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Everything posted by BDA

  1. Longest thread title ever. Another Pickett type and wingman. Must be skilful and pacy. Other than that pick the best player available although i do like the suggestion of a KPD. May is no longer a spring chicken.
  2. I think JM and the team did very well in the circumstances. Not being able to move TMac on seems to have frustrated our ability to bring someone else in. My only nagging regret is the hawks picking up Phillips for pick 65 and the pies paying $150k salary in year 1. Even with Tmac staying you’d think we could have fitted Phillips into the cap. Perhaps the club just didn’t rate him or Phillips didn’t want to join us. I know we’ve traded up to secure 2 late first rounders but I’m prefer adding mature players than youngsters. We have to be pushing for Top 4 next year and draftees aren’t going to get us there. That said really looking forward to seeing what JT can do in the draft.
  3. Gross incompetence. Why hasn’t Ned Guy been sacked already?
  4. Gotta say. GWS played a blinder there.
  5. Dogs North and Hawthorn have taken advantage of the pies fire sale. Good on them. We’re done well overall, I’m not complaining but I can’t help feeling that’s we’ve missed a trick. Phillips for 65 was cheap as chips and he filled such an obvious need.
  6. Pick 65 is a steal. Hard to fathom why we didn't go harder at that price. I know salary is a factor but surely we could have made it work.
  7. My heart says Burgess gets TMac back in shape and firing on all cyclinders. 2018 all over again. Wouldn’t it be something. My head says a year at Casey and a payout in 2022.
  8. Remind me again. Why were the club trying to push Mahoney out the door? I'm not sure how he goes the other 51 weeks of the year but his work during trade week has been faultless.
  9. HUN reporting Carlton have backed out of the Saad deal. Either tactics or just tired of dealing with Dodoro. Doubtful we have cap unless Tmac moves on but perhaps we should contact Saad's management for a chat.
  10. Why are North dictating the terms here. Pick 33 in the circumstances is reasonable. They pulled their original contract, put him on the table and he has nominated us. They have no leverage. We just need to keep our heads.
  11. His injuries have been unfortunate, his decline and regression painful to watch. His contract situation and lack of trade interest is depressing. So much precious cap wasted.
  12. Pick 31 for Preuss! I tip my hat to you Mr. Mahoney.
  13. Yze will be a positive influence from a coaching perspective. Adding Brown improves our forward set-up as well. I'm hopeful we'll be better next year. ?
  14. I’ve had some communications with Tracey in membership. I’ve found her courteous and prompt (responds within 2-3 days) even though I know the membership team are very short staffed. Covid has had a huge impact on clubs. I think we all need to show a little patience for the time being.
  15. Perhaps we can utilise his athleticism……on the wing? Played a couple of half decent games this year but if he’s on our list in 2022 I’ll be very surprised.
  16. There’s never been a better time to have our hands out. To keep the construction sector afloat during the recession and Dan’s friends in the construction unions onside the state government will pursue a program of infrastructure spending and grants to support major projects. As long as we can articulate the “community benefit” we should be able to obtain a tidy contribution to the cause.
  17. For the record I’m no fan of Trump. His character flaws are manifest and his divisive leadership exactly what the US (and the world) does not need. But his political instincts are pretty sharp. He spoke directly to the constituency that the Democrats deserted, the working poor. Hard to believe a property magnate from Manhattan could do that. Just shows how much the Democrats dropped the ball. I agree all groups think differently. Your original comments implied otherwise. I doubt Biden will be much better but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. More presidential in tone and measured rhetoric I’m sure but I think he’ll serve the interests of the DNC donors.
  18. Do you really think that blacks and hispanics were somehow tricked by Trump? 18% of black men and 35% of the Latino vote all too stupid to work Trump out. As well as being lazy analysis, it is patronising and condescending. Dare i say it, RACIST. You have absolutely no clue what you are talking about. I suggest you listen to some black intellectuals to get a handle on whats really going on. The likes of Glenn Loury, John McWhorter, Coleman Hughes etc. They will give you a much better understanding of what black americans really think rather than the dangerous nonsense that the NYT and Guardian spout. Trump and his influence on the Republican party is not going away. If you don’t make a genuine effort to understand Trumpism and the people who voted for him (70 million odd) you will never be able to combat or respond to it effectively. Good day to you Macca.
  19. His real estate experience would be very helpful for our home base project!
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