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Everything posted by Deeoldfart

  1. Only time will tell, but right now I'm a believer!
  2. "Yesterday's Magpies, Today's Feather Dusters". A header from the back page of the Herald Sun after a famous Melbourne victory in the 1960s. I'll never forget it. Apologies for the indulgence.
  3. From the AFL site: Demons co-captain on track for finals return I hope Jordie is 100% come Friday. We will miss his leadership and finals experience if he is a forced out.
  4. Admin should put a big & bold notice at the beginning of this thread. WARNING: IMAGES MAY OFFEND! ?
  5. Bernie filled a gaping leadership and experience hole in our team at a critical time. He gave his everything to our Club, and played an important part in 'turning the ship around'. Hats off to him. He could easily have taken his pay and just cruised through a few seasons on talent and reputation alone, but he chose not to do that. He should be very proud of his contribution.
  6. Hey Jaded, the rumour mill is saying that we might all receive a long awaited gift 6 days later. Not a birthday present, but reward for our eternal patience ? . The post script also says that it might only be an 'interim' present, with more coming our way in the following weeks. ??
  7. 100% agree mono. It's hard not to 'like' every post in this thread. We are extremely fortunate to have so much talent on our list, and we should be extremely grateful to our Board, Roosy, Peter Jackson and his team, and the whole Football Department for setting us down this path, and holding the course. To think a player like James Harmes is getting (very deserved) recognition in this thread, is testament to exactly that. Isn't it great to be a Dees supporter?
  8. Neville because of his life and football 'stories'. He lives by his 'values' both on and off the football field. A truly inspirational footballer and person.
  9. A definite no from me. Jayden Hunt has some similar attributes, but is a much better footballer. Continue to work on Hunty's development and build his confidence, and save the list space for (hopefully) another Jason Taylor late pick gem.
  10. Harmesy, Gus and Frosty. Wow, that's some huge improvement in critical areas of our team, all in the space of a couple of months. No wonder we are hitting September with momentum. The sort of stuff that dreams are made of!
  11. Touching story CBDees. Thanks for sharing with Demon fraternity on here. Every last one of us want your fabulous 'find' to be a positive omen for the future. I have every confidence that your dad would be very proud of what our team is becoming.
  12. I've always liked Harmesy because of his rough and tough style and the fact that he grew up as a Demon. However, I never held high hopes for him as a footballer, and thought he would probably finish his career at Casey, having fallen short of achieving Life Membership of the Club that he has always loved. That would have been sad. Never in my wildest dreams did I think he would go from 'fringe player' to solid 'foot soldier and handyman' to a star in of one of the best midfield combinations in the AFL, all in the space of six months. His rise has been phenomenal! As an aside, the panel on Fox were talking about Harmsey in the post match on Sunday evening. One of the panel said that Macca has taken a very close interest in his development. At one point Harmsey had lost a player driven bit of fun ('spinning wheel?') and the penalty was that he had to shave his head. Harmesy wasn't keen on the 'prize' and Macca took the 'medicine' for him. Love it!
  13. I think our representation is about right. Max and Clarry have been our clear standouts, while TMac and Gus probably needed to play all games to come into more serious consideration ........... and while I love Nev, I have to acknowledge he has had a couple quieter patches this year. Lets face it, AA selection is a nice little accolade for the players concerned, but that's all it is. I'm sure that none of our boys will lose sleep as a result of their non-inclusion in the squad. They play a team game, where little and often inconspicuous acts make a world of difference. We have taken these to a new level in recent weeks, and maintaining and advancing these 'team first' acts is what will really count over the next month!
  14. Just like last week, it was a great win on the back of an outstanding team effort. I found it almost impossible to separate Max and Harmesy for bog, but in the end I gave it to Max by the width of one of his whiskers. 6. Gawn 5. Harmes 4. Salem 3. Frost 2. Brayshaw 1. Oliver
  15. Our beloved Demons just keep giving and giving. My heart is exploding with pride right now. Hard to keep a lid on it, but I don't have to. Onward and upward into September Dees!
  16. A week ago we played the second top team, in a hostile environment, and convincingly won a high pressure / high stakes ‘finals type' game. If we produce the same form, composure and ‘never-say-die’ attitude at the G today, we will win again. I think we will do exactly that, and step into September in top form and with the self-belief to play all-comers anywhere. Get it done Dees!!
  17. Goosebumps ......... absobloodylutely! But imagine how it will feel in the lead up to our first final, especially if we beat GWS this week and go into September with momentum. And the week after, and the one after that and beyond! Demonland will be rockin' like never beforeI A pipe dream maybe, but I'm developing some very real belief in our team in 2018!
  18. I agree Wise. In fact, if there was one thing that really struck me on the weekend, it was our composure in tight / pressure plays. I thought it was as good as I have seen from our team in a very long time. I was particularly impressed that it didn't fall apart in the last quarter when things got really tight. Hopefully it's a sign that we are maturing as a group, and it will increasingly become the norm. It makes a huge difference.
  19. Yep, I'm guilty as charged Uncle. The whole nation is laughing about the seat of Government, and the current goings on in the House on the Hill. Canberra is a laughing stock akin to the Demons in the Neeld era. (ps. I hope I haven't broken any thread protocols by mentioning that particular former coach in this post)
  20. (Much to my detriment) I rarely visit this thread, but I've called in today in an attempt to restore some sanity to my life and well-being. You see, I live in Canberra, and I don't think I need to say any more than that. Sincere apologies if I have derailed the thread.
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