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Posts posted by Wrecker46

  1. Face Palm reactions are for cowardly posters who can't construct an argument.

    I got 4 face palms in one post and counting...

    Not one of the posters bothered to say why. 

    If you like something; the like button is great if you disagree with something just explain why.

    Cowards hide behind the face Palm when they dislike something and can't articulate why.

    • Like 1
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    • Facepalm 9
  2. 3 minutes ago, binman said:

    Well, there is only one part that is possible to agree or disagree with:

    • When you say the NSW government were "lucky" because of the geographical location of the outbreak, you are putting blinkers on. The NSW government take in the majority of overseas travellers in their quarantine for the rest of the country. Victoria take in a minor share and still keep going into lockdown. There is no luck about it.

    And obviously i disagree with this, given you are rebutting my argument. That said i do agree NSW have taken more than their fair share of the quarantine burden.

    To agree or disagree with rest of your post would confer some measure of credibility to comments that are simply ludicrous conspiracy wonk. I mean Harold Holt?

    In any case, let's agree to disagree on this topic Wrecker. Life's too short to get into back and forths where there is little chance of either of us being persuaded of the other position. Let's stick to the footy

    The Harold Halt  comparison was in jest because he went missing and there were all sorts of conspiracy theories.

    Dan Andrews has gone missing and there are lots of conspiracy theories going around.


    • Shocked 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Diamond_Jim said:

    when we all look back at these border restrictions and wonder how we got to such a situation I wonder what will stand out as the silliest.

    Seems to me that that the SA response to visiting footballers is way up there as a single instance. Mind you the masks while driving which I think was WA was also close.

    I'm fast giving up on any form of reason or nuance being used in this area.

    I liked what Dr Allen Cheng said in his press press conference when asked about outdoor community transmitions.

    During lockdown 2 there could have been an outdoor transmitions but it also could have occured at an outdoor wedding where patrons used the same indoor toilets. What are the odds?

    Victorians still need to wear masks outdoors though

  4. 19 hours ago, binman said:

    Not wanting to single you out jaded, but is a widely held view that, in my opinion does not hold up to scrutiny. 

    The Northern beaches stated with a single transmission and very soon the much vaunted NSW contract tracing team were not able to keep up and lockdown was called for only days after the first case.

    By the end of the outbreak 151 cases were linked to the cluster and the lockdown had lasted 3 weeks. This despite it being relatively small population, a population that does not move around greater Sydney much, minimal exposure sites and a contained location with natural boundaries.

    And that lockdown happened over the XMAS period so businesses were smashed and families separated. 

    As anyone who knows that part of Sydney, the NSW government was extremely lucky the outbreak was in the Northern beaches, not say the west of Sydney (which is geographically very similar to Melbourne). Our equivalent might have been an out break on the Morning Peninsula, which could be isolated in a matter of hours if needed. 

    Our current outbreak (which largely came from leak from a SA hotel) is almost exactly the same in number, yet we are out of lockdown in two weeks. And we have huge population, hundreds of exposure sites, a highly transient population in terms of movement around the city and basically no natural boundaries.

    Really, by any measure Victoria's contract tracing and related responses (eg exposure sites) has been extraordinary in this current outbreak. 

    It is worth noting that we had the Black Rock cluster that was related the Northern beaches outbreak and we only had a brief lockdown. WA had a lockdown as did SA, after very low numbers. The one in WA cost the dockers and eagles millions. 

    People made fun of the restrictions SA put on the pies and cats going into their state, were amazed at the hard lock down WA applied, shocked in the hard line Qld have taken this time to travel from Victoria etc et. That is all examples of very risk averse state governments 

    The NZ government has had a couple of snap lockdowns after very low numbers

    And the bleating from the Liberal party in Victoria is completely hollow, becuase they would have made exactly the same decision to lockdown if in government. 

