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Everything posted by old55

  1. Yeah, but does it also mean that you only kick 5% of their score?
  2. That's not correct - for a start off in both the first two games we continuously played with an extra man in the backline, sometimes two, whereas in the games 3 and 4 we went man-on-man all over the ground and only rarely pushed an extra man back when the opposition got a run-on - and it didn't really help when we did - we played our best footy man-on-man.
  3. No I can't work it out - I've variously read that Barry Prendergast, Ian Flack, Dean Bailey and even Josh Mahoney have been reported to have discussed the Vault meeting with the AFL - is it one of them? How about you fill me in?
  4. I'm not being "cute" You listed a whole series of attacks on the club and then concluded with: That directly suggests that Schwab was incompetent in not "by passing such elements" "Sheesh" indeed
  5. So it's all Schwab's fault for being incompetent?
  6. Last year we were terrible but I was willing to give the FD the benefit of the doubt that it was "the recession we had to have", but I was looking forward to incremental improvement this year and so was Mark Neeld with his suggestion at the Commencement Dinner that we could anticipate improvement. Come Round 1 and we were worse than last year - worse than terrible - Neeld didn't see it coming and has no idea why. He persisted with his plan in R2 and we went even worse - worse than worse than terrible. Since then v West Coast and GWS he has abandoned his game plan and gone man-on-man and asked the player to play with more freedom - yes we weren't as shocking against them for at least part of both games but both of them are struggling in their own way. He said his primary aim was to nurture the players and then promptly mishandled Jack Watts - a monotonously continuing theme of his coaching. We're paying for this bloke's education with big losses.
  7. "happy" is not the description I associate with MFC at present
  8. We've only had 6 coaches (not counting brief care-takers in transition) in 30 years - Barassi, Northey, Balme, Daniher, Bailey, Neeld - and only 3 in the last 15 years. R1 provided sufficient evidence for me that the job is beyond Neeld and I haven't seen anything, including the first half against WC and the last quarter against GWS, to change my mind. With Jackson not starting until 1 May I accept there won't be any sudden changes until he has had time to analyse the situation.
  9. Nothing win - but we were on a hiding to nothing in that match. Win against GWS at the MCG is expected and lose is disaster. Outing against Brisbane away will be much more instructive. Look I am happy for the players and the kids I saw at the ground supporting the club.
  10. I thought Watts was good at all the things that come easily to him and terrible at all the rest. The only times he's in a contest is when he can't run away from it and he does win more than his fair share of the ones he accidentally gets involved in because of his great talent. He never ran to contest. Townsend led him a merry dance to the ball because he refused to go body-on-body at the centre bounce. Later on he was on a dwarf - and his opponent - I think O'Rourke - marked and goaled unattended in the last because Watts was either asleep or lazy. The complaint everyone has about him is entirely justified IMO - but we've coached him terribly, of that there is no doubt.
  11. Our chances of a win next week primarily depend on just how terrible Brisbane are - that's what it has come to.
  12. You and Don sound like soul mates.
  13. Gee, it's lucky we've got the right types of people in positions of influence and our club hasn't got any major, major problems - what a relief, thanks Don!
  14. The fact that they don't know about the Dr-Dank relationship means that that they don't know waht the Dr was doing with respect to supplements. That's what is so concerning. We're in a worse postion than Essendon - they don't know what happened but at least they knew something happened.
  15. I haven't read the entire thread because quite frankly the whole topic is too depressing, so I apologise if this point has been made ... On Thursday the club based its entire defence in this matter on the credibility of Dr. Bates: http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/2013-04-18/response-to-730-report On Friday the club said "We have sufficient concerns about an identified breakdown in reporting protocols": http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/2013-04-19/club-statement-friday-19-april That's a very damning situation - who knows what has been going on? Certainly not the MFC and their "internal review into its own supplements program". Really I despair ...
  16. Exactly, and this was 3 days after Neeld says in his press conference that his primary aim is to nurture the players because they're down on confidence. Next he says club comes before individual in his Watts explanation. No Mark your primary aim is to nurture your rapidly evaporating senior coaching career. I don't think "whackjob" is out of line.
  17. The statement from the club that there are no concerns about supplements was entirely predicated on the management of the program by Bates - who is now stood down. Before that McLardy was saying no changes to personnel contemplated, next day Schwab is sacked. I can't believe anything coming from the club.
  18. In the Dank thread Demon Dame suggested this explanation for our unexplainably woeful on field performance and it's the best one I've heard.
  19. Where was the good governance when we initially dealt with the guy when he'd been give the arse by this previous 3 employers? Essendon have been roundly criticised for not checking this and we took up with him AFTER they sacked him!!!
  20. If there's absolutely no problem with our supplements program or any association with Dank in relation to it and we have nothing to hide then why did we abruptly cease communications with Dank when the Essendon press conference occured? Source: 730
  21. I fear you actually believe this ... I've got a great GP and I fully discuss all his advice with him so I can understand what we're trying to achieve
  22. I admire your steadfast optimism Paul but I don't think you grasp the importance of our relationship with the AFL, we don't want them as adversary. Have another look at heartbeatstrue's post http://demonland.com/forums/index.php?/topic/33506-responsibility/?p=732581
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