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Stiff Arm

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Everything posted by Stiff Arm

  1. Agreed. Conversion has been poor all year. Now its catching up on us. We are incredibly wasteful of the great work our backline has been doing
  2. Really? Been following us long? Season is far from cooked. We can turn this around.
  3. Jackson for Weid. Probably won't occur, but needs to. Would like to see Bowey in somewhere. Max was underwhelming this week, only 2 marks.
  4. We need to deliver well to our forwards and give up the blazing long bombs
  5. Outclassed by the better team. As is usual, we made the least of our terrible inside 50s. Doggies overlap and clean hands were a lesson for us to take note of Had a poor month, no doubt. We can do better.
  6. We were schooled by the dogs. They were better for most of the night
  7. ANB and Jackson will be lucky to keep their spot next week
  8. Would it be possible for Jackson to play in front in a marking contest? Not an unreasonable request I'd have thought
  9. Harmes dumb. Of course Libba was going to drop low
  10. Must be doing something right as we have been top for most of the year. But hey, I guess you knew that Haters gonna hate, I suppose
  11. News just in: Umpire regrets giving Melbourne a free that resulted in a goal
  12. For all our efforts we've made up 1 goal since half time Theirs have come too easily
  13. Hate to say it, but Schache is doing well in defence
  14. Blazing away with no awareness is killing me!
  15. Someone get the hell on Daniel and stay with him!!!
  16. Too easy for the dogs. Their overlap creating easy goals
  17. Pressure good this quarter. Keep it up and they will crack
  18. Goodwin at half time: "we missed a couple of shot that we usually would've got." Really? Since when?
  19. Is Spargo playing tonight? Asking for a friend...
  20. Remind me again, why did we recruit Ben Brown???
  21. I counted 3 frees to us in that passage. Result: goal dogs
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