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Roost it far

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Everything posted by Roost it far

  1. He’s had enough chances, there’s no longer any point playing him, it’s over.
  2. I will add that of all the players it was Tomlinson who really stood out. We just already know that he’s not very good. Which did leave me wondering if we actually have any depth that is AFL ready. I need to find my rose coloured glasses as it’s all going to sht without them.
  3. If you say it twice really fast it foes
  4. May - another solid game Rivers - Getting very good Turner - must come in
  5. He absolutely could and he reads the play really well and marks everything in site
  6. We do not want an interstate final
  7. That’s a free everyday of the week. It was extremely poor by the casey player, bend down and pick it up, cop the tackle and move on
  8. Turner has to come in None of the forwards really putting their hand up. I’d probably play Brown.
  9. I have planted it but I'll also take it down if and when he fixes some of his flaws which you know he has
  10. I like and understand what you're saying. However if port had kicked straight in the first half we would of lost by 30. I've been wearing those rose coloured glasses as well. [censored] the world looks better with them on!
  11. Absolutely but we have a very strong list at pretty much full strength. We went into a game against a team with 5 of their starting 22 out. Going by the 3rd quarter we should have won comfortably. Something isn't working and my eyes are on the coach/s. I don't think they're getting the best out of this list.
  12. I agree with this but what's the excuse now?
  13. Those in the coaches box should have unplugged him and made the changes needed. Surely it was clear to someone in the box.
  14. To me Oliver's form is on the coaches. he's still an incredible player but he needs help to get the very best out of himself
  15. They could'hve easily switched viney onto him as he was being subdued by them. It's really really bad coaching. Goodwin would've fixed 2 problems and Viney loves the shutdown role. It frustrates the hell out of me. I didn't take last night's loss at all well.
  16. I really hope we're factoring in 2-3 weeks of rest for max before the finals
  17. We need one of Schache or BBB to kick 7 and dominate. We need Woewodin to rack up 30 at 78%
  18. Max is starting to show his age yet we double down using him as the key, he's also not a forward. We're 2 skilled outside runners and a 25 year old key forward short. Do you play Schache? Is BBB being put on ice until the backend of the season? Can Rivers, Bowey, Pickett and Chandler play some time through the middle? Can we finally drop ANB? Something needs to shift How good is JHF, these kids just roll out and supersede the last model, he's going to be next level, as is Anderson. Beautiful to watch.
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