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Posts posted by dworship

  1. 17 minutes ago, daisycutter said:

    I would expect all 2021 members would be covered, irrespective of whether they have yet renewed for 2022 or not

    it was the 2021 premiership after all

    While I agree, it may be a slower process as they work through the various lists. As I said; Mrs Dw received her email at around 5pm so it's unlikely anyone will receive anything overnight. More emails may appear during tomorrow morning.


  2. 1 minute ago, daisycutter said:

    so it seems the club hasn't sent all "members" an email yet

    i'm sure by now they must know there is a problem......one would hope

    Mrs Dw and I are Redleg Members, she is on auto renew and I strangely don't have to pay up until March after some conversations to sort some things out with the Membership team. She got her email at 5pm today, I've received nothing.

  3. 14 minutes ago, whelan45 said:

    Also AFL club support melb with no email or code

    Quick question, you are an AFL member? Not a MFC or MCC Member, so essentially you are a member of the public correct. So why would you be waiting for an email from the Club? Do they normally send you an email congratulating you on being a AFL Member? ( asking for a friend ).

  4. On 11/18/2021 at 8:37 PM, dworship said:

    We have been very good at drafting players in recent years no matter where they were viewed by others. The common attribute's appear to be "character, skills and hardness', not necessarily in that order.. Speed  and footy "nous" may also sway the selection if enough of the other three are obvious. You come with character and hardness we appear to be willing to help you with anything else you might need. From what I've seen and heard of young Woewy he has lot's of the attributes and we can now have faith in our development of talent.

    I know it's bad form to quote ones self but JT has just said as much in the latest clip.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, ManDee said:

    It's an acronym Dieter. Lots Of Money Actually Real Dip Ships if you know what I mean . 🙂

    I'm pretty sure I know the fellow who started that. He was a regular instructor and mentor of mine and always had an acronym or two that he would insert into presentations and conversations. I've plagerised a few over the years a favorite being FEAR... F Everything And Run. I hadn't seen him for a while (this is 15yrs ago) and I run into him at a drinking establishment and ask him for his latest acronym and he tells me he has just come back from running a course in Qld and they were all LOMBARDH's (yes pronounced Lombards .. Lots Of Money But Real D Heads

    • Haha 1
  6. We have been very good at drafting players in recent years no matter where they were viewed by others. The common attribute's appear to be "character, skills and hardness', not necessarily in that order.. Speed  and footy "nous" may also sway the selection if enough of the other three are obvious. You come with character and hardness we appear to be willing to help you with anything else you might need. From what I've seen and heard of young Woewy he has lot's of the attributes and we can now have faith in our development of talent.

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  7. On 11/10/2021 at 4:35 PM, Mazer Rackham said:

    Over on bigfooty they're running their annual "who will win a flag next, out of ..." thread, where they list the supposed up and coming clubs. And we're not in the list! Sweet luxury!

    For the record, this year's list of "contenders" is Ess, Haw, North, Carl, StK.

    Perhaps we aren't on the list because we aren't up and coming anymore. We are up on top and they all have to beat us.

    • Like 1
  8. 11 hours ago, DeesFlag2020 said:

    I am assuming they will continue to apply the same disciplines and common sense they did post grand final. That is the point l was making - l think, We should all take heart from their behaviour after the GRAND FINAL, and l am assuming that discipline will continue, but we all need to be vigilant.

    My comments were about this; Besting Carlton’s and Essendon’s 16 premierships by the end of the decade would be a nice (and realistic) goal as neither of them are going to win one in the next 5-8 years!

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, DeesFlag2020 said:

    I think we are well looked after in that regard. One of the things l have really been impressed by is the way the club and the players have behaved post game. Sure they rightly celebrated hard, but it was by no means over the top, and the club fairly quickly has started to focus on the next assault.

    The forensic analysis of what makes a winning AFL organisation (which they so impressively demonstrated in 2121) has been refocused on 2022 and beyond, which makes me very confident this is going to continue well into this decade. 

    I do not recall any winning AFL team  in recent times displaying such restraint and good sense. It is great credit to the club at all levels from the playing group to executive management and makes me, for one, very confident this is no “flash in the pan”. Besting Carlton’s and Essendon’s 16 premierships by the end of the decade would be a nice (and realistic) goal as neither of them are going to win one in the next 5-8 years!

    I'd be careful about those kinds of statements, that's what their supporters would have been saying about us, up until this year. Those teams now have a role model/ road map to follow. How successful they are at that could come quickly with the right people in the right roles and a buy in from the players.

    • Like 1
  10. On 11/7/2021 at 8:19 PM, Winners at last said:

    Clarrie cops it the most.  Regularly assaulted.

    I'm sure the back of Max's head feels better already knowing Mumford has retired. Having watched the Anzac Eve game again on Saturday, Riewoldt and Nankervis can f off as well!!

    • Like 3
  11. 2 hours ago, adonski said:

    Reckon Brayshaw's baseline performances should be what we saw in the finals series. I rate him highly as a player but he did have a few average games during the year.

