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Everything posted by BDA

  1. What a great song! Never heard it before and wouldn’t in a million years have listened to if not posted here. Thanks.
  2. Jeez the Church of England brigade are out in force on this thread! Good loss, bad loss are very mild terms and pretty low on the offence scale. Also happen to suit our gormless coach perfectly. The club look like they’ll provide new assistants and are trading for players that will improve the team. He’ll be given everything he needs to succeed. No more talk of learnings, being ruthless blah blah. Its time for Goodwin to prove himself (past time in fact). Starts winning and the badloss references go away otherwise harmless nicknames will be the least of his worries.
  3. Big difference between head strong and being uncoachable (the most self-serving remark an under-performing coach can make). Sounds like Clayton does rate some of the coaches and I think he has a point. I mean we are turning them all over! I don’t know how oppositional Clayton is but there is a line past which his behaviour becomes detrimental to the team. You need a strong character to coach him which is why I think Voss would be perfect as our midfield coach. Voss was the best midfielder of his generation so he has the cred and authority for the job. Plus he's a very capable coach by all accounts. Hopefully he has the good sense to steer clear of the trainwreck at North.
  4. Neither port nor brisbane deserve to be in the final. Both had home advantage and couldn’t get the job done.
  5. So he’s 26 and being kept out of their side by Dean Kent! Pass
  6. Fair enough. I’m concerned though we won’t be organised for trade week.
  7. This review is taking a while. Our season finished 4 weeks ago. Not much noise either. Surely if Mahoney was being let go it would have been announced by now. Plus trade period is rapidly approaching. Adem Yze is a great additional but we need more. I guess now that Port are out we can talk to Voss so hopefully there’ll be developments there.
  8. He stays as long as Viney doesn't poll more than him ?
  9. Gays and lesbians make up about 4% to 5% of the population so the probability that there is no gay footballer is very low. They are involved in every walk of life so why would the AFL be any different?
  10. Why on earth should we merge with North! North to Tassie and pull the pin on Gold coast. The suns are nothing but a drain. It's rugby league country and yet the titans struggle to attract members and are effectively operated by the NRL commission so what hope an AFL team! Pure folly by the AFL.
  11. All my hopes lie with the Lions. A Richmond Geelong final will be hard to stomach.
  12. Hardly overrated. He's a brownlow and norm smith medalist!
  13. conor rozee is a stager. he needs to cut that out.
  14. never holding the ball against duursma there
  15. I've muted the commentary. its much better.
  16. I would. If Carlton or any other team make a silly offer we should listen. I think it’s dangerous for a club to think someone is untradable. Leads to poor list management decisions. I bet Collingwood wish they could have their time over again with Grundy. 7 years on big coin. He’s had a pretty indifferent season and now it looks like they’ll have to shed one of De Goey or Treloar because of cap issues when they could have had 2 first round picks from Adelaide. Same with Daniher last year. Absolute stupidity by Essendon not to trade him. Clayton is a super player no question and I’d hate to lose him but he finished 5th in the BnF. He hasn’t had a great year by his standards and I don’t think that’s just because of coaching (although it definitely plays a part). I’d offer him 3 years on top dollar. If we’re successful in that time he’ll re-sign and if we’re not then we should accommodate his wishes and allow him to find a new home if that’s what he wants to do.
  17. Would you trade him to Essendon for Zach Merrett and pick 6?
  18. Doesn’t fill a need. Expensive. Injury prone. Pass.
  19. They nicknamed a black man “chimp”. He has witnesses to corroborate this. Collingwood and AFL have handled this terribly and will be shown up badly. It’s another reason why I dislike the suits that run the game. They proclaim how woke and right-on they are but as soon as the rubber hits the road it’s a different story. There’s no doubt Lumumba is a temperamental character but he’s dead right here. I’m forward to seeing Collingwood and the AFL squirm.
  20. The AFL in its current guise is unsustainable. The suns are a waste of time and money. A drain. GWS not much better. All the while, Tasmania, a genuine footy state and capable of supporting a team with a leg up is ignored. HQ full of suits, consultants and hangers on that contribute zip to the game. I mean, half those roles have gone as a result of the pandemic and you wouldn’t notice. The AFL is run by a few for the benefit of a few. All that money flows to the top to pay an elite group of administrators and players. It’s wrong. I’d much prefer to see a model whereby much more funds were distributed to local footy clubs and facilities, coaching for kids, grassroots. The game is for the people not for a few to enrich themselves. It would be a silver lining if the pandemic forced a re-think and a more egalitarian model. Won’t happen though. Too many powerful clubs and vested interests. Too much money at stake. All that'll happen is a couple of clubs get squeezed out and their share divvied up amongst the remainder.
  21. I agree with the consensus here that Nev is past it physically. I’ve wondered why Collingwood are prepared to offer him 2 years and I wouldn’t be surprised if its because of his leadership. It’s no secret they’ve had cultural issues over there and Nev would be a perfect candidate to lead a change and instil better values. MFC really shouldn’t be letting someone of Nev’s calibre and character leave the club. Surely there’s a role for him. With the possible exception of Jones, I don’t think there’s another player on the list who better embodies what I would consider the heart and soul of the footy club. Selfless, committed, never shirked responsibility, gives his all, led by example. Oliver, Brayshaw and a few others could take a leaf out of his book. Come on MFC. You gotta have a role for this champion. A one year playing contract transitioning into a coaching, mentoring, leadership role. If you’re not sure yet what the role is then you have a year to figure it out. Don’t let this bloke leave.
  22. Please no. Not Collingwood. Those black and white stripes will look terrible on him. I can’t imagine seeing Nev lining up against for queens birthday. It’s just not right. I understand the man has to put food on the table but surely there are other options out there for him. The player mentor role has been mentioned. I think that’s a great idea. If it came down to a choice between him and Jones for a leadership/mentoring/coaching role I’d pick Nev (and I’ve nothing against Jones). Plus I reckon you can get another year out of him as defensive depth. Hopefully this is all just trade scuttlebutt. I’d hate seeing Nev in a Collingwood Guernsey.
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