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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. I more or less agree with this Some big decisions coming up on AVB, OSCAR and to a lesser extent BENNELL, Baker may survive! The others are no brainers!
  2. If Spargo plays another game then we really are stuffed.. If we think O MACS one game "Blinder" is promise of things to come?? Think again If we think Max can ruck all day with a Brown as back up ... Think again If Hibberd is not finished .. Then Think again If Nev .. in spite of heroics isn't near the end?? Think again If selling one of the few with Pace "Sam Frost" was a masterstroke... Think again If we think Bailey is a Key Forward.. Think again! If we think Tommy Mac can play..... Think again! IF IF we think Simon Goodwin is the messiah .. who will lead us out of the Desert???? TAKE A TATTSLOTTO TICKET go the bed and wake up to find??? Sheeit I got 20 Cents under my pillow and I never lost any teeth! YEAH.... SHORT CHANGED YET AGAIN!
  3. Deep Purple ( Yes I know all about Smoke on the water) and yes they are still going into there mid 70ts have a New Album ready to go called WHOOSH!! Hauntingly, the VIDEO single taken of the Album is quite staggering given the challenging nature of the planet at this time I urge Demonlanders to check it out on You Tube The single is called THROW MY BONES I would be interested in your comments!! Demonlanders! Cheers PF
  4. I would give my left gonad to get a full copy of the last game at Footscray in 1987!!!! I have the last half but that's it!!
  5. Best message EVER on Demonland. Although we do have disagreements on this site I have come to respect all by virtue that we all want for but one thing.. A long overdue Premiership! Other than that I hope all on this site look after Family, Friends and offer any emotional support we can to all on this and other social media sites! PF
  6. Yeah and if so we are more of a basket case coz we either a Lack players that are smart' b Lack players with skills that are elite!!
  7. thanks Dazzle as always respect your opinions/ Will take another look! Cheers PF ps loved KYSIAHS GAME COULD HAVE KICKED 4
  8. Yep although .. I thought Clarry worked himself into it Vineys best game for Yonks and Langdon == VALUE KYSIAHH REVELATION Mc Donalds can both be Ronald!! SPARGO SHOCKING!
  9. Spargo WHY?? 3 TURNOVER GOALS Not and never will be up to it! Not his fault... MFC Coaching .... down to you SIMON!!
  10. WTF ?????? Not good enough AFL if true massive loss coming up!!
  11. AGREE WEEDS needs to pull his finger Out!
  12. Garbage player How he gets picked in front of a guy with REAL SKILL ..EG .Sparrow and a few others...is fantasyland stuff!!
  13. I know I wouldnt say anything about a certain player so I won't But HTF a slow,no skilled player,that plods gets a game and others with REAL TALENT miss out is perplexing! To say the least. We will go nowhere whilst he is in the team IMV
  14. I dont give a flying fat rats clacker what JV7 Makes of it...... Makes perfect sense Jake Lever, Steven May and Clarry Choo Choo to be the next Gen
  15. I have ALWAYS rated Dazzle as an astute football mind and Guru, heart on sleeve MFC person As an aside, I received a membership and prompt in the mail RF sitting on my shoulder urged me to buy. Nothing else needs to be said! We all struggle in life and this is another test Pass well Demonlanders
  16. On another front you can just bet that Pharmas around the world are all putting in Huge hours trying to be the first to come up with a "Cure all"tablet/anti vaccine!! Will make a MOTZA Massive overeaction.... Till the first Demonlander cops a Dose!!
  17. Finished ... will not play another game!! UNFORTUNATELY
  18. Get him into the pool and on the bike big time...... But I fear.. will never play another game!
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