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Everything posted by BDA

  1. Is Tom Sparrow from South Australia? Unless he is OOC or requested a trade i wouldn't be letting him go.
  2. Racism is often well disguised dieter A wolf in sheeps clothing and all that. People get sucked in. Happens in politics, religion, sport etc etc Thought I’d jump on this thread to see what the chat was like. Pretty much as expected This above exchange just jumps off the page at me. Do you mind elaborating further Macca on how Hispanics and black people who voted for Trump have been “sucked in” as you put it? I’m really interested to hear your exposition.
  3. He said he'd play a short stint, June to September, in the event his local club are county teams were out of their respective GAA championship. His county team, Tyrone, are strong and make the semis most years. I'd be very surprised if he returns. Melbourne were trail blazers in terms of recruiting in Ireland. Sean Wight and Jim Stynes were brilliant servants so why have the club turned away from this source of players? Other clubs continue to have success there so why not us?
  4. Very good post Bob and I agree with a lot of it. You say Goodwin hasn't done much wrong. Do you mind elaborating because it's not obvious what he is doing well. I'm not trying to be smart. Genuine question.
  5. I agree. If it had been my choice he would have gone in 2019. I was hoping the change would happen this off season but his contract and the severe soft cap constraints have saved him.
  6. The message has been pretty clear over the last few interviews I’ve listened to. The coaching needs to improve. Make the 8 and win some finals is the expectation. As it should be. This board have credits in the bank. Being financially independent during Covid is a great achievement. If Pert can get the home base off the ground he’ll be worthy of a knighthood as far as I’m concerned. The focus is now squarely on the FD where it should be. Sort your s**t out Goodwin or else.
  7. Highly paid under-performers are terrible for team morale for exactly the reasons you mentioned. I think its wishful thinking on our part to think he’ll return to full fitness and 2018 form. Burgo had him for a year already and it hasn’t made any difference. We have to move him on somehow. Probably not pay him out yet (he’s still depth for emergencies) but if he’s not traded this year then he’ll definitely be paid out for 2022.
  8. Hard to argue with too much of that. I’m hopeful though that someone picks him up as defensive depth but we’ll be paying a chunk of his salary, half or so I reckon. If he doesn’t move then its Casey next year and a negotiated pay-out in 2022.
  9. One of the main issues (amongst many) I have with him staying and fighting it out for the lesser roles is he’ll stunt the development of younger players like Petty who are the future. Likewise trying to convert him into a winger when we should be giving Baker a run to see what he’s made of. Up forward Jackson is the future and should be playing as 3rd tall. If he stays he’s cover for injuries or emergencies. Otherwise he’ll see out his days at Casey. As I’ve said before there is no role for TMac at the club. Very unfortunate how things worked out but its best for the MFC and TMac to part ways. The club needs to acknowledge the situation and just move him on. Pay a chunk of his salary and be done with it. If Tom is happy to collect his fat paycheck he needs to know that he’ll be playing in the 2’s. No shoe-horning or re-purposing. We have youngers who deserve a go. Tom has had his chance.
  10. Just read through that tread. All that hope and optimism. Who'd want to be a footy supporter!
  11. There was plenty of interest from rival clubs at the time. Would you have let him walk rather than give him the 4 years?
  12. Professional pride perhaps. I know money and an income are important but I’d like to think that playing is the most important thing in your career. Why play in the 2’s if you can hold down a spot on another team even if it is for less money.
  13. This trade is far from certain and will go down to the wire.
  14. I think his drug bust completely stuffed his trade value (and his salary expectations). A second rounder is the most they could expect so Pick 23 is probably the best they could hope for in the circumstances.
  15. Just listening to Mahoney. My take: We’re in for Phillips Treloar unlikely but he didn't rule it out. Gave the impression a lot will need to play out to make it possible.
  16. I didn't catch while listening but I’ve googled and found this on fox sports. Pretty sure this is what they were talking about. PIES’ KEY 2021 PICK ON THE TABLE Collingwood are reportedly open to parting with their 2021 first-round draft pick, in another sign the club is set to be one of the most active this trade period. Foxfooty.com.au has confirmed AFL Media‘s report that the Pies would be willing to deal for its future first-round selection, given the club is set to pickup father-son prodigy Nick Daicos, who could go with pick No.1.
  17. Unless his injuries are terminal I reckon there will be clubs prepared to take a punt. I think it’ll be a question of how much of his salary we’re prepared to pay to move him on. I reckon we’ll have to cough up half or so. More than that and I think he’s probably worth keeping as depth.
  18. I listened to the post interview discussion and fan call in which centred mainly on Stephenson. He didn’t disclose anything new regarding Treloar other than it’ll be difficult to bring players in unless he is moved out. Doesn’t sound like they are interested in TMac. No mention of Tom Phillips There was a reference to the first round pick being on the table. Didn’t catch whether this years or next.
  19. goddam. just tuned in for the interview and its finished. must have got the time wrong. sure i heard 12.30 earlier. I'll look out for a report of the interview.
  20. Ned Guy is lined up for a 12.30pm slot on trade radio today. I'll be tuning into that interview for sure.
  21. My estimation of Mahoney would go through the roof if he can construct a deal for Menegola. You’d think Gus would have to be sacrificed and TMac’s salary freed up to make it happen though. I haven’t heard any whispers whatsoever linking him to us so its just wishful thinking for now but if he gettable then we should take a hard look.
  22. Good shout. I can’t think of a player we’ve let slip through our fingers who’s had a greater impact elsewhere. Imagine if we had Papley running around for us now.?
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