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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. and welcome back moonie! this is like a reunion 🍬 who will spring back next - hightower perhaps?
  2. welcome to the new demonland, biffo now, we just need to know your preferred pronoun
  3. lol. so that's the best you've got. some anonymous "media manager" who "rolled his eyes"? [censored], you should get a job at the hun. you'd be in good company.
  4. didn't watch it just looked up stats. how the heck did brisvegas win it? crows killed most stats.
  5. again, you throw around accusations, willy nilly. but never any details or facts ... sigh
  6. what is it between you and pert, mach5? he run over your dog or what?
  7. it certainly stretches the limits of one's imagination to believe the club didn't know even after the perp was convicted in court years ago ... really, gordon? ... and you a lawyer!
  8. ffs, 3 pages of max having a little inconsequential chat at the races ... where i didn't hear any mention of "tough love". posters should take dazzles advice, stfu, and wait for something important to whine about
  9. think jimmy got trolled successfully by trick journalism on a bad for news day
  10. and that is only the beginning. there were other boys(multiples) molested (one was even a witness) dogs saying they will appeal.
  11. hmmmm, "clunkage"... layzie .... would that be like ... a female "package"?
  12. true story ... you won't believe just visited mil in nursing home lounge room, big tv screen with dvd playing bee gee's songs belting out "Ha, Ha, Ha .... Staying Alive" cross my heart, dinks
  13. ummmm, we did have some awful other ones too i'm more than happy with our current royal blue clash jumper
  14. 'twas only a clash jumper but ... and we've all had horrible ones and changed them often
  15. until the afl rewrite the rules to be understandable it's impossible to rate umpires (other than terrible) besides, with 4 umpires it's too hard to know which one made any particular decision
  16. i can't find digital (kayo) membership details on mfc membership pages is it even available for 2024?
  17. my membership is not auto renewal most years , by this time i get an email from club re renewal of my 3 memberships. i can then just click a link and pay. no email so far. have any of you received such an email?
  18. according to matthews he did talk to shakib and the umpire about helmet. he claims the helmet strap broke at 1'55" whilst he was at the crease, and time shown on video. after the talk, umpire asked shakib if he wanted to withdraw and he refused. umpires and review umpire had opportunity to rule it a safety issue and not a time wasting issue ... but obviously didn't
  19. the punishment seems way out of whack with reason there must be other penalties more appropriate, like x runs per minute late etc
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