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Posts posted by Monbon

  1. Kev: please! This is a contact sport. Every time you step out to play there is the possibility that someone will make contact with your head - many spoils from behind mean some kind of head contact. 

    Had Van R's contact been malicious or intended, sure, you do the crime, you do the time. However, this was a clear example of accidental contact and to punish a player who accidentally makes contact is criminal. 

    The other aspect is that spoiling someone from taking a mark is one of the fundamental aspects of AFL. What was Van R supposed to do- just allow him to mark the ball uncontested? It doesn't work that way.

    Sure, in closing, 'the head should be sacrosanct' but we need to distinguish between deliberate and accidental contact.

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  2. 1 hour ago, ElDiablo14 said:

    Get [censored] MRO.

    Last year you let Cripps walk free to win a Brownlow.

    JVR is innocent, MRO are clowns. By the way this was purely driven by the media!!!

    Does anyone have the footage of the Cripps incident? 

  3. 1 hour ago, Monbon said:

    1: The Suns are a VERY talented team. They beat Geelong a few weeks ago.

    2: That is about the most inconsistent umpiring I've ever seen. One push in the back at a marking contest paid, the next three not etc etc

    3: Please, keep Petty down back.

    4: The May bashing by Demonlanders is pathetic.

    5: You will probably never again see Fritsch, Langdon, Chandler, Jordan and Neale Bullen play so quietly in one match again. Jacob Van R needs to hold his marks.

    6: That Melbourne  won this game is testament to their determination to keep at it, to not give in. 

    7: We forget that Van R., Mcvee, Turner, Bowey to a lesser extent, ditto Rivers, have not played all that many games. 

    8: I'll take a win like this any day.

    9: Van Ruyen should not get cited by Christian. He tried to spoil, actually got a fist to the ball, and in the process hurt the Suns player accidentally. There was absolutely no malice or intent to injure.

    10: The commentary was a bestial joke.

    • Haha 2
  4. 1: The Suns are a VERY talented team. They beat Geelong a few weeks ago.

    2: That is about the most inconsistent umpiring I've ever seen. One push in the back at a marking contest paid, the next three not etc etc

    3: Please, keep Petty down back.

    4: The May bashing by Demonlanders is pathetic.

    5: You will probably never again see Fritsch, Langdon, Chandler, Jordan and Neale Bullen play so quietly in one match again. Jacob Van R needs to hold his marks.

    6: That Melbourne  won this game is testament to their determination to keep at it, to not give in. 

    7: We forget that Van R., Mcvee, Turner, Bowey to a lesser extent, ditto Rivers, have not played all that many games. 

    8: I'll take a win like this any day.

    9: Van Ruyen should not get cited by Christian. He tried to spoil, actually got a fist to the ball, and in the process hurt the Suns player accidentally. There was absolutely no malice or intent to injure.

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  5. 1 hour ago, SPC said:

    The notion of taking your eyes off the ball is a joke. He was 10m away when he looked to see where the player was. He then tried to connect with the footy. If taking your eye off the ball is the trigger for suspension- how far back can you go? 20m? 50m? 

    And he actually DID connect with the ball...

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Demon Dynasty said:

    One of the biggest culprits (for me) ...the Paczki.  Similar to Gernan variety but the plum filling makes this a stand out!

    For anyone who's a connoisseur and wants to taste them (among other Polish sweets/cakes & delights).... Cafe' Europa in Koornang Rd, Carnegie

    This place is heaven, proof there is a God. 

    I once informed the female owner that my wife is Polish.

    She replied, Polish girls, they keep you on your toes.

    I replied, Trouble is, I'm not a ballerina.


    • Haha 4
  7. 2 hours ago, Redleg said:

    I am half Polish, as my late dad was born there.

    My father's mother, born in Breslau, claimed there was Polish Aristocracy in her family tree - a certain Count Adishkovitz. When I mentioned this to my Polish Un-laws they said, That's not a Polish name. 

    Since then, I have discovered every Polish family is descended from Royalty...

    • Haha 3
    • Shocked 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, Monbon said:

    Germans have a saying about Polish Housekeeping. It ain't complimentary. Anyway, what's wrong with pierogi and Barscht and Bigos? I cook it regularly for my Polish wife...

    We've been together since 1989, got married in 1996 - after her Catholic parents strongly suggested that since we'd lived together for so long, we should get married. My wife made this suggestion as we walked the path along Merri Creek towards Bell Street. I turned to her and said, So, you want to become my 3rd ex-wife?

    • Haha 4
  9. Just now, Monbon said:

    Germans have a saying about Polish Housekeeping. It ain't complimentary. Anyway, what's wrong with pierogi and Barscht and Bigos? I cook it regularly for my Polish wife...

