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Everything posted by ding

  1. Dont know why so many of you are worried. We are playing half a team whose season is already over. Dead-man-walking Coach etc etc Have not felt this confident since the last time we played North. Ahhhhh cra.p
  2. Imagine how bad he is gonna feel after his side loses to us tomorrow...... Do you have some friends you can spend the night with?
  3. OH JUST STOP IT !!!!!!! (at least i am prepared to think it could happen now.....) Had any feedback on who Kelly is leaning toward club wise?
  4. My Other (please specify) is Brownlow Pedersen.
  5. No way i can excuse TWO "lapses" against Norf. Thats a mindset thing that we need to eradicate. I want to play those bastards 23 times next year. Need to win every one of them.
  6. 2 First rounders and i might consider it....................................... Whats a Brownlow worth after all ?
  7. If the deal was anything like that, i would personally make like a bandit. Watts for Lever any day of the week. Lever is 5 years younger and at LEAST as good as Watts already. *shakes hands on the deal.
  8. From the Herald Sun, August 2 this year... "Lever’s manager, Ned Guy, is due to return from an overseas holiday next week." Have you just returned to Australia in the past couple of weeks "Steve"?
  9. It just came to me.................................. THIS IS ONE TIME WE BEAT NORTH MELBOURNE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Not sure that this game could be any more "Melbourne". So much on the line and we dont look like like it means enough. Geezus Melbourne, LIFT
  11. Woooooo Thats my boy. Grats Nibbler you deserve it.
  12. Geez Keilty looks good. Marking everything. Not a good game to watch on tv though. 2 goal lead is handy .
  13. Sure Bing, i have had a heart attack, AND 4 angiograms, AND a triple bypass, AND im a nurse. Ask me anything....... (if symptoms persist, please see your Doctor)
  14. My take is that the club probably realise (think) that we wont win the main prize, but to reach the finals in itself would be a huge confidence booster for the future. (And if this WAS actually what they were thinking, i would agree) The difference between making finals, even if only by percentage, and missing out is HUGE. I could live with being bundled out in our first Elimination final, as long as we made it, and it wasn't a blowout. I would look forward to next season much more than if we missed out. My membership would be upgraded, i would be much more likely to buy club merchandise for Christmas gifts etc etc. Miss finals and i would be so [censored] flat...... grrrr. Whatever it takes to make the 8 is fine by me. Short term pain and all that. I honestly dont think we are a realistic chance of winning the flag THIS year, but it is soooo important that we at least make the finals. GO DEES !!! *Drinking again
  15. Jesse be thinkin' "anything Viney can do"..........
  16. You old man owns the FatTony a/c im guessing. (?) Lying little [censored]
  17. Formula 1 drivers have been doing neck exercises for decades. Fighter pilots also An example. https://www.businessinsider.com.au/formula-one-driver-workout-2014-7?r=US&IR=T The Neck Without a doubt, the most important body part a Formula One driver must train is the neck. According to BBC Sport,”McLaren drivers can train using a helmet attached to pulleys which pull the neck from different angles” and Renault drivers “use manual resistance techniques specifically designed for each circuit”.
  18. If it was Freos second rounder to us as well as Lever i could live with it. That way........... Freo gets hogan. Adelaide gets Freos first pick. (very early first round) We get Lever and second rounder. Much more likely IMO Adelaide gets reamed in this deal but we owe them one. Freo gives up a first and second round pick for Hogan. Fair-ish i think. No Way the first trade is fair.
  19. Really? Cool Trac you fumbly, 2-touch, lazy, soft Sack of [censored]..... YOU ARE RUBBISH AND A WASTE OF A PICK !! Good enough? oh, hang on a have some disrespect left. YOU ARE SOFTER THAN BUTTER AND YOU SMELL KINDA FUNKY. Right, 3 votes coming up.
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