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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. I picked a fine time to get off the Grog🤪 IN FACT STUFF IT
  2. Juice Newton played in Norwoods premiership a few years ago🤩
  3. My wife has sent me to the home theatre room out back rather than put up with my histrionics and verbals. She is a good woman🤩
  4. Watch Toby Greene do something silly and get reported!
  5. And Rohan typical finals peformance Jeelong are cooked
  6. I hate Jeelong I hope Catman signs himself in for therapy after this!!
  7. DOGHOUSE AND ROHAN laughably SOFT and perenial under achievers in key games! Oh and another SABOD Isaac Smith u backed the wromg horse old hack loser
  8. All and we are not just three bricks in the wall
  9. No to Gunston a BIG YES to Bruest
  10. Dazzle.. u have opened old wounds we gave up Wines for .... Whats his name?
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