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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Typical deflection from Scott about his coaching, his oh so old ageing list, and a lot of his players who are oh so so soft or just not up to it in pressure cooker finals
  2. Karl Amon another sus ranking! LOL IF MAX ISNT THE BEST RUCKMAN GOING AROUND THEN CHAMPION DATA RANKINGS are very very Flawed
  3. I can answer that, the answer is I have seen no discernable difference in the way the game is played BUT players are more aware than ever of running the lines. That is except for Clarry and Trac who are almost untackleable!!
  4. I can definately see him playing round 1 But not at the expense of Viney!
  5. Will Pucovski suffers yet another concussion. Surely now either the powers that be or in his own best interests and accord its time to retire. I just cannot fathom out how a cricketer can get what is it 11 concussions?? Nup thats it young man, please don't play again! Sorry!
  6. Poor Lil puddy cats got a sniffle, hope you feeling better already ! 🤕
  7. Apologies for spelling mistakes and typos in original report. A bit lazy not to check, but I'm just keen to get it out there! No 39 Matt Buntine, this is interesting! anyone any S.P on this development. Have we got a spot left??
  8. LAST WEEK AS YOU RECALL WE LEFT DR. SMITH, THE ROBOT AND WILL ROBINSON LOOKING FOR DR. SMITH'S LOST DENTURES, UNAWARE THAT THEY WOULD SOON BE WHISKED TO AN ENTIRELY ADVENTURE IN TIME AND SPACE. Dr Smith, ""I just knew I put them down over here by this Rock"". Robot, ""Dr. Smith your memory must be fading"". Dr Smith, Silence you Cackling Clod Will Robinson, Here they are Dr, Smith I have found them. Hey Doctor Smith, Robot come over here I have found something else!! Will Robinson '' I remember this this is the Taurons old matter transfer unit, they must have left it behind. Robot " You are correct Will Robinson" Dr. Smith "Matter Transfer unit? How interesting" Robot "DANGER DANGER" Dr. Smith "Silence you interfering incomprehensible bringer of doom" Will Robinson " We better do as he says Dr. Smith Dad said we should not touch any Alien machinery until he has checked it out." Dr. Smith " It all looks very simple, push a button here , turn a dial there" Adjusts levers Zoooom Tish, Zappppppp Weird sounds all of a sudden a mazer beam envelops the Robot and He Vanishes Will Robinson, ROBOT ROBOT Dr. Smith "What have I done" oh the pain, the pain! LATER ROBOT WHERE AM I WHAT IS THIS PLACE ?????? Casey Fields?? I must have overloaded my servo mechanism and are in some trance, Whoah who goes there??? Picket Fence " I know you your the Robot from Lost in Space, Yes but where am I and who are you" I'm known as Picket Fence I come down and watch The Mighty Melbourne Demons and file training reports ROBOT ''It does not compute" Picket Fence "" Look I've read the Script Your gonna be Ok Robot "You''ve read the Script??? Picket Fence "Yeah I've read the script and what happens is Don, Will and Professor Robinson will replicate the sequence from the Taurons matter Transfer unit and in about an hour or so you will be whisked back to Priplanus" So hang out with me and I'll talk you through what I do, Tell you what can you do dictation?? Robot "Affirmative" Ok start dictating:- Picket Fence ventures to Casey fields to file this report. Fresh Breeze sprung up today coming from the Sth. West some modifications when kicking into the cross breeze were evident but all in all not a bad day out in Casey. Solid 3 plus hour session again with quite a few highlights and observations. NO SHOWS MAJAK DAW, HARRISON PETTY, and I also didn't see JAKE MELKSHAM MODIFIED DUTIES T. MAC, ANB, CHARLIE SPARGO (although they all took part in Running drills) SKILLS, DRILLS AND MANOUVERS DRILL 1 Small ball work in close formation emphasizing correct option and skill drill under pressure in disposing of ball DRILL 2 Running through cones strategically placed and turning and disposing of ball under pressure DRILL 3 Goal kicking Drill from every concievable match dynamic and distance, included inside shots outside shots, trick shots running and pinging from variety of angles, coaches presenting ball from setups and all with clear intention of practicing and perfecting routines from almost any situation. DRILL 4 Methodical Diamond ball press using the old diamond configuration but whole ground, running in threes and fours handballing, overlapping, precision handballs and kicks to next group in the diamond formation, Like a very advanced and technologically hyped Circle work for want of a better understanding. This was clinical, precise with barely and funble and it was done at High Velocity. DRILL 5 3 QUARTERS OF WHOLE MATCH SIMS WITH AFL UMPIRES DRILLS 6 A, B, C Small group work on stoppages, Boundary work and kicking and handball practicals. PLAYER WATCH MAX, CLARRY, JV, JAKE LEVER, STEVEN MAY, BBB, BAILEY FRITSCH, TRACC All "Brilliant"" As usual really you only have to take a look at what the strong inner core do just relentlessly day in day out they just do no rest on laurels they keep driving the perfection bus so tight that it sits flawlessly on superb conditioning and just the expectation that hard work and dilligence are the cornerstones of success. ANDY MONIZ-WAKEFIELD Wow what a dynamo, absolutely provided the highlight of the day when he took possesion rover like