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Everything posted by DeelightfulPlay

  1. What an end!!!
  2. Well someone's got to win this game!
  3. It's so disturbing. And now Tom out for concussion too. Feel for the parents to see both their kids out in one night
  4. Whelp that was good fun! Have thankfully recovered some ground in the work tipping comp! ...which could be lost depending on these next two games
  5. Can you give me that Youtube video? Might be more entertaining given my tipping 😂
  6. Me at scoreboard rn:
  7. Look, at least we got the one that matters... the death ride! ☠
  8. I've got some serious ground to make up after a bad Round 1 and Round 3 😅
  9. Well, still three quarters to go! But for my own tipping, hope you're wrong haha
  10. Did you end up tipping the Dogs, @layzie?
  11. Guess she's into space cadets, given the pair have managed a convo! No accounting for taste sometimes
  12. Think you're right - this quarter has been a bit of nothing! Might have another nap at this rate
  13. Jackson mark watch: 2 Found out today my younger sister's friend matched with Dogga on Hinge 😂
  14. Crows pressure 228 and Freo 198 according to Fox/Kayo in this Round 3. Certainly a bit uncomfortable to think they're up and running again
  15. Good call, things are red and angry enough without that!
  16. Just had a little nap - good to see that the game hasn't changed much, Croms still 30 ahead
  17. It's certainly a race for the bottom!
  18. I've gone Bulldogs but spent the whole morning prevaricating in convo with anyone I come across
  19. Ignoring the ableism on display here re comments on Jobe... the only reason he has the Friday special comments spot is because Daisy couldn't do Fridays anymore while coaching at Geelong (rip) Regardless commentary on the commercial stations is generally in the toilet bowl anyway!
  20. I don't want to be reminded of any dance moves 😂 it's a good thing the Dee Army bay is sober, as otherwise in that Gabba game I think I would have had a shot for every time the Lions were dancing on the big screen!
  21. The move he's doing is the floss (viral from tik tok like 5 years ago). He looks so smug whilst doing it, really kills the footy experience 🤮
  22. Gotta take a dump somewhere, after all!
  23. They had a mike on Viney last week at training and overwhelming the boys were like "you never speak, why are you talking to me" 😂
  24. They've revised Max down to 3 - 4 weeks! That was fast given it's only been one week and 3 days. Fingers crossed!
  25. I think I've been very sheltered from that sort of behaviour by West Coke fans! That sounds awful, like a precursor to Zorko. Well, we can aim to give them a sound smacking this week with no mercy.
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