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Everything posted by old55

  1. Yes it's a tough call to identify the top 10 paid players on the list. Kossie could well be in there along with Petty so both RFA? Harmes and Spargo are almost certainly not in there. Rivers too. So all UFA. Maybe a question mark or asterisk on the presumed RFAs and keep the UFAs as-is because they look safe to me.
  2. Love your work @Lucifers Hero it's great we have very few concerning FAs in the list. Petty RFA and Spargo UFA in 2025 are the only two I can see. I assume you've allocated them that way because you've guessed a salary differential? I'm not overly concerned with Harmes UFA next year, he may want to look elsewhere for more consistent midfield opportunities and I think we would be OK with that. We do have a swathe of 10 year UFAs but that can't be avoided.
  3. And laughed about it while Bernie was doubled over on the ground.
  4. No I don't like him, dirty sniper. I am pleased he has overcome his health issues and I'm pleased he experienced a 90pt defeat at our hands.
  5. Pies off a 5 day break. Burgo?
  6. All I said was "coming for DS" not that you've gone "against the sites code of conduct" Like I said DS is in the opinion business and he aways provides reasoning for his position. I don't always agree and sometimes I strongly disagree, but overall I appreciate his content and that's why I highlighted his thoughtful Spargo vs JJ post and defended him. Players are not immune from reasoned critique. I've argued against him on Brayshaw too but I defend his right to his reasoned opinions. There's a hundred posters here posting ill-thought-through hip-shooting nonsense. DS isn't one of them in my book.
  7. "Blinkered, triggered, hopelessly compromised, unintelligent nonsense"
  8. R1 you're right Kossie, Spargo and Chandler all played and Fritsch was out injured. R2 & 3 Kossie out suspended. R4 & 5 All 4 played in the 22 R6 & 7 Spargo out with concussion. In the two matches where all 4 were available they all played.
  9. I like this post. It's quality analysis. A few a coming for @DeeSpencer here but I think he provides well thought out material. I don't always agree, for example I'm a big fan of Gus, but there is also a grain of truth in DS view on him. I agree with him on Lewis. DS is the opinion business like Hannibal ( @Gator?) - you won't agree with everything but you'll get value for your time reading him.
  10. Keen for you to explain how Kossie, Chandler and Spargo all played together this year when JJ was sub.
  11. Not me, no way. I vividly remember 17 consecutive defeats to this mob (pun intended) Ibetween 2007-17 including by 122pts at Docklands in 2013. We couldn't have beaten them by enough last night. I was very happy with our 90pt margin off a 5 day break. I'll just add that we're playing the MCG better this season.
  12. It's interesting that Jason Castagna, a similar player playing a similar role, retired this year at 26 with 134 games and 3 flags, citing the pressure of maintaining high standards. AFL is very tough to play and it can't be easy for less skilled players to be consistent.
  13. Puts ANB on track for 200 games at MFC.
  14. Ever since Beveridge went to the club.
  15. Part time umpiring is a problem but I can understand why the umpiring community is unenthusiastic about going full time. How much are they going to get paid? Likely not as much as the lowest regular list players. That means - umpire full time for 5 to 15 years on even $150-200k/year, then what for the next 30 to 40 years? Non umpires will have established a career while they're umpiring and they also won't have the benefit of post-playing job opportunities that players have through club supporters.
  16. But Fremantle and Richmond who made it last year won't this year and the Dogs are going to find it hard too. Two in two out - the average over the years.
  17. "How to play the flute: blow in one end and move your fingers up and down on the outside." - Monty Python.
  18. I imagine the rule was written this way to stop the kicking team using a man to shepherd the man on the mark and prevent him from engaging with the kicker when he plays on. Clarkson's Hawthorn sides were rampant with this. And it probably got generalised to include any player from either team. The stand rule has significantly reduced the need for the shepherd though.
  19. North are off a 6 day break and a trip to GC. It's not all roses for them either.
  20. No doubt we were unoperationalised detrimentally defensively 😉
  21. Bruzzy the main instigator. May this forever remain his greatest highlight
  22. Correct and the corresponding North 3rd round compensation pick around #42.
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