv
  25. certainly hard to use and hard to like, od
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