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Posts posted by dworship

  1. On 9/27/2021 at 7:23 AM, TheWiz said:

    Soooo how long can we leave our stuff up for until our houses get egged?

    I've asked 12 non MFC supporters the question and most have said; after 57 yrs, as long as you like.

    One person said; till preseason starts and I think I'll run with that. Mrs Dw has informed me that the 2 highest flags are never coming down ... ever.


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  2. 3 minutes ago, Darkhorse72 said:

    All I know if that any player that is delisted gets free agency for life.  really up to them where they go depending on the offers.

    That's really my question I guess, can we just offer them a new contract and not delist them?


  3. 14 hours ago, poita said:

    Is that actually the case though? Bradtke was a category B rookie, so I don't think takes a spot on the list. Nietschke was also only a rookie.

    And given that Turner and Declase came in as injury replacements, I'm assuming that we had more players on our list than we would be allowed when Hore & Tomlinson come back off the LTI list. Plus we need to create room for Jordon to go back on the senior list.

    I wouldn't be surprised to see more delistings before the first list lodgement date.

    You've got me confused here, I thought JJ was on the Snr List and is contracted to 2023?

  4. On 9/27/2021 at 9:26 PM, Deestroy All said:

    Yeah I saw that and was surprised you have to get it done so quick. 
    Even for the ones that didn’t play they’d be having an amazing time, what a thud back to earth. 

    We're new to this because we have never been this deep into Sept

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  5. Both Kate Roffey and Trac have referenced the one goal a minute rule proliferated by Lee Mathews. He has said a few times he only felt comfortable as a coach (in the last few minutes) when there were less minutes available than the goals lead. I'm certain the Dogs players would have been looking at the clock in the 3rd and thinking, minute to go only down by 6pts. Lets go to the qtr time break and reset for the final qtr ...... BANG!!!  WTF?

    Hugely demoralizing moment.

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  6. That was almost as funny as reading some of the game day threads.

    My ratings - Media Experts - F

    Demonland Experts - D (with a small apology to Dee Spencer and one or two others who have the occasional insightful opinion)

    Some very ordinary stuff that has not aged well. No doubt the posters of which will make excuses regarding the comments being back in 2020. 20/20 hindsight is a wonderful thing.

    Kudos goes to the development, nurturing, coaching and conditioning team at the MFC that has allowed so many players to understand their role, perform it and not be weighted down by opinion and impatience.

    My Rating of the list - PREMIERS

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  7. 28 minutes ago, DeeSpencer said:

    I thought Fritsch had some fantastic performances as the undersized FF early in the year without Brown or even with Weid instead.

    I think it took a while for Brown and Fritsch to find that chemistry that allowed one of them to be the full forward and the other to slot in to a different slot. But they really worked it out in the last 6 weeks or so.

    It's certainly fair to keep pushing Fritsch to be better defensively and to sometimes hit some ground ball contests with more conviction.

    But I think he chased harder than he's ever chased in the last month or so, and that Brown/Fritsch combination that often sees them lead to different areas certainly reached its peak tonight.

    Praise indeed

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  8. 1 hour ago, Webber said:

    This is an extraordinary historical finding if true, and one that shouldn’t be hidden or run from, but instead given the perspective it deserves. It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if Tom Wills was involved in the murderous reprisals for the Cullin-La-Ringo massacre, which, needless to say, was the worst episode of massed indigenous killings in Australia and woefully unknown to the Australian public. Given the lack of attention given to colonising violence however, no surprise there. Tom did come back to find his family murdered (a reprisal itself for unprovoked murders), and a party was then formed to commit more killings. That much is known. It’s a legitimate question as to his involvement, which makes this information discovery incredibly important, valid or otherwise - that’s for historians. 
                None of it however alters the fact of Tom’s sporting legacy, both before and after, the most extraordinary (other than his co-formation of the game of Australian football) being his subsequent coaching of the first Australian cricket team, all indigenous, who toured England, without him (he was left at home due to his alcoholism) and won. Tom Wills undoubtedly had a relationship with indigenous Australians that was wholly unique at the time, including during his childhood in the Western Districts, where he reportedly (by family history)  had firm friendships with the locals. If part of his later history saw him involved in violent or murderous acts, so be it. Sanitising so-called heroic figures is one of the most insidious aspects of national and cultural story-telling. Tom Wills died after stabbing himself in the heart 3 times with a pair of scissors, in what has been attributed to a likely alcoholic psychosis (biographer Greg de Moore’s assessment). He was a tragic, complex, extraordinary individual, and his impact on Australian sporting cultural history should be widely known. It isn’t. What we don’t have to do is ‘celebrate’ him blindly as a figure of exceptional virtue, as if he couldn’t be capable of potentially (if not likely) violent misbehaviours. His life and legacy should be examined as rigorously as possible. 
              Truth and context will defeat the worst aspects of both whitewashing and cancel culture. Tom Wills had a formative impact on Australia as we know it today. That is undeniable. We should seek to know everything about him, good and bad, and be honest and mature about their inevitable co-existence. And frankly, none of this has anything to do with the Melbourne Football Club as it exists today. 

    Wow, I don't mean this in any derogative way but I didn't know you could be that articulate. Absolute respect for everything you said and the way you said it.

    I'm still a bit sus on the motivations "sugar"


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  9. 15 minutes ago, John Crow Batty said:

    That would be Greg Healy. Not the brother that ditched us.

    Yep, but it wasn't you I was asking but thanks for your input.

    Let's just say I'm cautious of the motivations of someone who hasn't posted before or for a long time under another handle and this is the subject they want to bring up a couple of days out from a GF.

  10. 8 minutes ago, sugar said:

    Nope. Used to be in here under the name Chris, especially during the doping saga. Haven’t posted in ages and the kind remember my password wouldn’t work so signed on other a new email address. Not a troll or dog. The name I picked is the nickname of my fav player as a kid. 

    Who was the player?

  11. 3 hours ago, dee-tox said:

    Agree. I'd have Hunt as the sub.

    Can cover forward and back. The only issue is if one of our midfielders goes down who will replace him? ANB, Angus/Rivers, Kozzie?


    Would be Gus no doubt and then the question might be; JJ to a wing where he has played before or Hunt who has played there before? I'm really warming to Hunt due to pace and experience in other roles.

  12. 2 hours ago, sugar said:

    Hmmmm. Tom Wills is a legendary part of our club and the AFL, that is indisputable, he wrote the rules for crying out loud. It has come to light that he was also involved in the massacre of Indigenous Australians in Queensland. 

    This one is a difficult one to think through how to handle, he should be remembered for his contribution to the sport but at the same time can go to hell for his involvement in attempted genocide.


    Saw the article yesterday, hence the timing, which isn't great given it is Grand Final week.

    Joined yesterday at 1:30 pm, and this is what you choose to post first? I call troll and possibly a Dogs supporter at that.

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