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Everything posted by ding

  1. If you actually wanted to avoid being a smart so-and-so you wouldnt have posted this, becauset the rest of your post is nothing BUT being a smart so-and-so......... Cant say i disagree with it though.... other than the lack of (announced) progress with a permanent home, we are seemingly making all the right moves. Anyone who is criticising MFC right now is deliberately missing the big picture. Bring on 2020. We will be a very different beast next year imo.
  2. I would do Cripps and then brag about it to my wife. Does that make me bad?
  3. He is right that we gave up a lot for May and Lever, but those players can still prove to be worth the price we paid. Cornes isnt even rated by Port people. (Well, he is, but the rating is "[censored]") Safe to say he is just an attention [censored].
  4. Every single answer a stone cold guess. Did i win something?
  5. Think you will find that this posters former name was "Basil"
  6. Yep, he didnt want to leave Port but they didnt want him. My info is fairly solid that Sydney is his destination. We will see soon enough.
  7. Probably going to Sydney unfortunately. Shame as i think he would have improved our forward line for next to nothing.
  8. Nothing shows a players confidence in where his club is heading than the signing of a very long term deal at a relatively young age. (Unless you are a Buddy and its all about the $$s) 5 years is some real job security on what should be quite nice coin for a young bloke too. This season was an epic disaster, but the players seem to have not lost any confidence in the clubs direction. Onya Chomp.
  9. Big call Pro.... Kelly is a special player. Bennell was once very, very good, but to rate him better than Kelly is a very bold call. Still, you could be right
  10. Even if we dont end up taking the chance with Bennell, im really pleased that our club, which has a reputation for being ultra conservative, is at least taking the time to give him the once-over. The supporters have been craving some risk-taking, and this is just another example of how our club has changed. (Trading up to pick 8 this year and risking the loss of a very high pick to North next year being another) From the outside it COULD look like desperation, but from where i sit, this seems more like a club just willing to back itself, and its people, to identify risky choices that could have huge rewards. Go for it Dees.
  11. I cant see us losing a game next year. Too early?
  12. ding

    Jack Martin

    Haha, nah not a of of baggage. My daughter had been saying for years that we should get matching tatts, as she already had a couple and i had zero. I said yeah, why not..... bugger me if she didnt turn up with a pre-purchased coupon from her tattoo lady. Couldn't renege now could i? Anyway, we both like cats so we chose cat tattoos.... I got mine on the right forearm to distract attention from the huge scar on my left forearm (from heart surgery). People always ask about the cat-tat but never notice the scar. Winning bigly.
  13. ding

    Jack Martin

    Agree. Sam Gray is still a chance.
  14. ding

    Jack Martin

    Yeah i get it D.S. He could be a bust. So could anyone we draft. At least the boke has some exposed form. Risk v Reward i guess. Im just jaded by MFC playing it safe. Time to take some risks imo.
  15. ding

    Jack Martin

    Just checked out his Instagram. 3 of the first 5 posts are videos of him working his [censored] off in the gym or at the beach. Yeah, he might have been a duckhead in the recent past, but the bloke obviously wants to succeed. i say we take a chance. The reward could be enormous.
  16. ding

    Jack Martin

    I have a tattoo of a cat on my right forearm............ (if you want to know why, just ask) I used to hate the bloody things and thought anyone who had them was a [censored]. Changed my tune obviously. Couldnt agree more with your post hardtack. If he has learned his lesson, and will make us a better team, i say we give him a shot. Guy can obviously football, so if he is available and "reformed" its still a win as long as he isnt a toxic personality. The "nice guy" personality has had its time. If this bloke gets us closer to a premiership just get him. Everyone deserves a second chance.... even druggies.......... ESPECIALLY druggies. If i never talked to the in-laws of mine who have dabbled, i wouldnt speak to any of them. I mightnt be so up-tight if i'd tried a bit more myself. I just want our club to be winner on field. Does that make me bad?
  17. Every year the girls look (and probably are) fitter, stronger and better skilled. I used to get embarrassed at the skill level watching AFLW when the comp started, but every one of these girls nowdays plays footy better than i ever did. I reckon they are also tougher at the contest lols. Guess it was only a matter of time, and they will just keep getting better. Humble pie time. Welcome to MFC.
  18. Having watched his entire highlight reel, im obviously an authority on the kid, so i will add my learned wisdom to the thread. Must.Get. Pick 3. Done. Seriously though, it looks like he has a great leg on him and in a team screaming out for decent delivery Young looks like a great choice for an early pick. Bit of agro about him as well by the way he roughed up the player on the ground after he tackled him before "that" kick. I wont be unhappy if he is our first choice. They cant all be inside midfielders, and with Nev and Hibbo having past their peak, now is the time to blood a young replacement.
  19. Posting complete articles can get the site owners in deep doo-doo.... Probably best to delete before they find it guys.
  20. ding

    Jack Martin

    They dont actually have to pay him that, but if he nominates an amount, it automatically goes against the salary cap of his drafting club. So in a way they will pay it or just lose that extra money to the ether. AFL should definitely make sure they cant play funny bastards by saying 2 million over 2 year then adding another 2 years later on at only 200k per year, making up the original (rumored) contract price.The offer would be well know by AFLHQ and should be the basis of any nominated price for Martin. If the statements in this thread are correct about MFC having already asked after Martin, it say to me that we are doing what is best for the club and not worrying how other teams will see us. I love this attitude. I say if he fits our cap at 600k per year we take him. Statement time.... will also make a few players think twice before bailing on weaker clubs, which is long overdue despite what happened with Nick Stevens. Players cannot have all the power. Take him Dees.
  21. I was on the bandwagon early and thought he had some real potential. Lost count of the amount of times this season i screamed at the TV for him to toughen the "you know what" up. His 2019 was ghastly, and he needs to hit the peptides and get some decent strength about him before 2020 begins. Rag-dolled and turned inside out repeatedly this year. Needs to spend every waking moment in the gym this off season. Unlike some, i really rate his kicking. Get some serious strength and Oscar COULD become a decent player. If not.... well, who knows. I hope like hell every single one of our players is an improvement on the 2019 version. (Yes, including Max as that would be fuggin epic wouldnt it?)
  22. I have called him "Alien 3" for a while now...... ( Google the movie.... Absolutely no weapons) Cant take a contested mark, cant get a crumb, cant make a tackle hurt, cant kick much more than 40m. Spends more time shaking the hair out of his eyes than he does with ball in hand. Endeavor yes, talent no. Cant see him making it. As always though, i hope he makes a total fool out of me and becomes a star for the club. Just because i dont rate him, doesnt mean i dont hope for the best for the kid. If i lose, the team wins and i will take that any day of the week.
  23. And some were saying we need to grow some balls as a club. They dont get much bigger than this pair of whoppers
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