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Monbon last won the day on January 9

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Mighty Demon

Mighty Demon (3/10)



  1. Just came across this: 10 dodgy decisions this year, apart from the 3 in the E Coli Wobbler : Leigh Matthews and J. Bartel:
  2. I'm not being facetious: is Croms GWS or the Crows??
  3. Going round in circles is not discussion: some people define it as being pig headed.
  4. A pity this discussion has been hijacked by a certain 'numbered demon'. It's like being on a merry-go-round. Maybe he/she has a Messiah Complex - i.e. the only person who knows it all.
  5. Yawn: you are so boringly predictable. If I was the only one in Oz land complaining about how comes it that that the game is being marred by way too many umpiring howlers then you might have a case. You are Robinson Cruso on an island infested by incompetent men and women in white whose main weapon is a whistle and a tongue which orders, Desist!
  6. I got it: your mother is an AFL umpire????
  7. That is NOT the issue: they are the bottom side, playing a flag favorite who faltered and then got done by 2 Umpiring decisions....
  8. Swings are unfortunately one way these days....
  9. You imply that is the case for the whole of each game. It just ain't so...
  10. What they are bagging is too blatant to ignore - unless you follow the team which benefits the most from these blatant shall we call them 'mistakes'?
  11. Um, 20 players around the ball? What game are you referring to???
  12. Just read the headline: Robo stating level of umpiring is lowest...Now, I will never admit to following Robo because I don't but my point is exactly what I wrote. And, just for the record, how can 4 bloody umpires ignore 2 Collingwood players running over the mark, A, and B, I thought only one player had that role anyhow. So nobody is asking for instant replays, people like me would just like to see consistency and not what is becoming more and more obvious, that one side - especially if it includes a Daicos - gets all the breaks.
  13. It seems to be a weekly occurrence now that games are won or lost due to crook umpiring decisions. Fer C/Sake, there's four of them now and yet yesterday two E Coli Wobblers were allowed to run over the mark of a North player and four umpires turned a blind eye. There is now an epidemic of these contentious and or/ non decisions which in my case have caused a kind of contempt for the state of the AFL, bordering on suspicion that more sinister aspects lurk behind the mythology of a Level Playing Field.
  14. My oh my. What a topsy-turvy season: the only team capable of sustained excellence is Sydney. And, hate to state the obvious: the Dogs thrash the team that humiliated the Demons, and now North, the cellar team is thrashing the E Coli Wobblers. Oi Weh ...
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