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Posts posted by Demon_Tingles


    Same boat here Tingles..

    If I have to go through another Schwarter like busted knee era via Hogan... explaining the what could have beens....... I dont know if I will make it out the Mental ward at monash..

    Yeah I have been on edge since this morning

    I just jumped up and fist pumped and the fiance thought I was mentally deranged

    • Like 1
  2. Do you really think it would be that serious if he walked off by himself, the next bit should be he was looked at by the medicos, they have a full range of them at training, so Matt was that the next bit?

    That means nothing .. so many players don't even know they have damaged it until scans come up

    Just hoping that it is not serious

  3. I don't disagree with you and suspect that we may even finish above the Suns and Eagles [given we can keep our three tall forwards on the park]. It was worrying however to see in the ranking of AFL players [by Club] in this morning's paper, that we are the only Club in the AFL not considered to contain a single elite player.

    Mitch Clark will be that player if he can stay fit.

  4. No you probably wouldn't lose speed. Just suggests to me that the players who complained about being whipped last pre season on fitness haven't really developed a heap more fitness wise. Granted Cross is a very good runner but I would be hoping that at least one player outside the same top 3 would have been up there in the top 4

    • Like 1
  5. I think you are a little harsh on 30 year olds D_T

    I wasn't intentionally being harsh ,, my point was with all the kids that we have and the 22-26 age group surely at least one of them is pushing up there. The players were apparently flogged in fitness last pre season and yet we are still seeing the same results in the time trials and daniel cross beats home about 40 other players when we recruited heavily for midfielders.

    It's not like 3km is a marathon, so I would hope at some point that they younger players we have would be able to run 3km quicker than crossy.

  6. Really really happy with Dean Kent re signing. This bloke has tremendous upside. Build his tank up a bit and he can be equally damaging as a high half forward with the occasional grunt work in the middle to take a load off Jones.

    As for Matt Jones, he surprised me this year and I can only hope that he keeps working hard and improving to keep his spot.

    Good news

  7. Quite frankly IMO the next captain of this club should be someone who displays hardness, grunt, courage and will never back down. Enough of the same old future of our club, glamour boy, pin up of the club. If this club truly wants to be a hard club and a tough club, then having a captain that displays this will help immensely.

  8. take her for long walks

    after a tigers game,get an ordinary pizza

    after dees game get her a top meal at a cosy restaurant

    when dees are on telly and winning,get her a cuppa and say i love you

    when tiges on telly,offer her a foot massage and run her a hot bath

    be cool every time the dees win

    pretend your tired and have a headache when the tiges win

    last resort let her make her own mind up

    Already do haha although I have had trouble with the bolded one

    And I cannot let her make her mind up there can be no last resort. It may have to be a brainwash technique. Leave youtube on the TV and replay all Melbourne's victory's on there while she sleeps.

    • Like 1
  9. Has anyone noticed if Hogan (and the footy staff) have attempted to alter his slightly awkward approach to set shot kicking? Thanks in advance.

    I don't necessarily think that they need to. He was very effective with set shots and if he is comfortable in using that technique let him use it. If a time comes where he starts spraying them then look at it but he kicks the ball nicely and it travels a fair distance.

    Kicked 39.21 last season and with another pre season under his belt will probably be a better kick if you believe in the Richo theory that forwards miss a few shots from tiredness. Kid has had another AFL pre season so should be fitter than last season

    • Like 5

    JACK GRIMES (68 games)

    Jack Grimes told AFL.com.au in September last year, "I really need and want to get a set position, where I feel like I play my best footy". That position has to be half-back. With the Demons midfield stocked up – thanks to the off-season acquisitions of Bernie Vince, Daniel Cross and Viv Michie – Grimes can now roll in to defence and act as a conduit between attack and defence. Grimes' precise kicking, courage and general feel for the game make him a suitable choice to return to the backline. Paul Roos has a great track record in getting the best out of his players and there's no reason why that cannot happen for Grimes. The 2013 co-captain could become a commanding figure for the Demons, but most importantly, he could start to find continuity in his football. That is surely what he craves. – Ben Guthrie

    Now While I agree that Grimes is better suited to half back I don't think that he has "Precise Kicking".

    What other players on our list do you think are set for new roles this season ?

  11. So you are saying that McKenzie, who has great character and personality and drives himself to be his best would get a game before Sylvia who has greater skills and talent ????.....I know you don't like the guy but I know who I would have in the side first....

    I think you are misunderstanding here. Sylvia had all the tools to become an elite player that is the point. He never realised it, Yes injuries did not help but the fact that he never pushed himself as far and as hard as someone like Nathan Jones does is easy to see. Look at someone like Jack Stevens from St Kilda. If he didn't work his butt off he would not be anywhere near as good as he is now, and yet Sylvia has truckloads more talent than he does. The difference is work rate and desire.

  12. Nathan Jones and Colin Sylvia ... One thing sets them apart and that is a desire to be a better footballer. Nathan Jones consistently busted a gut doing everything he could to improve himself. Col on the other hand coasted on his talent for far too long. I loved watching Colin play when he played well, and he was always great with the fans but the fact is that Nathan Jones worked his butt off to become a better player, more so than Colin.

  13. To all those who have Called Pederson fat .... I suggest you get down to training. He is not fat, he is just a big unit. He has actually trimmed down considerably and just has a lot of muscle tone. Also there is no way that MFC would have a fat footballer on their list. Very frustrating having to read the same tripe thrown at pederson. Yes he may not be a future brownlow medallist but he is an MFC player and for once we should get behind all our players and not pot them on here when, if we ever met them face to face you would all [censored] yourselves.

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  14. Condolances and best wishes Rjay to you and your family..

    Merry Christmas to everyone

    My wish for Christmas is for Santa to sprinkle some magic dust on the MFC and for us to start winning games and become a powerhouse once more

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