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Everything posted by Redleg

  1. I think she meant squash, as she said "in Court" not "on Court"
  2. That is the weakest Casey defence I have seen in ages.
  3. TBH, I never understand this view of some, that they are only happy if you beat a side at its best. I just want wins. Who gives a rats’ who is in or out, if you win? Do we go back and examine premierships to see who was in and out of the losing side? Get the wins, make the GF and win it. The rest of it is just hot air.
  4. Daicos boys should rest in bed to get better, for the next few days and watch the game on TV. Wish them a speedy recovery Tuesday.
  5. And 2023 against Port. 10 frees to 2 in last quarter of close game.
  6. Need to heavily pressure the Daicos’s and Pendles, to stop their soft set up kicks and handballs.
  7. First I think you mean Eagles trade 1 to Giants, not the other way round. Second Curtin will be an Eagle if they trade 1.
  8. In a way I am glad he is not risking ripping his hammy. He will now have 4 weeks to get it absolutely back to pre injury.
  9. And with everything going right for them. First goal Grundy fails to just tap it through for a point, SPP kicks a goal over his head . Butters plays best game of his life. 7 metre pass to Lord ok another goal. About 5 goals from frees. 10-2 frees last quarter and our 2 in back pocket. 7-1 frees in forward 50 to them. Our disposal atrocious.They kicked them from boundary in wet, we missed from 20 out straight in front.They played very well and we didn’t. Lost by under a goal.
  10. Especially Butters, after every stop in play, trying to rough up someone lying on the ground. He and Bailey Humphries were really major targets of JT, but we didn’t have the picks.
  11. See the nastiness in Port when a team mate is manhandled, or even just tackled aggressively. Haven’t seen that with us for a few years.
  12. You are so more eloquent than me.
  13. That’s hilarious.
  14. Go back and look at Chandler's 2 week incident. Exactly the same. That was ridiculous and so will this be if he gets suspended. Dual All-Australian Leigh Montagna empathised with Chandler. “That’s a tough one because if you watch that in slow motion, at the last minute you see his palms come down. So he let go of him as he was doing it,” Montagna told First Crack.
  15. If he did and avoided suspension, he would be unstoppable.
  16. Ray Biffen Cameron Clayton Jim Durnan Dermie Roger Merrett Mark Jackson Campbell Brown Danny Hughes Sheeds Malthouse Jim O'Dea Murray Weideman John Nichols Stewart Gull Dominator and plenty more
  17. We are slipping into a deficit, which KB should ensure.
  18. It helped them win against us and worsen our ladder position and as a result, lessened the LJ trade value.
  19. How many farms on the Bellarine have current, or ex Cats players, as owners?
  20. It's wonderful that on this thread we can discuss all topics, not just restricted to AFL.
  21. That really can't work, as one is a guess/estimate, while the other is certain.
  22. Apparently so.
  23. The Tribunal referenced other incidents in the JDG case. Yep change procedure again. Joke of a system.
  24. Got it thanks. Born in the wrong century.
  25. How do I get to the DL address and where is it.?
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