on the wing, assessed options, delivered long, sprinted forward, recived the ball back again and crashed a classy goal. Will play in 2022 SAM WEIDEMAN Probably as involved in match sims as I have seen him, kicked a couple of goals marked around the ground and was non to shabby in the ruck vs Max when called on. Can see some tangible improvements ED LANGDON Played on Fraser Rosman and I though Fraser did some very nice things, Ed Langdon just runs all day and gathers possesions at will JAMES JORDON Was very good today linking up creating play and ran all day, I thought that for the last two weeks that TOM SPARROW has been more impressive, but today James was very telling. TAJ WOEWODIN Noticed him a bit more today, he fiited in well uses the ball well and seems to be finding his feet a lot more. Similarly DANIEL TURNER, and BLAKE HOWES trained impressively and clearly as their confidence builds there form will create excellent and robust jostling for spots in the senior team. LUKE DUNSTAN Copped a knock or two but continues to impress with his zeal and attack on the ball. Disposal has been questioned but for mine he uses it thoughfully and with good skill. JACOB VAN ROOYEN Not as prominent today but still looks likely to take a freak mark or snap a cool goal. Will keep a closer eye on him in coming months HARMSY Probably for me was highlight no 2 where he got the ball in heavy traffic, powered his was out and kicked an inspirational goal for the Red side when they really needed it OSKAR BAKER He also was influential in the play today got the ball mused his pace and disposed of it very well. FINAL THOUGHTS Gus trained without a helmet😁 and looked good, there was a player no 39 but have no idea who he was!?? Another full on session and it is clear that the levels of professionalism continue to rise and that that infectious will to win as derived from our player cohort, continues to drive up standards to another level. I can see tangible warmth, empathy, and collegiality among then player and coaching fraternity and this points to a period of sustained success. There will be no premiership hangovers at M.F.C You can bank on it. Did you get al that Robot?? Robot "Afirmative" And just like that. one minute he was here then ""Whoosh"" He was Gone, it was all after all in the Script! ""I WISH I KNEW WHERE I WANTED TO BE WHEN I WANTED TO BE WHERE I WAS TODAY"" P.F
  9. What an absolute pathetic excuse. Game should not have gone ahead! Disgraceful whingefest
  10. Any view is better than nothing, but it would be beneficial to sit at a better vantage piont say elevated seats ground level dressing room side
  11. I find it totally amazing that crowds are welcome at Casey Fields for the womens series, but gates are locked and I cannot get into Casey Fields to watch training, having to obtain a second hand view from outside the fence. I'm often the ONLY person there. Also you see contractors working inside the ground at these times as well. I'm triple vacced and wear a mask. Staggering really!
  12. I will be back on Friday for another Training report! Also T. MAC on the bike would seem to substantiate the injury suffered last Friday. Will post Friday Arvo all being well. P.F
  13. When Barassi left Melbourne to go to Carlton I was a kid and I cried for days. If Clayton Oliver went anywhere but Melbourne Id cry for years.
  14. Hello Uncle, Im not writing Weeds of by any stretch but Van Rooyen looks very good! Majak also looks impressive on the track. DEPTH DEPTH and more will complement an already potent and exciting list🤩
  15. Van Rooey is Nick Reiwoldt like in his lead up patterns and already cat like reflexes. He looks the type that creates something from nothing and although raw looks to be an astute pick up. As iterated can clunk marks and likes to take front positioning
  16. Majak is the fittest he has been for some time, his elevation to the Senior side will be no surprise to me😁
  17. "Come up and see me make me SMMMILLE , I'll do what you want, Running Wiiillld" Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel! Great Cool Tune check it out ya all! 😁
  18. Answering a few enquiries, Joel Smith played well in defence and Moniz Wakefield has been training really well. Not quite as prominent today. If T Mac is injured Id almost go with MAJAK. Interestingly Clarry, Jack V and Tracc ALWAYS play in the same teamtoday it was blue, also tellingly Lever and May also only play in the same team and today it was Red. You cannot get into the ground so my view is always from outside the Fence looking in at ground level. Would LUURVE to sit elevated in the stand but No Dice with COVID. Two other people were watching training. Cheers PF
