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Posts posted by Monbon

  1. 2 hours ago, Tarax Club said:

    Perf '21 GF half time queue into the boy's room. An obnoxious [censored],* probably one of Max's WCE supporters impersonating MFC barrackers in Demon livery. Slurs braggingly "Go Dees" whilst spill/slopping the contents of his plastic beer cup on my person. Given the state of the match, his behaviour gets one star out of five. Cognisance zero. Its amazing what people can do to themselves on half-cut beer.

    Unsure why folk keep dragging the same tired old stereotypes about Collingwood supporters. My relatively recent experiences sitting amongst them, suggests otherwise. A younger educated demographic, courteous well-behaved and knowledgeable about the game.

    Yes, the Yuppies have certainly totally rooned the E Colli Wobbler image!!!!😂🤣😍

    • Haha 1
  2. 28 minutes ago, Bystander said:

    Not my experience, I met him several times and he was very humble and gracious.

    Saw him at a lunch in st Kilda 4-5 weeks ago along with big nick, tuddy etc. Aged but very nice bloke.


    Not saying it was his attitude: he obviously misread my intentions. I thought he simply doesn't wanna be Jezza when he's buying his beer and tobacco, if you get my drift. I wasn't casting 'aspersions' or perversions, ok; more of a note about how I obviously came across...😂🤣😎I loved the guy, loved watching him play. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 12 minutes ago, layzie said:

    Yep, played a bit of Rugby and Soccer growing up in Canberra as well I believe. Footy didn't come along until his early teens.

    Bumped into him at Richmond Dan Murphy one day. He looked immaculate in his suit, and I said, You are the famous Ukrainian/Russian footballer and your name is Alex... He ignored me and walked away...

    Very unfriendly chap, I taut to meself....

    • Sad 1
  4. 3 hours ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

    Who are your three Irishmen? I've got four in mind: Jim Stynes, Sean Wight, Tadgh Kenneally and Zac Tuohy. For what it's worth, I like Mason Cox and believe his ability to get to 100 AFL games is a huge achievement. History has shown that it's been harder for Ameericans to learn our game than the Irish.

    The definition of "import" perhaps needs clarification, too. There's bloke who was born in Austria who came to Australia as a 4 year old who played alright. Hint: Ukranian father and Russian mother. Played for Carlton (and St Kilda, although no-one cares about that bit.)

    I have no idea what went on between Cox and Petracca, and, frankly don't care.  

    That's the mighty Alex J, who I identify with because in some circles, his nationality is given as Austrian, as some looney tunes say about me. In other words, both of us were born to Dispossessed refugees who happened to be living in a refugee camp at the time. I said to one Priest who said, You're not German, you're Austrian. I replied, Hey, if my parents would have been refugees in Japan, would you call me Japanese? ( The White Supremacist priest in question understood what I was saying. He once told his class about the great, great benefits of living under British Colonial rule. He said, They left great infrastructure. I burst out laughing...)

    And, with regard to the PetCox drama, I was just curious as to the real reason why two decent blokes might blather away after a game like that.

  5. 38 minutes ago, Wadda We Sing said:

    Not really sure Warne is a flawed hero? Legend i would say.

    I thought he was a human being and a bloody good cricketer: he took over the mantle of the greatest German Cricketer from me. Most human beings are 'flawed', and I'm not sure what 'Legend' means. A legend is someone invented by historical mythology. 

  6. 11 hours ago, praha said:

    tbh I found Pies supporters to be quite tame yesterday. comparative to what we're used to. they seemed quite humbled and accepting of the kids. almost praising. seems they kind of expected that one.

    During my taxi driving days when I was writing grate Litracha on the side - I still do - I picked up 4 ladies from Elizabeth Street entrance of Flinders St Station on a Saturday morning. They were off to Victoria Park, yep, the footy.  Off we took, up Elizabeth street and I had to do a hook right hand turn at La Trobe. Traffic towards the Market was heavy, and just as the light changed to amber I set off to turn and a dude ran the light - he was hanging out for his Bratwurst at the food stall, no doubt - and subsequently blocked all traffic travelling east on La Trobe. I muttered Knuclbuckle, an f where the b now stands. We get to the Members Entrance at Victoria Park - memories floating through my brain, going to cricket practice there when I lived in Northcote, watching Collinwood gobble us alive at Victoria park, Weidemann sending Owen Zink into Alpha Centauri in his first game, in 1964, watching a Geelong  v Colli Wobbler game later that year, a blind man being pushed by his friend to the front row, muttering Blind man, Blind Man, everybody standing aside to let them pass, then in the first quarter, play is on the members goal square and blind man gets up from his seat on the fence and points to the opposite goal where someone has dropped someone behind play...

