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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. buried - 6 feet under
  2. and director's cut still to come
  3. what a 24 hours i'm excited
  4. and free kick htb against tracc which led to their first goal....no prior
  5. can you pm me instead?
  6. pretty sure most people who check +ve have no idea, especially now where the majority of tests are self tested rats think i read somewhere that one of the variants (not all) was picked up fairly easily in normal pcr lab testing, but don't quote me on that also i think they still do a lot of sewerage testing which indicates overall ratios but no good for individuals obviously
  7. spetsnaz force searching for bevo
  8. you need to ask an epidemiologist....and there seem to thousands of them, judging by the media over the last 2 years
  9. just love how bevo is morphing into chopper read this is what reality tv should really be i.e. reality and why aren't we talking about the umpires bullying melbourne
  10. Correction: she didn't get covid, just the moderna booster, sorry for any confusion
  11. i'll toss in another anecdotal story for what it's worth neighbour's sister's daughter (who we have know well for years) just recently turned 21 and had her third jab (moderna). was rushed to hospital with heart problems, nearly lost a leg, had 2 heart operations and is now in an induced coma (1 week now), prognosis grim with only one side of heart working. fingers crossed. the only pre existing medical condition she had was lupus and the specialist doctors have said this wasn't the reason. i don't know what to think about it but i'll not get moderna for my next jab Correction: she didn't get covid, just the moderna booster, sorry for any confusion
  12. CASES New Cases last 24 hours STATE RAT PCR TOTAL NSW 22,748 7,654 30,402 Victoria 7,401 2,025 9,426 Queensland 4,176 1,960 6,136 SA - - - WA 3,332 2,730 6,062 Tasmania 1,668 191 1,859 ACT 690 536 1,226 NT 223 28 251 Australia 40,238 15,124 55,362 v. big jump in infection numbers today deaths dropping hospital and icu numbers staying fairly flat
  13. you might need more than these
  14. will foodisgrey be wearing their white away strip?
  15. put it to rest......please come back when you have some facts to talk about
  16. thought i saw somewhere 6:30pm
  17. yeah, 4 qtr effort......and......kick goals, not points
  18. as swyl would say "certain things should never be forgotten"
  19. i think darling would struggle to complete a backflip successfully, so his position would be somewhat altered even if undesired
  20. if you go to the app now you will see all the tickets for this season, but without the barcode for the next game it will also show a countdown clock for when the barcode can be expected check it out
  21. all eligible members will be sent a barcode (reserved seat or not) to the mfc app 72 hours before each game if those members without a reserved seat want a seat then they need to additionally go to ticketek - using the procedure luci outlined above will be the same all year (n.b. if you have a reserved seat membership then you don't need to go ticketek, and if not then you only need to go to ticketek as a member if you want to purchase a reserved seat at a mfc members price (i.e. select the right option as luci indicated))
  22. certainly weird i've checked it now 3 times and it went 49,667 then 47,667 and then just now 49,667 again
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