  19. CAPTAINS LOG STARTDATE 422022 We have found ourselves stuck in timewarp and are seeing visions of something not yet identified. Captain Kirk. "Spock it seems we are trapped in a time warp from which we may never return"! Spock . "A time warp from which we may never return? Why Captain, I can't believe my ears"! Captain Kirk " Neither can we Spock", Neither can we"! Uhura "Captain I’m getting a voice message from somewhere called Casey Fields. From someone or something called Picket Fence"! Captain Kirk "Picket Fence sounds like a Romulan! Put it on speaker!” Training notes almost a three three and a half hour training session, a few casualties crackle crackle BANG CRACKLE STATIC Uhura "I'm losing him … “ Captain Kirk “A three and a half hour training session? Bones what do you make of it"? Bones McCoy" Sounds brutal some sort of games are played requiring levels of conditioning which go far beyond human endurance. Must be super fit!" Spock “Captain I’ve run a scan and it seems this Picket Fence is a native of planet Earth and attends training conducted by Melbourne Football Club, as a sort of Scribe" Kirk "Fascinating. Keep communique channels open Uhura Spock, Bones, Lets Beam down and find out more, Scotty get ready to beam us down.” Scotty "Aye aye Captain but I'm not sure the Dilithium Crystals can take too much more'"! Mr. Sulu " Captain there is a strange figure crew cut with a beard starting to materialize holding something in his hand" WTF IS IT? STAND BY Uhura "Captain, I’ve downloaded this Picket Fence summary, I'll put it through computer and relay, NOW” Arrived at training at 9.15 for what turned out to be a marathon training session lasting over 3 hours probably closer to 3 and a half and was it a brutal and punishing session. No beg pardons about training loads and INTENSITY. In fact I can't ever recall a longer or tougher session There were several notable injuries throughout which I will get to. A brisk wind was blowing down the ground towards the south end and although fine this contributed marginally to some skill errors by foot. REHAB Mitch Brown who ran a lot and hit the bike INJURIES Spargy went down after a hit to the head and was escorted of not to be seen again. Mild concussion a possibility. T Mac went down and limped of the ground with what could be an ankle injury. Both these occured in Simulated Match Practice. Then just near the end of training Trac was being attended to by a trainer/Doctor by what could have been a lower leg possibly ankle injury. He too walked gingerly of the ground but was not escorted by training staff. Hopefully all are minor. SKILLS , DRILLS AND MANOUVERS Drill 1 Possesion kick and weave In formation Drill 2 Full match simulations RED VS BLUE 4 QUARTERS of about 20 mins each Drill 3 a Tackling practice 3 b One on one grappling push of and then kick to leading player 3 reps by each pitted one on one player 3 c short kick handball and corridor football type style drill in small space 3 d Running running and more running. MATCH SIMULATIONS AND PLAYER WATCH CLARRY CYBORG Just cannot be stopped hence name Cyborg not being disrepectful, he is just like an indestructible man, again he just takes on the tackler and is impossible to stop, runs all day tank just got bigger and disposals are elite KADE CHANDLER Will clearly press for a place this year his skills and pace are major weapons and he knows where the goals are JACOB VAN ROOYEN Blink and he's gone, he is very elusive and not dissimilar to Bailey Fritta. He also took a magnificent contested mark from 20 out and duly converted. MAJAK DAW was respectable in the ruck vs Max and his work around the ground and in stoppages was very good. Also took a strong contested mark about 30 out and converted. JAKE BOWEY Has found another gear and continues to use the ball well and in my view is already better than Caleb Daniel which say plenty! FRASER ROSMAN Was pitted against Ed Langdon and got plenty of quality ball. is noticeably fitter this year. MICHAEL HIBBERD as hard as a cat’s head. Just does not know when to quit was prominent in match sims TOBY BEDFORD Was eye catching with some of his moves dazzling with pace and flamboyance - might be a wild card this year. DEAKIN SMITH Very steady in back half, never flustered and has telescopic arms. DAN TURNER ditto! STEVEN MAY and JAKE LEVER are rarely beaten and know each other’s games so well, it appears a telepathy exists among them BBB Watch out if he stays fit we might have a 70-80 goal Key Forward. Clunked marks, Kicked goals and roams far and wide. BLAKE HOWES, JUDD MC VIE, BAILEY LAURIE, All flashed into the play with deft hands and very precise disposal. MAX, JACK V, CHRISTIAN S all were their usual excellent selves. LUKE DUNSTAN The more I see of him the more I think he plays very similarly to Stephen Powell. Gets in good positions and his disposal is very good. SAM WEIDEMAN Took one great contested grab in the square and converted and did several useful things JAMES JORDAN AND TOM SPARROW Both had there fair share of the ball and used intelligently and tellingly. ADAM TOMLINSON Making some big strides one or two errors but a very solid game I thought. FINAL THOUGHTS As iterated this was as hard a session that I have seen and it proves one thing to me … that the defence of the Premiership is foremost in the minds of the players and coaches who clearly want mo more. There are just no passengers in this team and the healthy competition being created builds a strong unified culture of excellence. No beg pardons, No shortcuts, just hard relentless footy played at breakneck intensity. Welcome back we are hear to ROCK AND ROLL P.F Meanwhile back on the Enterprise Mr Sulu. ''That figure is materialising, I've seen his face before its ITS MAX GAWN and what's he holding""?? Captain Kirk " It looks like a cup a trophy of some sort and whats that number on it Spock. "2022!!! FASCINATING"!! Captain Kirk "WE MUST LEARN MORE"!
  20. I'll be back with another training report Tomorrow for all u special Demonlanders!! Cheers P.F
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