    In The Threepenny Opera, script Brecht, music Kurt Weill, both great Yekkes - there's a song called Mackie Messer. Frank Sinatra sang about him - Mac the Knife. My wife is Maxine Messer. Never mind, she's a great novelist and writer...

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  10. 3 hours ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

    Nooo! Poles are wonderful folk! You just need to be patient since they sometimes take a while to warm to you. My son lives in Poland and in 2020 Covid turned my 3-week visit into eight months. I eventually won the good folk of Warsaw over. By attrition. I wore the poor buggers down. 😁

    It also helps to learn the basics of the Polish language. I learned this the hard way: I unwittingly accepted a marriage proposal, and if not for my son’s fiancé overhearing and quickly stepping in, I’d be a staruszka cooking pierogi for her ancient old husband right now instead of being in the No T$ thread, where I belong. 

    Germans have a saying about Polish Housekeeping. It ain't complimentary. Anyway, what's wrong with pierogi and Barscht and Bigos? I cook it regularly for my Polish wife...

    • Love 1
  11. 13 hours ago, daisycutter said:

    it's the culture the green want to impose on everyone

    bit like pol pot

    Where can I find a pot of pols? Or do you mean Poles? Let me tell ya, stay away from Poles: one of them told me once: People think there are two ways of doing things: the right way, or the wrong way. There is a third way: the Polish way...

    • Like 1
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  12. 13 hours ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

    Isn't a touch of green beauty in an otherwise bland urban moonscape enough?

    Defrocked !!!! FFS

    Find an online dictionary.

    I didn't know Biffen was frocked.

    There's green beauty in the local fruit shop. Eat you greens.

    You want ME to find an online dictionary so you can get me to tell you what egregious means. Lazy so and so.

    • Haha 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

    Nasty retort as usual Red.

    And, for that reason (among many) ..... I do admit to taking delight in offending you.

    However, and let's be clear on this, I do have my limits.

    Even I, at my worst, would  never say that "WCW is nicer" than you. I mean, that is way beyond the pale, outrageous, egregious etc. etc.

    I do have my limits after all.

    whtf does egregious mean?

    • Haha 2
  14. 4 hours ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

    Luci, your post is underlined by a number of assumptions - none  of which is complimentary to my good self.

    Nonetheless , my companion was defrocked Demonlander Biffen, a noted abuser of drugs and alcohol. So attempting to hide the bottle would most certainly have ended in a violent altercation.

    As to the polystyrene cup - I have no recollection - but, be assured, it was not used for any form of libation.

    Where is Biffen, why was he deflocked? I miss him/

    • Like 1
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  15. Love Kozzie, love he's re-signed. I love watching our Indigenous players, all of them, from any team. Some of what I see is magic.


    By the way, does anyone know how Neville Jetta is travelling with the E Coli Wobblers? I would have loved for him to stay with us in some capacity.

    • Like 6
  16. 1 hour ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    Bit sore and bothered from playing local footy so to be able to sit back last night and the heart rate not rise one bit was refreshing. 

    I certainly did not expect this kind of performance off the back of a 5 day break. We were so ruthless on our attack on the footy that we kept at it for 4 full quarters.

    Not one bit bothered they kicked 3 goals in the end. Any 90 point win against a Alistair Clarkson side is impressive enough. I'm sure Goody and the coaches will have their say on that internally. 

    Huge clash next week against the Suns at their home ground. Another 4 quarters boys.

    North actually played reasonable football in the last three quarters: they have some good young players. Despite their ability to win the ball, their forward line was obliterated by our boys, and there are weaknesses in their back half. It does worry me that both Schache and Van R hardly touched the ball. I loved Chandler, Neale Bullen, Sparrow and Rivers and Bowey, not to mention the relatively consistent contributions of Pickett and Fritsch.

    • Like 2
  17. 8 minutes ago, deanox said:

    It's almost like Hardwick doesn't realise we kicked 10 of the last 13 goals!


    Jokes aside though, if those votes are correctly assigned (ie votes to their caster), then Hardwick felt that poor performance and effort by his players in the second half lost the game, rather than strong performance by the Melbourne players. i.e. he has given no credit to Melbourne, and given votes to his players who he thought played well, despite their teammates efforts.

    Me thinks that Hardwick's days as a successful coach are numbered. I have hated him since the 2000 Grand Final when he and Wallis assaulted Brad Green, a nineteen year old. Had that happened outside a football field both would have been jailed.

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  18. 13 hours ago, Tarax Club said:

    joeboy must’ve been a jam at the ‘G after the final siren glad you’ve successfully negotiated the traffic /public transport imbroglio to get home.

    Mostly in concordance with your player analysis except you’re too kind to Steven May and too harsh on Angus Brayshaw*. And Judd McVee looks to be fairly cool under pressure.

    I think the anti May analysis of this game is a bit tough. From watching the replay, I noticed that Riewoldt was a long way away from May in some of his goals...I thought May was solid.

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