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Demon Tragic

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Posts posted by Demon Tragic

  1. Lists are meant to be fun.

    Lol! Good to have you on board Mike!!

    In two years Frawley, Grimes, Davey, Sylvia, Scully, Trengove, Petterd, Watts & McKenzie all have potential to be on your list! Perhaps it would be a good idea to put together a crystal ball list.

  2. Very even effort this week, difficult to rate who was more important, here's my try!

    6. Dunn - What an improvement for him this year!

    5. Frawley - Kepping Jack to 1 goal is a massive win!

    4. Davey - Skillful display

    3. Bartram - I would not have said this 1 year ago.

    2. Bruce - Important wins in defense

    1. Watts - Not sure why

  3. Hird and Sheahan were discussing On The Coach last night whether West Coast should offer up Kerr and Cox for trade. They seemed to think WC should trade for early draft picks (if the players were willing to go). Which got me wondering...

    1. Should MFC trade a player or draft pick for 1 or both of these players?

    2. What is the trade value of Kerr and Cox to other teams (especially Gold Coast)?

    I am interested to hear what others think.

    1. Kerr 27, Cox 29 - Definately not in our window.

    2. That's for them to decide, it doesn't concern us so pointless wasting time thinking about it.

  4. There's nothing we can do about the white on our jumpers until we start winning and making the AFL money.

    Think I said the same in my earlier post - so whilst there might not be a lot we can do about it until then, what's wrong with discussing it and putting it high on the "must do" list?

    "Do you like the design?"

    No I don't like it.

    Was a poll or market research done ?

    I don't know - do you ?

    I would have thought 'Get out of debt' or 'Win premiership' might just pip that one on the list.

    I don't know if research was done, but I'd at least check with the club before publishing that they probably did nothing.

  5. What we have now is like being a VB drinker with great brand loyalty, but because the brewery don't deliver VB to our area, we are forced to drink that horrible "Blond" stuff, because the brewery think it's what we need.

    Did they do research?

    That's the question I would ask.

    The answer is, probably not.

    Just because they didn't ask you doesn't mean they didn't do thier research. And I like blonde. Before two years ago, I would nevre drink Fosters, but now they have Pure Blonde, I'm all over it like Jordie McKenzie on Simon Black! Variations can provide as much appeal as the original, sometimes more.

  6. I'm sorry BD, but that is a rubbish argument.

    Storm in a teacup.


    There's nothing we can do about the white on our jumpers until we start winning and making the AFL money. Until then, the real question should be "Do you like the design?" No-one seems interested in this question, they all want to talk about 'psychology' and 'marketing' without including a shred of evidence or data to support thier argument. Until they present facts, these points should now be considered 'ideas'. Kind of like saying, I have an 'idea', if I pull on my [censored] long and hard enough, it will get longer (I hope)!

    You can all throw as many crappy conspiracy theories about the AFL and thier motives around as you please, I'm sure they're watching this forum in great fear that one of you is actually right! Until then, settle on the design, not the colours.

  7. You see the AFL do not want the away team to win, because losers spend less money during and after the Game, so they are happy to make the "away Guernsey" white. White being the colour of surrender.

    Very long bow to draw...in fact utterly ridiculous bow to draw. It's more probable that the AFL like the alternative jumpers because they bring in more revenue through increased jumper sales.

    FWIW, and I'm sure you care, I LOVE the alternative Guernsey! I think it looks great, you can use a regular black texta to get the kids autographs and it has the demon logo on it. Three years ago we were all bitching and moaning about losing the demon from our logo & jumper. When the club listens and does something to bring it back, and people carry on coz they don't like the background it's on? Can't win.

    Like it or not though, the white stays for now, until we have enough money and respect to get our own way. So the real question should be, do you like the design?

  8. Win win statement by Voss.

    If they win he can say that the rolled the up and coming.

    If they lose he can say they are the new superpower and make a slide comment about priority picks.

