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Everything posted by ding

  1. We will still beat these friggin pretenders..... DO IT!!!!
  2. Geez, of all teams in the league we are allowing ourselves to be physically intimidated by Norf... Higgins especially. Our guys shouldnt be able to look each other in the eyes at half time for allowing that.
  3. Contenders or pretenders............ I think the footy world agrees that North is the latter, including the last couple of years when they were a better team than they are now. Which one are we? For once i am actually confident. Time for MFC to become a contender. Melbourne by 28 points.
  4. [censored]....... just [censored] Hang in there brother.
  5. Meh, if you take out the enormous run of goals we got, Adelaide actually scored more than us...................
  6. So if we take out the goals they kicked, we actually kicked more. Thats essentially along the same lines as what you said and it doesnt make much sense. Anyway, it remains to be seen if we have learnt to lose the game we are meant to lose, or if today can be something different.
  7. Problem is Wise, we dont get to take out the bits we dont like. If we actually could we would never lose. Nice fightback though.
  8. Nope, he was right.................
  9. 22 inside 50's to 9. tells it all right there.
  10. We've conceded...........................
  11. Game may well be over by half time if not earlier. Only interest will be if we drop our bundles, or fight till the end. Tonight will say a lot about where we really are at as a club. Adversity has never really made us dig deep. Tonight needs to be different.
  12. Is it too late to tip The Crows by 10 goals? This will have to be our line-in-the-sand game if its to be much better than that.
  13. lol yeah i guess a little confidence mixed with pizztaking can have anyone talking all irrational. I would turn all BBO and give myself all sorts of jolly stuff if we somehow managed a win, but based solely on form, this looks like our worst loss for the year by a big margin.
  14. Yes, thats exactly what he was doing. Vision made him look like a coward but in reality he was doing what any smart player should have done..... go for the ball/stay in the contest. Poor basterd gets lots of undeserved flack from that single bit of vision that doesnt tell anything like the whole story.
  15. Wise, seriously mate, do you really think we can win or are you just taking the pizz? Look at our formline... Multiple lapses against rubbish opposition. No win or even a close loss to ANY power club..... (Geelong beat us by 5 goals, and they were rated by most as sliding this year so i cant count them as a power club ) Their formline = one lapse again a recent finalist (who i also rate as rubbish opposition) On their dungheap where they walk 3 feet taller. I really admire your optimism but i just cant fathom how you come to your prediction after comparing our respective seasons so far. Geezus if we lose by LESS than 5 goal i owe you a pint ok?
  16. But, but........ we were burning up the track this week at training........... And we prepared for their best.......... didnt we? I wish the club would learn to shut its collective gob and let results speak for themselves instead of making itself a laughing stock with comments like that. Dont deserve to even dream of finals when we consistently lose to teams in rubbish form. Only when we are good enough to kick clubs when they are down will we ever be more than just a side note to the comp. To think that we were gifted what most believed was a dream fixture as far as probable wins was concerned in the early part of the year. Yet here we are still tracking at a negative win/loss ratio. This season is shaping up to be another in a very, very, very long procession of unfulfilled promise. I should give myself an uppercut for tipping that we would win. FU again MFC. At least the MCC area had less Hawks slime than MFC. They are almost all putrid people.
  17. This is a harsh reminder of why i havent bothered going to watch a game for years. We are worse live than i could have imagined.
  18. So there is no problem if i take a bag of some sort with food and drinks? Would have thought the members would be all uppity about stuff like that......
  19. Thanks Salem, but i meant that she wanted me to go with her, as her guest, and not me just going alone and using her card.
  20. Guessing its really expensive yeah? Cant imagine its ok to rock up with curried egg and lettuce sandwiches and a thermos of coffee?
  21. Does she need to buy a ticket for herself online as well? Thanks for all the info btw
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