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Posts posted by Vipercrunch

  1. Rohan Bail starting to win back some fans. The guys has had a really rough 12 months with the multiple concussions and I hope he can get some consistent footy early this year and become a dependable player for us.

    Hoping for a win. Any size will do me.

  2. If you live anywhere a semi frequent V-Line service, consider going by train. Easy walk from Southern Cross. Just watch the timing of the trains home. Might make it a long night if you just miss one after the game and have to wait an hour for the next one.

  3. Not sure what the fuss is about. Even if he was still a restricted FA, I can't imagine any situation that we would consider matching another offer and forcing him to stay. It just wouldn't happen. Unrestricted or restricted, it means nothing. If he wants to go, then let him go and move on.

    The policy to front end the contracts was very smart, even though it would have been made in the expectation we were closer to the pointy end and therefore able to lure a big name player. It would have been an important factor is allowing us to get Dawes and Clarke. Their injuries are unfortunate but that's footy isn't it? Players get injured.

    Ridiculing a contracting policy made before FA even came into existence is crazy.

    Frawley is the first player I would really hate to lose, but I can't blame him. As tough a first half a career as you could possibly get playing Full Back for MFC. Hope he stays though and gets some success with the club he loves.

  4. Good get. The commentary was appalling and that was just one example but it stood out to me. In addition to your point Blease was running across the ground and to get the ball to Cross would have had to kick with his left foot or tried a check kick - and as you say into the wind. It was the percentage play to give and go with Watts but still the commentators bagged (despite the obvious fact it resulted in a goal).

    Another dumb call was one of them saying that with the Roos game players who kick accurately and made good decisions would get in the team. Duh - and geez we have a surfeit of such players who just crack it for a game.

    I gotta disagree. The direct kick to Cross was the correct play imo. It was not difficult and unless he totally miskicked it, it would have been the better, less risky play. From memory, Watts was under some pressure getting the ball back to Blease. The consistent problem kicks were more the ones 90 degrees to that one.

    The only player who I think would have got a small cross next to their name from Friday was M. Jones. Missed more than any others and probably didn't nail too many pressure possessions. Still a work in progress.

    Nicho on the other hand missed very few (I noticed one that wasn't a massive clanger, but can't recall too many others) and also had a few very nice, long kicks that got us through the congestion and out into space.

  5. If Geelong brings the same sort of pressure that they did against Collingwood, it will be the perfect preseason game for us. Really test out the new game plan and skills under real pressure. I am sure we will at times succumb to the pressure but it will really sort out the players who are ready for the real thing and those that are not.

    Watts is probably the most interesting player for me, as well as Hogan and both Dom's.

    While hoping for the best on the scoreboard of course, I don't really mind how it turns out because I am sure Roos will milk every drop of learning and development out of it. We found out a little bit about where things are headed against Richmond. We are about to find out a whole lot more.

    • Like 1
  6. I really can't see Clark playing ruck for long stretches of games for a very long time, if at all this year. Unless I've missed something, the times he has trained with the full group he has trained as a forward and although I'd love Dawes and Hogan plus whoever else be able to consistently kick bags, they are all a fair way back from what we saw Clark provide in 2012 before his injury. He took big marks and converted at a high percentage as well as being very dangerous when the ball hit the ground.

    Clark would only be played as number one ruck if:

    • He regains full fitness and then some,
    • The remaining tall forwards really do the business. We hope for the best but we must remember Hogan is yet to play an AFL game, Dawes has struggled with fitness, Fitz has taken some great strides but he is not yet 2012 Clark...
    • The actual rucks are not providing what we need. They are not ruck superstars but perhaps our game plan doesn't need them to be. Halve the contest and make a path for the mids. Do we need them to get 25 possesions, and kick 3 goals a game? I'm confident Jamar, Spencer or Gawn will be able to provide enough.

    I just want to see Clark fully fit and playing some of the footy we saw before his injury. And with better and more frequantsupply, it will be a great show.