    The problem is that as a country we have decided to implement an elimination strategy. Not a suppression strategy, an elimination strategy. I'm amazed Andrews and co have not pointed this out previously, but finally Sutton did so on Tuesday

    As Sutton said, we can't 'grumble along with one or two cases a day' and live the life we have been living (full pubs, everyone back in the office, 50k at the footy, packed trains. Because the numbers would eventually explode. As they have in Taiwan, a country that is also taking an elimination strategy.

    In that scenario eventually restrictions have to come into place that as Bing points out has been a feature of much of the world whilst we go about our covid free lives.

    There is not one example in the world of a country that has been able to effectively implement a suppression strategy. We have called our strategy suppression but that is bollocks. Arguably there is no such thing as it eventually gets away from health authorities.  The only two real strategies are elimination or stem the tide/minimise the impact. 

    Even if they are not pure lockdown like we had last year (which in an case lots of countries have had of course), if there are enough restrictions it doesn't look much different. 

    We can't have our cake and eat it too. Enjoy the benefits of no covid in our community and put up with the risk of lockdowns. Or accept living with covid and risk not living covid free (eg masks everywhere, all the time, no live sport etc etc).

    We have collectively chosen the former. And so have to accept lockdown are likely to occur.

    Of course the big problem is that it is dead obvious that a key plank of the elimination strategy should have been a war time like focus on national vaccination program with a super ambitious goal to say to vaccinate 80% of the population by Easter, or 1 July 2021 or some such. Call a national holiday to celebrate, once achieved.

    Which of course would have been hard, but not having covid in the community and all the testing infrastructure in place gave us a huge opportunity other countries haven't.

    Yesterday Seattle became the first major city in America to fully vaccinate 70% of residents 12 and up against COVID-19.

    Fully vaccinate - so two shots for everyone over the age of 12. Seattle is not much smaller than Melbourne for Pete's sake!

    I'll save my anger for the federal government. 

    When you say the NSW government were "lucky" because of the geographical location of the outbreak, you are putting blinkers on.

    The NSW government take in the majority of overseas travellers in their quarantine for the rest of the country. Victoria take in a minor share and still keep going into lockdown. There is no luck about it.

    Dan Andrews is the first premier / prime minister to go missing since Harold Halt. 3 photos so far. You can't possibly tell me the 2nd photo wasn't photo shopped? Look at the neck.

    The ambulance statement didn't even match the dates with Dan's tweets. They also said at the bottom of their unsigned statement that they would not provide further statement. That was in bold. Until they realised they got the date wrong and made a further statement.


    • Haha 3
    • Facepalm 1
  5. On 6/9/2021 at 7:05 PM, Dr. Gonzo said:

    I don't think they are really worried about the teachers - it's all the parents mingling/hanging around during drop off/pick up time especially primary schools.

    They should put a restriction on active wear at school drop offs. Would be more effective than face masks.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  6. 12 minutes ago, binman said:

    Not wanting to single you out jaded, but is a widely held view that, in my opinion does not hold up to scrutiny. 

    The Northern beaches stated with a single transmission and very soon the much vaunted NSW contract tracing team were not able to keep up and lockdown was called for only days after the first case.

    By the end of the outbreak 151 cases were linked to the cluster and the lockdown had lasted 3 weeks. This despite it being relatively small population, a population that does not move around greater Sydney much, minimal exposure sites and a contained location with natural boundaries.

    And that lockdown happened over the XMAS period so businesses were smashed and families separated. 

    As anyone who knows that part of Sydney, the NSW government was extremely lucky the outbreak was in the Northern beaches, not say the west of Sydney (which is geographically very similar to Melbourne). Our equivalent might have been an out break on the Morning Peninsula, which could be isolated in a matter of hours if needed. 

    Our current outbreak (which largely came from leak from a SA hotel) is almost exactly the same in number, yet we are out of lockdown in two weeks. And we have huge population, hundreds of exposure sites, a highly transient population in terms of movement around the city and basically no natural boundaries.

