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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. nah, don't worry colin. you see what you want to see, and that's ok.
  2. he doesn't have any material wide enough
  3. did you mean eyes wide open blind? demetriou was its greatest defender but caught with his pants down when he went to the tennis at wimbeldon
  4. nah, gfc have just hit 70k but half those are real cats the other half are supporters
  5. must be nearly 50 years old, colin. so 20th century, but i guess it fits in with the 'camp' notion
  6. heathen. maybe you should give this one a try might be your damascus moment
  7. and why should they when no-one attends games there anyway
  8. and i'd have thought a shot at the flag should be more than enough of an incentive than invoking the retirement of a favourite son
  9. indifferences meaning players indifferent form?
  10. better would be 66.6k - number of the beast
  11. why is it even being discussed? did i just arrive in an alternate universe?
  12. have a look on google at the adjoining ground. it is actually even more odd if that's possible must be sea air
  13. i agree, bread is very important for all footballers. roman legionaires marched and fought on bread for centuries.
  14. clint, if you really want to troll the freo wanchors, go back there and suggest that freo are considering a swap of andrew brayshaw for dogga. naturally you heard it from a good source close to the club.
  15. on field are both great leaders (max maybe more vocal?) off field, can't go past max max capt, jack vice capt is a great mix no need now to even think of changes. maybe give jack more roles/responsibilities, but that's about it
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