  7. How Roosy manages Salem will be very interesting. He has obviously played well in both intraclub games now. Will he be held back and given a long period of development at Casey or will he be put on the big stage earlier than normal for young players under Roos?

    Our management of younger players in the last 5 or so years has been widely criticized, but will we as supporters be patient enough and let Roosy do it his way?

    • Like 1
  8. Game is at 7.10 Local time.

    Foxfooty is showing it Live with several replays over the next 24 hours I bet.

    SEN is covering it on radio (1116 on the Melbourne dial or they have an app).

    I'll be listening to the first half I reckon while watching my son play cricket then hopefully getting home in time with takeaway Indian to watch the 2nd half while celebrating my daughters 9th birthday.

    Go Dees.

  9. Meditation taught by someone with a degree in "parapsychic science from the American Institute of Holistic Theology" would involve "belief". Parapsychic phenomena are described as such because they cannot be explained by science.

    Just like some people could have objections to participating in Christian prayer meetings and bible studies, Islamic observances or activities of any other religious nature, some people could have objections to meditation on the basis of belief systems or skeptism.

  10. I think our forward line on Friday needs to have 2 talls close to goal for as much time as possible, so I would play Pederson at FF for he whole game and have King along side him giving Spencer a chop out in the ruck when needed.

    We all dream of having Clarke, Dawes and Hogan in the same team. The structure will most likely be 2 of those close to goal with the other playing CHF. We need to get a setup as close to that as possible so the mids are kicking to a structure that is familiar.

  11. The midfield setup and rotations should be the same on Friday as they are planned to be for the rest of the year. If the plan is for Watts to rotate through the forward line during the main season, then do it on Friday night too.

    It is the midfield we are hoping to see the most improvement from and it is where the most change has occurred. Lets start getting it right from the get go.

    If our forward line isn't able to kick a winning score then so be it. We know the talent we have missing and it won't be long before Dawes and Hogan are back on the park.

    Midfield has to be the main focus so don't tinker with the plans just because the forward line is depleted.

    • Like 4
  12. Thanks for the summary Arrow.

    Everything Grant Thomas says is unique in the AFL world because he basically says whatever he feels like as he cares little what others think of him (most other media have plenty of conflicts of interest etc) but he also seems to be still nursing a damaged ego and it comes out in some of his comments.

    • Like 3
  13. I think it is worth picking the best squad available (as long as they are fit and ready). Not so we win games and improve membership etc but so that the standard of earning games is established. Better teams than us can gift games to players during the preseason, but I think for this first game especially we should play the best side possible. Later on players may need to be "managed" but for this one, I don't want anything other than the players who are deemed by the selection panel to have earned their spot.

  14. So can anyone enlighten me what the real difference between an NAB Challenge game (18 games in 18 days, no ladder, finals or a "Winner" from what I can see) and the round of practice games that start straight after?

    Are the rules different (super goals etc) for the NAB Challenge?

  15. I have to comment about some of the posts re: honorable losses.

    Honorable losses are fine as long as they are treated as steps in the right direction along the way to the final destination (winning a premiership) and not the final destination itself.

    I think Hawthorn and Collingwood would have considered many losses "honorable" as they progressed from wooden spooners to contenders and then finally premiers.

    A team has to view every result (win and loss) with respect to where they are and where their opposition is. Some wins will be poor wins, while some losses will be good (or honorable).

    Any aspiring Top 4 side last season would have considered any win over us of less than 30 points as a poor result.

    If we lose to Hawthorn next year by less than 4 goals I will be happy for Paul Roos to call it an honorable loss as long as he doesn't then resign and consider his job done.

    Bring on some honorable losses in 2014!!! Not as good as wins, but they will still be tangible evidence of improvement and steps in the right direction.

  16. He, like the host KB and the rest of the terribad journos from The Australian that frequent KB's show are just your run of the mill "shock jocks". Will say anything to upset people enough so they call in.

    If they were on the internet they would be called trolls, and there is a reason people say 'DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS'.

    I very, very rarely listen to SEN between 9 and 12.

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