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Everything posted by Cards13

  1. Oh ffs...
  2. Seems a natural spot for it if we can pull it off, public park and all. Flag and proper Dees only facilities in my lifetime isnt too much to ask?
  3. No mate you always try and fly under the radar, keeping your thoughts pretty level headed and delivered in a understated and succinct way.
  4. How did you get my wife’s number?!
  5. SWYL can you tell us what you are a fan of? Why do you really enjoy?
  6. Oh ffs now I know you’re just fishing.
  7. Some posters.. “Christ we can’t even get the right size for Crusher Viney in the announcement pics?!” (The way to big jumper actually does look a bit poos).
  8. Self indulgent posting is terrible isn’t it.. Looks ok but would like to see it in the real. https://thedemonshop.shopdesq.com/-new/2018-mfc-adult-clash-guernsey
  9. Why bother? Just get on with it and let them develop a little bit out of the spotlight rather than having their job history/suitability questioned by us?
  10. Or a current internal employee so no need for announcement?
  11. 3 years.. nice one!
  12. Nice one, might have to make the trip in from the country with the 2 Yr old.
  13. Oh what a feeling!
  14. Stakeholders who have larger opportunities you might be able to tap into. Coterie is key as well, the big business guys in those, Presidents functions you get to chat to people etc etc. All plays into it.
  15. The more relevant qs for the Dees is does the NT $$ outweigh potential lesser $$ they may receive by playing in NT, do those 2 games scare off sponsors? Our partner plays some games in Tassie, we don't sell our product in Tassie so it decreases the value for us but overall we see it is good value even though Tassie games don't help us.
  16. Working for a small corporate who does sponsor an AFL team and having worked at a medium corp who sponsored the Hawks there are so many layers to these kinds of things. Is it a brand only play? If so how much is the spend/over how many years? How long is the season so the brand is in play for as long as possible? Can you use those $$ in other ways to drive more brand or sign ups? Can you get more eyeballs through a billboard on Citylink or more from digital spend than this sponsorship? How big is the member base/how much access to them do you get to pitch your product (whats the reach)? Is the club on the up and potential for new members in yrs 2 and 3 etc. Does the product you have align/can it be sold to the members/fans? What kind of acquisitions do you think you can get out of the members and other fans who may see your product? The old company did well out of Hawks, they signed up just before hawks won the first of the 4 flags. Lower cost, lower CPA for first couple of years, decent take up by members with an ok CPA. How well do you work with the club? We have an awesome relationship with our club who work hard to provide value to the partner. In our case what kinds of values does the club have and do they align with or exceed our values? We are constantly pitched to by NRL clubs... no fkn wwwaaayyyy mate! What kind of access can you get to other sponsors/partners/anyone else associated with the club or code? etc etc It is pretty subjective especially if it is a brand play only (but clubs provide "value metrics" you need to pick apart), acquisitions and CPAs are easy to measure.
  17. Ha! I was literally just going to type, glad he is off the gear, has his licence back and still loves his Mum.
  18. Looking forward to your constant updates on Petrucelle and Worpol over the journey. Where did each end up?
  19. Mind boggling comment from old Rocko.
  20. But none at this age bracket... you stand still and you go backwards, always an eye on the future. That’s drafting..
  21. the whole box and dice?? fk you're a tough marker BRubble.
  22. A man with 2 surnames... never to be liked.
  23. Who cares what he's on, help us win a flag Jakey.
  24. Twice?! Has the Watts thread been closed off?
  25. No it doesn't, over reaction as usual. 2 picks doesn't take from 10 years. Win now, yes but we have seen the club has been able to cobble together trades to get back into first rounds/update picks let alone being able to pick quality later in the draft. Again as others have said we've stock piled top end talent, now is the time to hit finals hard.
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