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Posts posted by Demon_Tingles

  1. If my third bout of surgery on my ankle is successful then I will return however at this stage I can barely run more than 50 metres let alone play but to all new guys get down there it is a fantastic day had by all. Also dazzle may come back and kick a few more snags. Very good to watch

  2. Speculation however I think we will be ahead of a few other clubs if we make a move for him soon. Carlton are tied up with savage and a few others collingwood with karnezis and jesse white and hawthorn with longer. If we really do want him then we need to act soon. Not saying he'll have the afl after him but being proactive is the best way to combat other clubs interest.

  3. As I said I don't disagree with you at all. My original post was just to ask people who literally only come on here to comment hack or spud to add something worthwhile to the thread, Unfortunately when the MFC declares pick 2 on the table and after a week of no info then people are always going to make something up and try to create a rumour.

  4. That is fair but isn't trade week on here mostly BS if we cut out supposed sources and rumours this page would be 5 comments long. As you stated there is newspapers twitter facebook and more for rumours so why would this be any different? No matter what people try this time of year will always encourage rumours and BS in fact im tipping 1 in every 500 posts on here from supposed sources turns out to be true. That's just the way it is here. I don't disagree with you at all just stating that no matter what this time of the year is always full of BS no matter where you go to look

  5. Also let us be honest about the position this club is in ... There is not much chance of us luring an out and out star to this football club. No matter if we have pick 2 or not. If you were an AFL footballer would you want to come to a club like us?? Regardless of Paul Roos joining us, the club is a very very hard sell and will take a hell of a lot to get back to regularly competing with the bigger clubs.

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  6. While I appreciate everyone's right to an opinion, It seems that a few people on here just throw up quotes to shoot down potential players ... quotes like another hack, spud, useless and others. As I said everyone can have an opinion but how about throwing some names in yourselves that you think would be available and able to slot into our team (which shouldn't be hard because we are pretty poor)

  7. He is not a midfielder.


    I used to play with Thorpy in tassie before he was first drafted. Yes his attitude was shocking but by all reports he has turned his life around settled down with a fiance aswell. FWIW he has always had a good tank and can run all day. He could be used as a mid/hff option as he has good hands is a good kick and as mentioned earlier has a good tank for a big man. Worth a look

  8. I am worried about our pick 2. It annoys me that we happened to get it in one of the more shallow drafts of recent times. I know we have spoken to a few clubs but are any of them realistically willing to part with a top line player for a pick 2 in a weakened draft. Adelaide honestly is the only club that needs pick 2. The rest may want it or think about it but they don't need it.

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