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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. you'll not find a single crow in adelaide you have to go well north of port augusta to find "little crows" afc are imposters
  2. at least the d's win no matter what
  3. if true, then ralphy's "scoop" must be one of the shortest scoops on record. not even 1 day. hope he and his fellow reprobate scribblers are not having a culture problem. 😮
  4. i've given this some thought. biggest problem i can come up with is the difficulty of actually defining a "bump". it's not so easy, and we don't want to end up with a lot of unforeseen consequences. defining rules well is not an afl strong point. bump to head or front of body or rear of body- yes, ban, but surely the shepherd-bump is ok or the shoulder to shoulder or a self protection bump.
  5. webster just sighted with box of chocolates heading into florist ...
  6. simpkins getting maynarded looked really bad can players be that dumb after all the publicity?
  7. you could also try Shaqiri and Kutlesovsky who are real expert developers and demolitionists. The Corkman Irish Pub
  8. good luck finding a builder, red, let alone building supplies.
  9. did you mean to say bandwaggoner?
  10. kylie getting too old for you, stiffy?
  11. hmmm .... i'm trying to work out how we fit 2 full sized training grounds into the southern stand, along with all the other stuff. then the first time a big function is being held there we get booted out for a week sounds like a well thought out idea, but
  12. surprised a robbo article garners any comment oops
  13. of course he bumped, and illegally corrupt adjudication system but, you already know that
  14. a bump that hits the head is already banned and incurs suspension
  15. wtf, just saw luci has gorn 😖 now there is only 1 sane demonland poster left get well and back soon, luci
  16. still waiting for justice-has-been-served to wade in with his big mouth
  17. i don't think you'll ever get a satisfactory unequivocal answer. bit like the old resignation vs pushed or the no choice option officially it was ultimately his decision but i don't doubt there was huge pressure from other sources including especially the afl. i wouldn't be surprised if there was a confidential agreement/settlement that you'll never get to see in entirety
  18. mro officer - ex filth player tribunal chairman - filth supporter afl - dreaming of $$$$s media hacks - out to lunch after checking if their bread was buttered
  19. they did drop that though, a long time ago. obviously they rejected it. can't have cake and eat it.
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