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Posts posted by Vipercrunch

  1. I'm happy with the changes also, as long as Viney and Jetta are 100%.

    Newton don't impress me last week, so not disappointed there.

    I'd love Roos to explain how he uses the sub position. it appears he doesn't like using players as sub two weeks in a row and unless the sub gets significant game time, he doesn't rate 4th quarter cameos, however energetic they appear.

    Looking forward to Saturday.

  2. Obviously the Bail missing 20% was that dreadful kick for goal at three quarter time.

    At the time he marked the ball there was a MFC player 12 metres out on his own and Bail ignored him.

    A goal then would have snuffed out the Dogs before the last quarter started.

    Fortunately the Dees went on to win easily in the end so everyone forgets about Bail.

    Would have you also critisised him if he played on and the siren sounded before the next player received it? Playing on in that situation is very risky.

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  3. Tyson carried that injury since half way through the Freo game when he lined up at full forward with a lot of strapping on his knee. Very surprised and a little disappointed they picked him for the following two weeks when he really struggled. I'm hoping they treat his return as conservatively as they have done so with Jetta. We need him able to run freely again.

    I suggest any one wanting to drop Bail for a poor performance yesterday watch the 3rd quarter again. There were at least two contests which he won when the odds were well against him, one of which resulted in Hogans goal. The lack of run from the Bulldogs half back line was also a lot to do with him and Matt Jones. Role players playing their role is what Roos demands.

    Viney and Jetta have been out for several weeks, so there definitely is a tough call to be made on their pathway back.

    • Like 2
  4. Putting on my devious mind, If I was running a illegal supplements program I would keep records to assess and improve the program, but they would either be...

    1. Kept in a way that could be very easily, quickly and permanently destroyed (ie on paper, only one copy and always in my own possession). Then we can play they "Oh dear, the records seem to have gone missing" card.


    2. Kept on computers for all to see, but I would remove all references to the illegal substances, and replace them with legal, easily explainable substances and I would record dosages as appropriate dosages for the legal substances (ie dosages have to make sense and can't imply or be linked in any way to the actual illegal substance being used). In EFC case, I'd replace TB4 with say Mangesium and record a dosage of 400mg (normal for adult males) instead of 4mg (appropriate for TB4). Make the program look squeaky clean.

    I definitely wouldn't have a spreadsheet with the actual program details on it.

    • Like 3
  5. I doubt records were kept, because the more that comes out, the more I feel this was a deliberate attempt to cheat.

    If EFC was sure all the substances were legal, then they would have full records that would be very easy to track and produce. Footy clubs record everything, and I have no doubt any fully above board supplement regime would be fully documented to determine what is working and what is not. Dates, dosages, side effects, results etc etc. Anyone with any legit scientific or medical background would do this UNLESS they knew they were cheating and wanted there to be no evidence of it. Which is what it appears EFC were doing. Perhaps, maybe, possibly, a paper record of dosages was kept, but as soon as things went bad, it was destroyed. Footy clubs keep records of the legit things they do - kms run, weight sessions, nutrition, supplements, everything. EFC weren't undertaking a legit supplement program though.

    For Hird to think that anyone other than a biased EFC supporter would believe the story he conjured up last night is beyond me.

    • Like 2
  6. Out: Definitely JHK and Watts, plus any injured players

    In: Hopefully Dawes and Jetta. Stretch must be getting close.

    JHK is still young with plenty to learn and experience to gain - time to do so while playing for Casey

    Watts has had several weeks of poor form and I think most agree he is really low on confidence. He has been unable to turn the corner in the seniors so time to see if it can get sorted at Casey.

    McKenzie was OK with his limited time on ground. No significant clangers, unlike some (Jones for one....)

    Still significant weakness in our midfield. Some in there must be close to dropping back.

  7. Staggering to see people put Watts and Dawes in the same category today. Get passed the contract Dawes is supposedly on. He was no where near our worst today. Watts was terrible and bereft of confidence and effort. JKH, Kent, Newton and VanB all went missing for long periods.

    Mistakes still hurt us so much. Hogan and Jeff must learn to capitalise and the absolute clanger kicks and loopy hand passes in the backline are so frustrating.

    Hogan still has so much upside though, and Brayshaw is going to be a pleasure to watch in the coming 10+ years. The way he dragged Jones away from the 3 quarter time fraca once it had passed its usefullness was wonderful level headed leadership, from a third gamer.

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  8. I bet the 400th best AFL player in the world gets paid a whole lot more than the 400th best tennis player or golfer.

    I hope the MFC players are watching the pressure being applied by other teams. Teams that have the footy intellect to guess/expect/know where the ball is likely to go next, and the physical desperation to get there fast enough to apply effective pressure. I hate watching 2 or 3 players get drawn to the player with the ball, leaving the obvious free option nice and in the clear for the next link in the chain. It's been happening for years now.

    • Like 1
  9. I had serious doubts about the readiness of Vince before Saturday and it did not go well for him. Unless he trains the proverbial house down this week I think he should be dropped and made to complete a more correct preparation. He is not good enough to be out there underdone.

    Frost has some up side but didn't get involved enough on Saturday. I'd like to see him replaced with Pederson.

    IN: Pederson, In-form mid or HBF

    OUT: Vince, Frost

    Our main men in the midfield were smashed on Saturday. They wouldn't want to many more repeated performances.

  10. "Have a good cry ya sook!!!"

    Can that be said to a player whinging to the umpire about a missed free kick if they have come out about a battle with depression?

    Melbourne tested out Abblett's shoulder on Saturday. He took the field, declared himself fit to play and our players put him to the test. Is mental illness different? If so, how blurry is the line? What can and cannot be said to someone who has publicly come out out with depression? Are they just completely off limits to all sledgeing?

    This issue is full of grey areas imo.

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  11. The most poignant thing I heard yesterday was during the players press conference led by Jobe Watson. Twice he was asked if he knew which substances he was injected with. Twice he refused to answer. He either genuinely doesn't know which is astonishing and for me and I think most sports lovers is more than enough given all the other circumstantial evidence to require player sanctions of some kind OR he does know that what he was given was a banned substance so of course he protects himself by lying. In an environment where records are kept about everything to do with players training, health, wellness and performance, the fact there is no record is an obvious cover up of wrong doing.

    All sporting clubs in Australia now have a blueprint to follow is so inclined of how to dope your players and for the most part get away with.

    • Like 8
  12. So pathetic to see the bomber fans on social media react as though this has somehow proven they aren't cheats. A non-guilty verdict on the basis of a lack of evidence when the reason there is no evidence is because the accused either destroyed or didn't keep records is a disgrace.

    • Like 3
  13. Horses for courses.

    The most exciting football I've seen ever was in a H&A game between Hawthorn and Sydney a few years ago. Plenty of players around the ball, but the handball work in close by Sydney especially was breathtaking and led to many running, exciting goals.

    I worry greatly that any major changes to the interchange could return footy back to the rubbish style I've seen while watching Grand Final replays from the 70's. So boring and brainless. It looked like kick to kick between the half-forwards lines. Not for me thanks.

    Let the game evolve. Once the skill level develops across the talent pool then the ball movement within and through defensive structures will be great to watch. Making the players play with even more fatigue will produce more clangers and errors, which everyone seems to hate.

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  14. Phrases like "current form" and "at the moment" are pretty hollow in mid-February. I have the expectation that each and every player on our list will be working and improving on all aspects of their football during this and every preseason. I'd save any big statements like the OP has made until I have at least seen a preseason game or two against real opposition and can form an opinion on recent observations.

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