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Stiff Arm

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Everything posted by Stiff Arm

  1. Obviously he has Andrew in WA playing for Freo and I believe Hamish is captain of a WAFL club. There's also extended family in WA. The Brayshaw name has a rich sporting history in that state. But yes, Gus' parents live in Victoria.
  2. What??? The umpire was standing still and front on to Green, who walked straight at him. Made enough contact to cause the ump to take two steps back and to the side. The umpire turning was a result of the momentum from being pushed on the side by Green. At the end of the day, the umpire was standing still and it's 100% Green's responsibility to move around him and not make contact. Should be 4 weeks minimum. He'll get off.
  3. No one wants to trade Gus. Nevertheless we can put up some suggestions without being shut down, right? He is very close with Andrew at Freo and has extended family in WA. Doesn't mean he will go to WA because of that, just that it could be an influence. I'm yet to read those shutting down this discussion put up valid hypothetical alternatives. Having said that, we have much bigger fish to fry today Go Dees! On that we can all agree
  4. Cerra would only be behind Clarry, Trac and Max in our midfield/centreline and he's 21. His best is yet to come. That's a massive plus.
  5. Ok AF, so if Cerra were to nominate us and Freo sussed out Gus we'd say 'thanks but no thanks', not available because it will compromise our "togetherness"??? Hey Freo, how about a crap 2nd rounder and a bunch of fringe players? ...Rhetorical comment, of course I doubt he will be traded, but stranger things have happened during trade week. IMO Cerra is a good step up from Gus and would definitely improve us.
  6. The hardest thing to open is a closed mind. Maybe he won't be traded, however only a handful are untradable. Gus is not on that list. Gus has a bro at Freo and family in WA.
  7. Answer this: If, if Cerra nominated us and a contract amount was agreed upon by MFC, what would we be prepared to give up? Is he a better option on the wing than Gus? Would our current 2nd (Brisbane?) and future 1st get it done? Can't see Weid wanting to head west
  8. Gus + our 2022 1st rounder??? Edit. That would be Gus and pick around 18. What did we pay for Lever? Did it end up being a pick 10 and 18?
  9. Average game. Cats look spent, Port don't look great either. Hopefully cats go in straight sets. I reckon we can handle Port. Cover Aliir, Wines and a couple of others and they are rank
  10. Daniel Rich is the one that really worries me. His distribution off half back has been incredible this year. Will Viney go to him?
  11. Or dare I say it.... double vaxxed to get into an AFL venue! I've had 2 x AZ so I'm all for it, once the vax has been made available to all. We could have a 'Demonland Double Vax' section in the stands! Or maybe not... 🤔
  12. Hey binman, Alternative list of legal examples in the next post I put up. I just think that incentivising people to get the jab works better that denying them basic societal rights, such as public health care. Those who could be swayed may not think about requiring hospital treatment, especially if they are in 16-29 age bracket. But restrict their work (as opposed to leave entitlements), deny access to the pub and dangle a big mac in front of them... could change a lot of young people's minds! Bloody hope so!
  13. True, daisycutter. But the 'no vax, no trade work' policy in Western Sydney has worked to get more tradies vaxed. Soon there will be a bunch of aged care workers pooing their pants and joining the queue before the deadline. A lot of western countries are plateauing out at around 60%, which isn't good enough. Without knowing the stats, I reckon there would be a further 20-30% who are fence sitters or can't be bothered because 'covid wont affect me'. Give them an incentive beyond their health and it will change them. I can't work without it, can't go to a concert or the footy, can't go to the pub/supermarket/place of worship/hairdresser/cafe. Plus if I get a shot I get a free big mac, or ticket in the lotto, or 3 paid hours off work! Then there are the 5% hard core anti vaxxers. Maybe they should start their own independent country 🤔 😎
  14. Very true, titan. The list of legal risky behaviour could go on for a long time, though. Not apples with apples re covid vax obviously, but still worthy of public medical care: - climbing ladders aged above 50, big on the list of trauma presentation to hospitals. I know a GP who jokes that it should be illegal for men of this age to own ladders - riding a push bike down a busy road - rock fishing, 192 Oz deaths since 2004. The Darwinian Awards are a classic for this. It's human nature to take risks and sometimes make very bad choices. I know I've made a few dumb ones in my life (thanks tequila...) IMO denying access to activities similar to Canada would work to get us to 80+%. Plus some financial incentives in one form or another, eg free maccas meal. Perhaps its compulsory in order to attend a workplace. Unfortunately, a lot of unvaxxed fence sitters need a reason beyond their health to get it done
  15. Ross Lyon was asked about his relationship with Cerra on FC last night. Played a straight bat, not a lot of confirmation, which gave me a glimmer of hope that the Blues led by Lyon might be a disincentive to Cerra. Would be hard for us to land Cerra, but if he were to nominate MFC we'd surely find a way Seriously good footballer, would only be behind Clarry and Trac in our midfield order, and still so young
  16. La Dee, don't for a minute think I'm not as angry as the next person about anti vaxxers. Unfortunately humans have a right to be stupid
  17. You do realise that a recruiters job is to spend the whole year dealing with other recruiters, players and managers to suss out potential trades? They won't pause simply because we made the finals, quite the opposite. We are a destination club and Freo are on holidays. I say go hard, keep it quiet, as you say, and let's see if Cerra really wants success.
  18. People make stupid choices on an all too regular basis, doesn’t mean we exclude them from accessing public health care (which their taxes also contribute towards). Should we also restrict health care for those who fail to wear a seatbelt, or whose BAC is over .05, or swim outside the flags at the beach? Or, god forbid, play contact sports such as football? Of course I'm being a bit facetious with that one Who decides where we draw the line? Happy-clappy ScoMo? No thanks. Exclusions from day-to-day activities should be enough of a penalty. And hopefully enough of an incentive to get the jab.
  19. Current 2nd rounder (is that tied to Hawks?) plus future 1st? Not enough? Player plus future 1st? Who and what gets it done?
  20. Maybe Carlton are the only team that have the right pick/s for Freo and can 'find' the cap space to pay him??? Freo reportedly offered him 2 or 4 year deal on very good coin, so I don't think the Blues' offer is necessarily much different.
  21. https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/blues-the-frontrunners-as-cerra-tells-dockers-he-wants-to-move-home-20210824-p58lhh.html This article indicates we could be another possible home for him. Would have to give up something good to get something good. Cerra is a seriously good player, and still young. He would be a brilliant addtion to our midfield mix
  22. Pendles will turn 34 in first week of January. I question if there's even one season left in the tank. He's one calf strain away from the knackery. I like the look of Karl Amon on a wing for us. Chain him to Langers and build his tank over the preseason. A classy left footer.
  23. Tackles inside 50 Melb: 20, Geelong: 6 Excellent pressure.
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