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Everything posted by BDA

  1. He's only played 80 games because he's back-up which is what we want him for. We don't have any credible internal options. I don't want to see Brown anywhere near a ruck contest given his knee issues and its too much to expect a second year Jackson to hold the fort. He'd get monstered. unless there's a better option running around in the state leagues then McKernan works best imv
  2. Bad case of the yips. Hopefully Yze can sort this out. Great hands. Courageous too. Needs to bring more defensive effort.
  3. He got stitched up for that sling tackle. 2 games was about right 4 was very harsh. Had his moments besides but just doesn't get his hands on it enough. Consistency isn't there. I'm ambivalent about whether we keep him or let him go.
  4. Not sure if posted elsewhere already but the below is an update from Sam Edmunds on SEN on tom phillips “Tommy Phillips, same deal. A year to run on a contract, back-ended, more than 550. In fact, they’ve already told him that he could be traded and he’s open to that. I don’t believe there’s been a heck of a lot of interest. The lack of interest surprises me. $550k is hardly outrageous money. Perhaps there’s more to his poor season than just the emergence of Daicos?
  5. Firstly. Welcome. Secondly. Very different players position wise. I don't recall ever seeing Matera play the wing (not a player i followed closely so could be wrong about that).
  6. IF we were sat here next year and TMac had delivered a season on a par with 2018 I would be delighted and happily hold my hand up to admit I was wrong. Unfortunately that would be wishful thinking. He doesn’t have a role in our forward set-up. Our defence was good this year so no spot there either. He has no place on our list therefore it doesn’t help TMac’s career hanging around. He will just stagnate further. Best for him to make a fresh start, in a new environment and hopefully he can show better form. I’d be very happy for him if he did.
  7. Fair point re Melksham. He was a major disappointment. If the club brought in a replacement I wouldn’t be unhappy. I’m don’t think Lever’s form was that bad. Our defence was solid last year and I think he had his part to play in that. Pay-cuts in contract never happen of course but I often think professional pride should play a part. I know I wouldn’t feel comfortable collecting my wage if I felt I hadn’t made a commensurate contribution (easy for me to say of course I’m not earning the big bucks).
  8. No such thing as a sure thing of course. There is always risk. He had knee and off field issues last year which explains his lower output. Previous to that he was outstanding in a bang average team. As risks go he’s very much on the lower end of the scale and it’s a risk we have to take if we’re serious about breaking into the Top 4. I’m backing Burgess to get him back into top nick and a 45-55 goal season from our new cult hero!
  9. His long run up perhaps seems to really offend a lot of posters for some never explained reason.
  10. I would be staggered if the club aren’t looking at other options. Baker as plan B is no plan at all. I don’t want to knock the kid too much. He has shown glimpses but nothing to suggest to me he can hold down the wing opposite Langdon. In the future maybe but not next season. Hopefully BRFE’s read is correct and this it just standard trade period smoke and mirrors. Let's wait and see.
  11. That may be so and perhaps we can work around his salary but the fact is he’s not justifying his big contract. High earning under-performing players are bad for team morale. I’ve nothing against Tmac and reckon he’s a good sort but he’s not earning his wages. He knows it and his team mates know it. We’ve all had a colleague at one stage or another who weren't doing their fair share. They may be nice people but resentment sets in soon enough because others have to pick up the slack. I’d be pretty p’ed off as a player if I knew we couldn’t strengthen the list properly because of the cap sunk in an under performer. I’d also be none too impressed if I wasn’t able to negotiate a better (deserved) contract for myself for the same reason. If he wants to stay and reckons he can find form and fitness again he should take a pay cut. If he has made the decision to move he should be realistic in his wage demands and expectations. If he digs his heels in and is unreasonable my perception of him will change. There’s no doubt in my mind its best for all parties that Tmac moves on.
  12. You might get to see a game next year yet OD ? Extract from the Herald this morning. Subject to national cabinet’s approval, the first Australians to receive a COVID-19 vaccine will be 1.5 million doctors, nurses, pharmacists, pathologist, aged care workers and the elderly Mr Hunt said he had “high confidence” COVID-19 vaccinations would begin in the first quarter of next year possibly clearing the way to re-open our international borders at the end of 2021 “The evidence on the first half of 2021 is strengthening and the evidence on first quarter of 2021 is strengthening and it’s likely that new contracts would also involve first quarter delivery so you know we’re thinking March may be possible,” he said. “The expectation is that everybody who sought vaccination would be vaccinated well within 2021”
  13. better prospect of winning a flag and apparently the lifestyle is great
  14. The second round pick we got for Frosty will likely secure us Ben Brown. a major improvement to our list overall. I loved Frosty's heart but he was a liability down back, the cause of more heart attacks amongst the dees faithful that any other player i can think of.
  15. and as long as her job is not some made up consultant or special advisor role either.
  16. 9 out of 10 = 90% 90 out of 10 = 900% Perhaps we need an expert to adjudicate. Do we have a mathematician in the house?
  17. Totally agree. Makes perfect sense. Thanks EO.
  18. Hore provides depth and is inexpensive but I always worry for players who miss a year (likewise Petty) Spargo has shown just enough to persist with although the 2nd year is generous imv. Decent with ball in hand but needs to find it more. Needs to up his pressure game as well. We have enough slackers as it is.
  19. Ballsy call. i don't think even @Dr evil would go as far as 900% certain. ?
  20. Tom Phillips to the Dees being the exception. Otherwise I agree with your sentiments.
  21. What are the cultural expectations at Richmond though (Serious question). Cultural expectations can be bent and stretched to accommodate left-field characters like Dusty, someone who had a far from typical upbringing and whose circle or friends and influences outside of the football would have the powers that be at the club sweating i'm sure. Well done Richmond by the way for persisting with him in the early years when it looked like he couldn't handle the rigors and constraints of AFL football life. I wonder if they make allowances and give him some leeway because of the type of cat he is. I bet they do. I'd like to see Jesse pitch up at the tiges to see if the Richmond culture can rehabilitate him. It would be an interesting experiment.
  22. I wouldn't be getting too greedy as far as picks are concerned. If the bombers offer to take on his salary that would be a massive win for us. My advice would be to take that deal and run.
  23. He must be wondering what he’s gotten himself in to!
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