    Anyway, the Ladies pay, and the last one to exit mumbled, Now, we aren't tipping you because you used such filthy language back in the city.  I swear, my mumble began with the letter k instead of F, in other words, I did a spoonerism, and I replied: Excuse me lady, if you've got a problem with bad language I suggest you all get back in the cab because where you're going is the Colosseum of Filthy Language... 

    • Like 1
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    • Haha 4
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  7. 9 hours ago, Stiff Arm said:

    Broad sweeping statement

    Cox is arrogant because he's arrogant, not because he's American.

    Plenty of arrogant AFL players, very few are American. Maybe its us Aussies who are arrogant!

    Cox has played 100 games in a tough sport that he did not grow up with. He's a good sportsman 

    None of us really know the detail behind their heated conversation

    Well said. Actually, I thought his game was pretty good on Monday.

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, layzie said:

    Was this meant for me? 

    I was also crediting his work rate when it was suggested he did very little. His 22 pressure acts helped to setup our intercept game in the front half. Not going to hear me say he did nothing!

    Sorrow recorded. Appreciate your insight and your reply. My mistake.

  9. 23 minutes ago, Jontee said:

    No, I havent which makes me an absolute expert 😁

    I like JJ and I think he deserves more game time than he gets.  But i rate him as a good honest foot soldier.

    Thanks for your answer: I appreciate your honesty. 

    And, for the record, it doesn't mean I don't value your opinion, it just helps me understand your perspective. I've followed the D's since a958 when I was 8, I am very familiar with how easy it is to form opinions about the value of players and it's only since age had mellowed me that I understand there was a lot more in the world than I could imagine: same with footy.

    • Like 2
    • Thinking 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Jontee said:

    Yep a good ordinary player.  Has no elite skill and is not very quick.  For one who sat on the bench for 3 quarters did not have much zip.

    Geez, you guys have so many 'expectation'. I'm not trying to be an a/whole, and I ask respectfully, but have you played much footy? I emphasize, I'm just curious...

    • Like 1
    • Facepalm 1
  11. 5 hours ago, layzie said:

    Except tackles. 

    Not sure which game you were watching. He could have kicked 4 goals today, was involved in much 1st Quarter, and always a presence when the ball hit the ground. Collingwood are a first class backline team, he squeezed as much out of his opportunities as he could. It was also a game where Spargo and Chandler were simply bypassed or steamrolled by much bigger opponents. I rated Pickett's game today. He put in!!!

  12. 17 hours ago, BLWNBA said:

    He's close to one of the most overrated players in the league. He does the impossible once every 10 games and somehow this results in this totally mythical perception of him. He's done nothing to suggest he was worthy of being a first round draft pick. 

    You can pick up a player that has his output with shrewd drafting in the rookie draft. 

    One of the more ridiculous posts in the history of Demonland.

    • Clap 1
  13. 30 minutes ago, beelzebub said:

    I'm well familar with Bex..     😉

    You into cricket ?...  might’ve gone through to the keeper :)

    I was, until Christmas 1970 when I totally bombed out in a Sub District Firsts match at Ivanhoe where John Salvado and Normie Dare's left handed speed of light brother made me look third rate, the greatest living German cricketer. I could go on about how I opened the bowling AND the batting...How I could return a ball over the stumps from the furtherest field, about how at 50, my arm turned into a noodle! And when we fielded later that day, I dropped three catches - blisters on both palms from a day's toil replacing grass with pebbles at my landlord's house - ouch ouch ouch. My brother who is 701 still plays - he was on the brink of selection for the Geriatric Ashes Tour currently taking place, 13th man or some such...

