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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Ripper game of footy that one.
  2. The moral of this story: WA and SA could both easily support another side, and Queensland isn't really a football state.
  3. PAUL ROOS: Sam Wiedeman has had 3 of the best spoils for a forward this afternoon. ME:
  4. Well done Frost on that intercept mark and quick play-on to advantage.
  5. Melbourne players too focused on fighting than playing footy. Nathan Jones should wipe that captain's smile off his face.
  6. That Wagner fumble in the forward line directly resulted in the Fremantle goal there. Wagners are kryptonite for smooth fast-handball chains.
  7. The complete and utter lack of a plan in every single thing we do is just so so obvious.
  8. How many times a game do we see Clayton just hoof the ball as far as he can into the forward 50 with no regard for where it's actually gonna end up?
  9. Reasons #1,2,3,4,5 why they should not be played in our back half.
  10. Steven May is just smashing blokes left right and centre right now.
  11. I too am sick of a minority of fools ruining my day at the footy. The same 22 blokes seem to be the culprits every single week and yet it's been going on for years without respite.
  12. His ball drop is too high. It's an easy fix though — just tell him to lose 30cm.
  13. Leaning back too far. Foot should be pointed. Head should be looking at the target. Right arm should be higher. 3/10.
  14. I advise you watch the 3rd quarter of the Semi final, Hawthorn vs Melbourne, 2018 stat.
  15. That fan's chances of re-entering the arena in the next few weeks just went up in a poof of smoke.
  16. An yet when you insert goat DNA into a human, you still get banned! Where's the justice there? P.S. Ew...
  17. It's a good team on paper. I'll say that much.
  18. I too wish Jack Viney was a 195cm midfielder who could kick with both feet. But alas he's not. We work with what we have at Melbourne. At least we have Clayton Oliver.
  19. The fan was heard to have uttered "Pardon me thou lime-green insectoid. Wilt though officiate this parlour-game with greater equity henceforth?"
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