Good point.
Bevo has got off basically without any penalty, other than having to read a statement that someone else probably wrote for him.
To me he gave the appearance of somebody reluctantly reading an apology, that he didn't really believe in.
The club has donated $20000.00 to one of it's own charities, big deal.
This bloke bullied a journo on national TV, without giving him any chance of reply. It was disgusting.
For the AFL to not punish Bevo, seemingly condoning extreme bullying, at its own media conference, is just more hypocritical behaviour by this organization, yet again.
The Morris incident the next day is irrelevant, unless Bevo knew of the Morris comments when he made his and then played a part in their distribution, which seems very unlikely.
If someone employed by the Dogs or AFL, or wherever, is behind the release of the Morris audio, that person probably deserves the same fate as Morris, as distributing it to the public and hurting an innocent person, is a worse crime than Morris's, which was making some drunken, repulsive comments, in a private setting.