    Really, by any measure Victoria's contract tracing and related responses (eg exposure sites) has been extraordinary in this current outbreak. 

    It is worth noting that we had the Black Rock cluster that was related the Northern beaches outbreak and we only had a brief lockdown. WA had a lockdown as did SA, after very low numbers. The one in WA cost the dockers and eagles millions. 

    People made fun of the restrictions SA put on the pies and cats going into their state, were amazed at the hard lock down WA applied, shocked in the hard line Qld have taken this time to travel from Victoria etc et. That is all examples of very risk averse state governments 

    The NZ government has had a couple of snap lockdowns after very low numbers

    And the bleating from the Liberal party in Victoria is completely hollow, becuase they would have made exactly the same decision to lockdown if in government. 

    The problem is that as a country we have decided to implement an elimination strategy. Not a suppression strategy, an elimination strategy. I'm amazed Andrews and co have not pointed this out previously, but finally Sutton did so on Tuesday

    As Sutton said, we can't 'grumble along with one or two cases a day' and live the life we have been living (full pubs, everyone back in the office, 50k at the footy, packed trains. Because the numbers would eventually explode. As they have in Taiwan, a country that is also taking an elimination strategy.

    In that scenario eventually restrictions have to come into place that as Bing points out has been a feature of much of the world whilst we go about our covid free lives.

    There is not one example in the world of a country that has been able to effectively implement a suppression strategy. We have called our strategy suppression but that is bollocks. Arguably there is no such thing as it eventually gets away from health authorities.  The only two real strategies are elimination or stem the tide/minimise the impact. 

    Even if they are not pure lockdown like we had last year (which in an case lots of countries have had of course), if there are enough restrictions it doesn't look much different. 

    We can't have our cake and eat it too. Enjoy the benefits of no covid in our community and put up with the risk of lockdowns. Or accept living with covid and risk not living covid free (eg masks everywhere, all the time, no live sport etc etc).

    We have collectively chosen the former. And so have to accept lockdown are likely to occur.

    Of course the big problem is that it is dead obvious that a key plank of the elimination strategy should have been a war time like focus on national vaccination program with a super ambitious goal to say to vaccinate 80% of the population by Easter, or 1 July 2021 or some such. Call a national holiday to celebrate, once achieved.

    Which of course would have been hard, but not having covid in the community and all the testing infrastructure in place gave us a huge opportunity other countries haven't.

    Yesterday Seattle became the first major city in America to fully vaccinate 70% of residents 12 and up against COVID-19.

    Fully vaccinate - so two shots for everyone over the age of 12. Seattle is not much smaller than Melbourne for Pete's sake!

    I'll save my anger for the federal government. 

    Binman stick to your footy strategy posts where you are insightful 

    • Facepalm 4
  7. I just watched today's press conference. They don't know what variant the latest 4 cases have but will continue to ease the restrictions (good). A week ago the Delta strain was so bad they had to extend the 7 day circuit breaker.

    These clowns just make it up as they go along.


    • Like 2
    • Facepalm 2
  8. 5 hours ago, Supermercado said:

    My favourite is the 2000 Qualifying Final. Five goals down late in the third quarter, hit the lead late, lose the lead, then get it back and go on to win (relatively) comfortably against a side that beat us by 98 points a few weeks earlier.

    As a young fella (back then) I remember rushing home so my family could sit in front of the tv and watch the replay

    • Love 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Supreme_Demon said:

    Credit needs to go to all the MFC coaches at the moment.

    However, we are only half way through the AFL season at the moment and still have a long, long way to go!

    Loving the work done by Mark "Choco" Williams in particular. I am glad that the Demons players have responded well to him especially as he is known for his eccentricity.


    Nevertheless, Mark "Choco" Williams is a quality football person and to have him at the Melbourne Football Club is brilliant.

    Incidentally, I found this great interview that Mark "Choco" Williams did last year with Corey McKernan on his 'Fork In The Road' YouTube channel. Well worth watching if you have some spare time to do so.