    Puts the pressure on us. Every demon media engagement for the next week will start, "voss thinks you’re the next superpower blah blah blah" and our response "one game at a time"

    Smoke and mirrors to take the flame away from his ass and his terrible drafting choices. I hope Joel M smashes the bears this week.

    Coaching 101 straight from the Sheedy handbook

    Best response would be to say ?Voss also thought trading away all his early draft picks in the last uncompromised draft would give him a shot at the premiership this year.... how's that opinion working out?" "We'll be our own judges thanks, and we've got a long ways to go before we can even think that far ahead."

  9. I'm afraid you're going to have to be a little harsher with the delistings there.

    As you've got it pegged we're still 1 delisting short of the minimum turnover required by the AFL which is 3.

    Also those you have as "trade/delist", they would only be charity trades to assist change of clubs since we wouldn't be able to use the draft picks we're getting in return. Essentially they are just delistings.

    Good point, there's also the possibility of having one or two guys move around during trade week. Spencer, PJ, Maric or Cheney could be the kind of guys we can look to trade out. I know they won't exactly bring great value in terms of the picks, but I rather make harder calls about those guys now and move on with developing our real guns.

  10. Short description of what I would do with each below

    M. Warnock - 2 year contract

    C. Bruce - 1 year contract

    N. Jones - 2 year contract

    J. Watts - 2 year contract

    M. Bate - 2 year contract

    B. Miller - trade/delist

    P. Johnson - trade only if value or 1 year contract

    D. Bell - delist

    B. Moloney - 2 year contract

    J. McDonald - Junior's decision

    R. Bail - 1 year contract

    S. Blease - 1 year contract

    J. Strauss - 1 year contract

    T. McNamara - trade only if value or 1 year contract

    J. Spencer - promote

    M. Newton - delist

    D. Hughes - retain if we can, otherwise delist with great sadness

    J. Meesen - delist

    J. McKenzie - promote

    R. Healey - retain as rookie

  11. On the MFC website

    In doubt for next week.

    His corky was in the very first bounce of the day by Sandilands so tried to push on for a half but couldn't walk after half time..

    Played for a half with a severe corky! I know it's still warm so it hurts less, but the guy truly is superman! Hurry back Beamer.

  12. OMFG!! Can't believe some of the crap I'm reading here.

    Watts worked hard all day won more contests than he lost and was good enough to get his hand on the ball come crunch time!

    Dunn = Ditto

    Bate won most of the contests he entered, his dosposal was, however, attrocious!

    But if you're looking for people to blame for the loss, look at our senior players.

    Bruce's kick to Ballantine???? WTF??? He was horrible in the first half.

    Garland's disposal was even worse. Rivers' efforts were average and Davey, Sylvia, Green & Jones were picking and chosing when thier efforts were required.

    Crucifying Watts for missing shots on goal is f^((!#g retarded! It's like saying we lost the game because our first gamer didn't perform. If you 're relying on the first gamer, you were always going to lose.

  13. I know I'll be unpopular for saying so, but I can't stand it! What's the point of having a guy with a velvet jacket and a trumpet play the team song when we've just heard it? I normally have a mate from each team we play against look at me like it's the most retarded tradition in footy. It is pretty naf. It kinda looks like Austin Powers lost his mojo, but learnt how to play the trumpet and thinks maybe that'll help him pull chicks.

  14. Steady on! How bout Brad Green - Demons Champion, courageous, uncomprimising, tough & skilled. Seems fitting, and he's not done yet by a long shot. A permanent home up forward could add years to his career.

  15. Two glaring Rivers mistakes cost us goals in the first quarter. Did I dream that?

    He's not a robot, he's human. Mistakes are an unfortunate side effect of that condition. The proprty steward should make a point of not giving him any boots before each game! He's reasonable by hand, but suspect by foot. You can't question his ability overhead though!

  16. I'm with you ... I love listening to Whiteboard Wednesday.

    I would love to see it extended to Team Talk Fridays ... maybe with a few morsels on each player, maybe with a slight bias to any players playing their first games.

    Great initiative Thank-you

    Go Dees

    The club website has Chat with Matt on Thursday with all the team talk - great stuff!

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