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Roost it far

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Everything posted by Roost it far

  1. I actually am as well, I was adding some light humour to the mix. Whilst i don't see Smith as an answer we know that TMac and BBB are done so we need to play the others. I'm not adverse to Schache but pretty sure that's my rose coloured glasses talking.
  2. He'll bring chaos that's for sure, then he'll get subbed off injured.
  3. Has his injury and layoff been confirmed anywhere?
  4. He needs to add this to his game now that he's slowing down. Cox destroyed him last year and that can't happen again. Max needs to put his big boy pants on and give some back. I've decided to go to the KB game and if I watch Cox beat him up again I'm leaving.
  5. You've really taken Friday hard, as did I but it's Monday and we'll beat Freo. Losing Oliver and having the heat turned on us just might precipitate the lift we need.
  6. Max needs to line up Cox on KB and drive his knee into his back at the very first marking contest. Hell you could easily set it up at a May kickout. Drive it in really hard and then let him know it's coming every time, then just keep on doing it. Stop being the whipping boy Max. You can have a practice run against Darcy this Saturday.
  7. I'm tipping a big response and a 5 goal win against Freo. Then a solid dour win against Carlton by 15. Then its show time folks, Oiliver will return and we'll send these clowns packing.........it's absolutely bedtime for me!
  8. Absolutely should be chasing some outside run. Whitfield would be a good start, surely he wants out?
  9. It's ridiculous to suggest we didn't turn up on Friday. Sure our first half was ordinary and I blame the coaches for that as much as the players. We showed in the third what we're capable of, we destroyed them in that quarter. The fourth was ordinary but only 4 goals were kicked and we had Fritsch and Petracca blow realistic goal chances and a couple of howling decisions not go our way. It's not panic stations with regards to the players, the coach worries me which is why I'm not afraid to miss Oliver for a few weeks. These things galvanise teams and I've no reason to think it won't do the same for us.
  10. We have enough bulls in our side to lift us at the contest. Max, Petracca, Viney, Sparrow and Brayshaw are quality and they know what it takes to win. Let's just start with Freo. We've got them at home and we start by beating them.
  11. We absolutely have another gear and I think we're about to see it.
  12. I was yelling at the tv on Friday about exactly this. It’s another reason Friday was so disappointing
  13. They put him on Casboult FFS. Put him on Amyss this weekend and see how he goes, then Silvagni against the Blues. Hoskin Elliot of the Pies. He’ll learn a lot and won’t get torn apart
  14. I only come here for and to add to the psycho babble….I love it
  15. Well it’s their only hope now.
  16. Rubbish, if the Pies lose DeGoey or Daicos or Moore they have issues just like every other team
  17. I forgot Hunter, maybe Smith comes in as well.
  18. You put Max and Trac in there for increased minutes. You add Viney and Sparrow and rotate Brayshaw, Rivers, Pickett, Chandler and whoever else is up to it through the middle. You double down on contest and you harass the opposition like your life depends on it. Then you run to the next contest and do it all over again. We can do this. Oliver is our Dangerfield and this next month might force the coaches to think a little differently.
  19. Exactly. We will need Max and Trac to step up and lead this group to some gutsy John Northeyesque wins
  20. I’m actually ok with this. I hated Friday night but this group needs to HTFU and grind out some wins. They’ve got it in them and I’ll remain a believer until I’m not. Go Dees. Port just rolled us with 5 of their 22 out
  21. I can’t see them dropping Chandler. Bowey and Oliver out injured. I’d bring in Turner and Sparrow.
  22. Better now than in 10 weeks. All clubs cop injuries, were no different.
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