    Here is the link:

    I am a bit biased but I hope we can keep Mark "Choco" Williams at the Demons for many, many years to come. He is an amazing coach and mentor and it is wonderful to have someone of his calibre assisting Simon Goodwin, Adem Yze, Troy Chaplin and the other coaching staff as well as all the Demons players.

    The best bit is when Choko talks about how Collingwood lost players because they promised too much salary to everyone.


    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Superunknown said:

    How would you elect a CHO/CMO. Do you think the general public are capable of this.

    I don’t.

    AFAIK CHOs at state level apply for a job and go through an employment process.

    And why stop there - let’s have the public elect high court judges.

    I'd do it on merit.

    In South Australia the CHO told them to duck and cover if a football comes into the crowd. They also shut the state down because of a pizza box on her advise.

    In Victoria we have Socialist Sutton who loves the limelight as much as a lockdown.

    In NSW they have a CHO who seems to understand risk and gives advise accordingly. They are doing the heavy lifting in regards to bringing expats back into the country and don't have lockdowns like us. This new evil strain apparently came from NSW but they are not in lockdown.

  11. 9 minutes ago, old dee said:

    The thing that annoys me the most about the covid era of the last 18 months is I cannot plan anything.

    Overseas holidays are out and even trying to plan an interstate trip is difficult as you know with your Alice springs plan. WE had a small family get together planned for last weekend Ha ha. My wife said to me yesterday as soon as we are allowed out lets do a road trip. I said where to? reply anywhere I am so tired of being stuck in a 5 - 10 km radius of home. We are fortunate we are retired and don't have the work problems that most have. I have always been a planner and not being able to plan is leaving me unhappy as well as all the other crap called staying alive.

    First world problems. I can't even plan a trip to the local pub.

    • Like 1
  12. 15 minutes ago, Grr-owl said:

    A bloke near my folk's refuses to wear a mask. 

    I don't bother if I'm not near anyone outdoors. If I see someone coming I put one on. 

    I'm in regional Vic with no cases here during any of the 4 lockdowns.

    When I go to a cafe or restaurant I can sit indoors without a mask. If I get caught outdoors with no mask I can get arrested. It makes no sense. All the transmissions overwhelmingly occur indoors.





  13. 4 minutes ago, Macca said:

    Well the reason the disease got out of control the first time was the outbreak from the cruise liners berthed in Sydney

    People with the disease were allowed to simply walk off the boat

    Then we had the farcical quarantine blunder in Victoria where amongst other broken safeguards,  security staff were freely mingling with those who had disease

    The lockdown in February was caused by a broken quarantine measure up North ... not long after, the disease hit Victoria again

    And now this latest outbreak came from SA where a person who didn't have the disease was residing in a quarantine hotel right next door to people who did have the disease.  Caught the disease and then spread the disease throughout Melbourne

    The same thing happened in Perth last week but luckily that person remained in quarantine before mingling with the rest of society.  The WA Govt got lucky

    All presided over by various governments from both sides of politics

    It pays not to take sides Wrecker.  Unless you're good at defending the indefensible

    The Vic Govt are the worst though.  I've got no faith that they are going to get it right

    It's funny (sad) how all the states get a cheif health officer (unelected) that gives the "health advise" the government want.

  14. 11 hours ago, Macca said:


    Fingers crossed we get on top of it all but the overseas models tell us that countries who come out of lockdown too early end up going back into lockdown as the numbers explode again


    Australia has a moat around it. NSW take the lion share of overseas travellers in quarantine. They don't keep going into lockdown. 

    The Australian moat modelling show that every other state has been locked down for 6 days on average.



    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  15. Oliver is by far the most improved player.

    We talk about selflessness and I am not saying he was selfish but he is selfless now. 

    When a game is in doubt he just goes into beast mode. You know he is going to start dragging us up.

    Lots of others have improved but from a much lower base. Oliver has improved from already being our best player. That is what champions do.


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