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Ron Burgundy

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Everything posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. Please sign Choco Williams, PJ. I want him to give the bird to the spineless, unimaginative, spiritless conservatives that have run this club for too long ...
  2. Quite simply, because he's a leader at the club and there's this concept called 'leadership'. It's about the one thing that this club lacks in spades - heart.
  3. I'm not worried about Toumpas. He'll be a classy long term player for this club.
  4. Fat chance. The club wouldn't trade him for Buddy Franklin. He's an MFC lifer.
  5. No way. It kills the club competition, at the very least for a big chunk of it in the middle of the season. Just ask South Sydney's coach this morning. The beauty of the AFL is that the whole focus of the competition is on the ultimate glory in September, for players and supporters alike. As an aside, the letters 'NRL' embody everything I loathe about Australia: dumb, aggressive, red neck, mindless parochialism - and the State of Origin, perhaps more than anything else, highlights that in the middle of every year.
  6. What?! It's been a few posters here who've been boxing at shadows about Roos. I think he has been quite clear throughout - and, it seems, his message to the public has mirrored that to Peter Jackson. But some here have refused to take his statements at face value and, instead, have been in the conspiracy theory headspace throughout, pretty well despite his stated position - their position has seemingly been based upon very weak signs, eg, the curl of the lip, the smirk off the main camera, the stated intentions of James Hird a few years back. All hardly compelling evidence IMO.
  7. Williams is a no brainer for me. I think he is perfect for this club - for so many reasons. And get Junior McDonald back as part of the package.
  8. In Utah, most people would sell their house to get $1.75 on the Book of Mormon being true. Don't reckon it'd be a good bet though.
  9. I reckon we should go for Williams. Hard. The discussion about Roos coaching us next year seems similar to a nerdy teenage boy wondering whether the hottest teenage girl in the class likes him based on the odd flick of an eyelid, despite her actually expressly stating that she's not interested in dating the nerd ...
  10. I reckon the smart money's on Roos not coaching us next year. And that's disappointing.
  11. I have absolutely no doubts about this kid. Great character too. Quite frankly, I can't believe we got him at pick 4. I'd love Ollie Wines as well. But it's not really about Toumpas v Wines IMO - they are different players, and, in any event, we picked the more highly rated one of the two.
  12. He is a required player. It's that simple. And fortunately the decision makers (ie, the guys in the know at the club) understand this.
  13. Toumpas absolutely has to be in the mix in the years to come. Touted as a possible number two midfielder pick in a strong draft. He's important.
  14. It's for this reason I take him on face value when he says he's not interested in coaching at the moment. Unlike Hird, that is. There's not a sane person around who wouldn't believe he'd be anything but absolutely monumental for this club. But I don't reckon it's over the line. Not yet at least - I just don't think he plays the media game like certain others. He strikes me as being quite authentic. Geez I hope we land him. If not him, it's Choco or Craig for me.
  15. Nearly broke the plasma when he got caught on 98. I think even the Poms were disappointed he didn't make the tonne.
  16. Only expletives can truly express how happy/relieved I am about this. This is absolutely sensational news. Onya Col ...
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