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Everything posted by Deeoldfart

  1. 100% agree. Whoever came up with this ridiculous rule / interpretation, has absolutely no understanding or feel for the game itself. Emotion is an integral part of our great game. Take it away, and you tear it out part of what makes the game so great. The authorities need to understand that players don’t have an ‘on / off switch’ to instantly temper their emotions back to ‘zero’ in the heat of a game.
  2. A most ‘complete’ team performance, but …….. 6. May 5. Gawn 4. Spargo 3. Petracca 2. Oliver 1. Pickett Many others were unlucky.
  3. Just an outstanding, all team performance. Total ‘buy-in’ by every player out there. I can’t think of a weak link in tonight’s performance .
  4. I think our stingy team defence will get us across the line regardless of what they throw at us. If we can improve our delivery inside 50, and straighten up our goal kicking a tad, we could punish them severely on the turnover. I’ll split the difference, and go for a comfortable, 30 point, win.
  5. I rate Petty well ahead of Tommo, but I’m surprised to see the change made so soon. No doubt our MC know what they are doing. Same applies to the Tracc ‘niggle’ that has been widely reported in the media, and on here. Go Dees!
  6. 360 reported that Tracc’s knee was iced after training.
  7. Another fantastic poddy, thanks guys!
  8. Definitely. At the beginning of the year I rated Tom Sparrow a fair bit ahead of JJ, but after 4 games I now have JJ ahead ……… and that’s not to suggest that Sparrow has been poor.
  9. In a few minutes, we will be the only undefeated team after the first four rounds………. and we are yet to get out of second gear! It’s a long season, but gee, we a are a class above right now!
  10. Heartbroken for our girls! They gave their all, but they were simply outmuscled and outclassed by a bigger and stronger outfit. There’s nothing wrong with that, and they should be proud that they made it to the Grand Final. Somewhat selfishly, I’m disappointed, because I so much wanted our great Club to be proud holders of the current AFL and AFLW pennants.
  11. 6. Gawn 5. May 4. Jordon 3. Brayshaw 2. Langdon 1. Harmes
  12. Brilliant work Andy, George & Bin. Loved the thoughtful and candid responses from Ooze!
  13. We are a 10 goal better team on paper, and I expect something similar to play out on Adelaide Oval tonight.
  14. 6. Bannon 5. Colvin 4. Paxman 3. L.Pearce 2. Heath 1. Goldrick
  15. Casey fell over the line in the end, but a pretty solid effort given that they were bereft of tall forwards.
  16. Absolutely stoked. Loved the effort, loved the desire. Like many around here, I’ve been saying ever since our AFL win, that I wanted the ‘double’. We are now only one step away from really putting ourselves on the Aussie Rules map.
  17. Loving how competitive we are, and our back half is trancing up well. Would love a bit more method in our forward line. Go Dees, bring it home!
  18. I’m really nervous (more so than last night), but over the journey I reckon we’ve earned a Grand Final berth.
  19. 6. Oliver 5. Brayshaw 4. Langdon 3. Weid 2. Smith 1. Harmes Bowser very unlucky. Max and JJ also good.
  20. I agree Sideshow, but I also think that our culture dictates that if Dogga REALLY wants to go at the end of the year, we will find a way to get a deal done. However, I think this is a most unlikely scenario.
  21. Thanks @Webber. I greatly value your professional input, while sharing @binman frustration. I’m sure it’s our passion that gives rise to the frustration.
  22. Best midfield in the competition vs one of the worst. Comfortable 5 or 6 goal win, and a ‘stress free’ evening I reckon.
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