    • Like 1
  14. As they say, bin zick, luckily Mon is out, H, our daughter, has chucked her normal set of wobblies at me, and I've worked on my new story # 71, called The Funeral, nothing to do with 'Baked Meats' a la H.G. Wells and Mister Polly, to do with the construction of a Russian Orthodox church along Merrie Creek in the early 1990's, and have done the rounds of You Tube, settled for some Thomas Tallis - the 5 part Mass, or, Mess(e) as we call it in German, and have the mute button on watching last night's Mini match.

    What I have noticed about my reaction these days when I watch any footy is my sense of appreciation at the skill levels, so much so, that even when I'm watching Demons replays - I can't watch real game time any more, missed the 2021 Grand Final for this reason, due to the fact that between 1965 and 2010, I bore witness to way too many heartbreaks, yes, there were the wunderbahr moments BUT ... - when an opposition player does something remarkable, a mark, a brilliant handball etc, I find myself applauding skill. This is I believe the origin of my posting of Saints and Thugs. In other words, to watch the fearless magicians of our crazy game - which, by definition MUST be so hard to umpire - is a thing of joy and beauty. To be able to witness these wonderful achievements of skill is one of life's joys. 

    I can relate to this as a proud father. Our daughter is and always was tall. She was inducted into Netball in year 5 or 6, had no idea about any aspect of the game, you know the scenario, friends take it up so you do and all she really had was fantastic eye to hand co-ordination - in other words, like her dad who played Sub District Firsts Cricket, Under 16 Footy where he kicked 2 goals in a Semi, his opponent Laurie Sandilands - and her coach soon realized she would never be a defender because when the ball was in her attacking half, her eyes would wonder to everything around her. They lost every game until at the 3rd break of a game in which they were behind but playing a side also in the Hades side of the ladder, her coach - a 14 year old girl -  made H the goal shooter. She netted 3, they won their first game. She played Goal Shooter for the remaining part of her short lived netball career. It culminated in a Spring Fling grand Final against Melbourne Girls Grammar. In the Grand Final between the same teams during the main season, her coach had 'rested' her at 3 quarter time because they were in front. The opposition took advantage of H's absence and came from behind and won.

    Fast forward to the Grand Final of Spring Fling, same teams. In the first half, H played like a teenager obsessed. She was a 14 year old goal-shooter who played in higher grades in the afternoons. The game was over at half time. H destroyed them. She was ferocious, intensity and determination all over. And, I'll add lovely, gentle sportswomanship, if her opponent slipped or fell - she would help them get up. I couldn't help but gently weep at what I had seen.

    And, by the way, she hated it when I praised her. Who said being a dad is easy...




  15. Just now, Monbon said:

    No, the old Have a Bex and a lie down - an aspirin, no longer made...check one of Daisycutter's later replies on this topic...I know you're takin the mickey...😋😂🥰😘


  16. 53 minutes ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

    Are you referring to Mark Jackson? I can't imagine how difficult it would be to play football either with or against someone like him. 

    Yes, the commentators claimed Mark Jackson started it. If you watch the footage, Jackson just got sick of being punched in the head every time he few for a mark,

    Yep, he was a clown, but that's hardly relevant to what Matthews did...

  17. 5 minutes ago, Cranky Franky said:

    You managed to infer violence in football is due to Anglocentric Colonialism.  

    Apparently other non Anglo cultures didn't have violence in their societies.


    No, Cranky, they didn't incorporate their violence into their sport. Example, Soccer, Fussball... Golf, Tennis, Two Up,  

  18. 1 hour ago, Go the Biff said:

    Shouldn't be on that list.  Bloke was a star and played fair. Conan was his in club nickname as I recall. 

    He's been replaced by Cam brown.

    Ayres, by the way, was no saint. Just watch how he and Langford punched Jackson in the head every time he went for a mark in the infamous Mathews/Bruhns match. I was standing on Camberwell railway station listening to it on my Tranni - it meant something else in them days - and they blamed Jackson for the whole shemozzle. However, if you watch the preceding ten minutes or so, you see Geelong attack, Jackson flies, Langford and Ayres behind him punching the back of his head every time. Jackson at first looked at the umpire pleading for justice, then took 'the law' into his own hands and struck back. As usual, the victim became the so-called aggressor. ( I actually have met Gary a few times - he took my job when I left Dorado Wines as a rep in 1984 courtesy of the invitation to leave by the owners. He subsequently bought a Fine Wine Outlet in Middle Park with his Bro and I tried to sell wine to him. A really nice, humble bloke...)

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