    Personally I'd like to see him get at least a few minutes a quarter in the middle. 

    This is why a lot of the pondering in this thread is futile. I think the Dogs thought Brayshaw's side/wing was  the lesser of the evils (Langdon) and look how that turned out. The most important 10 are the 10 the ball goes through the most in any given match. Yes, the midfielders will be over represented because they are by nature the group where the ball goes through the most. I can understand  ranking the most important players in tennis. But in the AFL it's the team that makes the whole. Go back to the Grand Final and only watch Kozzie, the fact he didn't kick a goal is immaterial to his contribution. He could very easily be the most important player on the ground come Game 1. Having said all that, if we had a injury /surgery list like 2019 then the 10 most important players would be the ones who are next up.

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  12. 38 minutes ago, Rodney (Balls) Grinter said:

    Yes, less coin, but how much do you think having this medal around his neck is worth?

    While we weren't exactly the premiership fancy at the time Ben came across, his chances of winning one with us were infinitely higher than at North.



    Incidentally, there appears to be what could be a great article in the link below, but I don't have the means or tech savy to bypass the paywall.

    Ben Brown's father, Doug, speaks about his son's journey to becoming an AFL premiership player



    Love a breif summary of the content from the above if someone can access it.

    G'day Balls have sent you a PM with the storey

    • Thanks 1
  13. 5 hours ago, RigidMiddleDigit said:

    It's been too good, too much of a relief to have broken the drought, with too much spectacular finals football to revel in to indulge in schadenfreude. Until now.

    Yesterday I felt just the slightest twinge of guilty pleasure at the plight of the Magpies, with JdG in strife yet again and possibly to be axed sometime next year, when I thought of Jeremy Howe.

    As a Demon, I loved the spectacular feats he produced, and I was genuinely disappointed - and told him so in person - when he talked himself out of the place by believing his manager's BS about how much he was worth.

    That's the truth. He made it impossible to keep him even though, as well all know he ended up in the same role at Pie Park that he had with us, and for much the same dough.

    I say that acknowledging that his disposal was problematic although no worse than Nat Jones and correctible, had he stayed, by Mark Williams.

    Instead he finds himself at an ailing club, full of its own BS, with its premiership window slammed shut and the pain of a 13 possession 6-point Grand Final loss for consolation.

    And he can look on his former teammates with the big medals around their necks. Those who played alongside him include Salem (22 times), Harmes (8 times), Viney (49 times), TMac (82 times), Brayshaw (21 times), Gawn (49 times), Neal-Bullen (11 times). 

    Others on the list this year who were teammates with Howe but without the premiership medal include Jones, Jetta, Van den Berg and Hunt. Petracca did not debut until after he had left, but was a training mate in his last season, 2015.

    I know this is small minded of me but it's nice to remember that slur he threw at us when Covid locked fans out of stadiums. He knew what it was like to play to empty terraces because "I used to play at Melbourne". Maybe if he had not said that I would not have posted this but I did think he was graceless and unappreciative of the club that plucked him from the obscurity of Dodges Ferry.

    His win loss record with us was 22 wins and 78 losses from 100 games, which goes some way to explaining why he might have wanted to go. But TMac at the same time had 18 wins and 64 losses from 82 games and stuck fat. Ditto Viney, 10 wins and 39 losses from 49 games while Howe was with us. All around the 20%-22% mark. I guess some of his old teammates would not hold it against him but it's the fans job to hold on to grievances.

    So Jeremy, in the quiet times, when it's late at night and you are alone, ponder what might have been.


    That's not Schadenfreude, that's the Karma bus!

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  14. 1 hour ago, Hellaintabadplacetobe said:

    As many of you fellow Victorians would attest to, over the past week we have endured some of the strongest winds I've ever seen in my life other than sitting through a category 3 cyclone 20 years ago in Cairns. 

    Houses have wilted, multiple massive shipping containers have collapsed on each other , 100+ yr old trees destroyed, towns without power for days. 

    My Dees scarves, tied only by the tassels at each end to my flimsy tree in the front yard have not moved an inch


    melbourne football club fist bump GIF by Melbournefc

    Yep, I've had to rescue two flags this week and do some running repairs on the fixing systems of 2 others. Still get the occasional "toot" as someone drives by.

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  15. 5 hours ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

    I’ve always tried to imagine what it’d be like to win one and this is a googolplex times better than anything I could envision. But what has caught me unawares more than anything is how LONG this feeling lasts. Fair dinkum, the pure joy and overwhelming feeling of relief and the feeling of pride to almost bursting point has not diminished one iota. In fact, some days I think it’s even stronger! Besides that, the fact that it doesn’t feel as though it’s fully sunk in yet is amazing. It’s still unbelievable! You simply could not put a price on this feeling. Even if Jeff Bezoz and Elon Musk and Richard Branson et al pooled their $$$ it wouldn’t come anywhere near the worth of the MIGHTY DEES winning a PREMIERSHIP!!!!!

    Damn hayfever makes my eyes crying, red and swollen at this time of year ......... you are not helping!

    • Haha 2
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