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rollinson 65

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Everything posted by rollinson 65

  1. just heard from rivvo (from demonology)... (before tassie dee and his mates turned up last game, rivvo was the last player to turn up to forum footy games from demonology)... rivvo is waiting for an operation on his knee (injured in our first game against talkingcarlton) and it should happen before the end of this year... regards to all, rollo
  2. I was told today that our past forum footy opponents... (saintsaitonal and talkingcarlton)... will not be asking us to play them in future... because we are too good... (we have only lost one game in seven from memory)... we have never sought out opponents, and only responded to challenges... I think we should ignore this message and sit pat... comments ??
  3. A generic response (if I may) to all the emails and personal messages I have continued to receive on this matter… I am happy to confirm that, at both melbourne and st.kilda, this matter has now moved to the attention of people way beyond our pay grade or “need to know” status… If we hear nothing in the general media, then we have to assume that Carl’s problem has gone away… If we hear something, then there may yet be a role for us to play, and this thread will not die… (hoping it dies)… regards, rollo.
  4. Carl is to be interviewed on the Coodabeens within the hour...
  5. dunno how the above happened... I am a computer illiterate... I was trying to compliment theox05 on his post... (go back to read only, rollo, you idiot !!)
  6. incisive post, mate... keep it up...
  7. "you guys sound hopefull"... dunno exactly what is happening, dl, but I take this as a good sign... but be prepared, there may yet be a role for us mushrooms to play...
  8. past player groups at both melbourne and st.kilda are on board... people are talking and things are happening... I have never met Carl or his family, only talked to them on the phone, but they strike me as really good people who are deserving of our help and support... there may yet be a role for us supporters... watch this space... regards, rollo
  9. things are in motion, both at melborne and st.kilda... hope something comes of our efforts...
  10. writing to report… things are happening, but nothing I can responsibly comment on publicly... many thanks for the private emails and pm's... (I have had to clear the pm's a couple of times to be able to receive new ones)... Carl Ditterich has a private army ready to pounce... we are awaiting direction from above (way, way above)... thanks and regards to all, rollo
  11. I am writing to report… I have finally had the time to speak to significant numbers of melbourne and st.kilda people about this matter… Most of us are angry and passionate, but not connected at the highest levels of business, government, unions, politics etc… Potential solutions at our level are one-dimensional… Let’s get publicity !! (publicity alone does not provide solutions)… Let’s raise money for the legal defence !! (that sort of money is beyond us)… I am convinced that what we need to do is to approach the well-connected dees and saints supporters, not for money but for ideas and strategies (that can invlove us angry and passionate foot-soldiers at need)… That is what I am doing, and if people disagree, this thread is not a dictatorship, and I invite them to do their own thing… Regards, peter connor ( aka rollo)
  12. reporting to report... nothing to report... too much work today, but I will be starting on our strategies this week, god willing...
  13. many, many thanks to the posters who have replied on here... and also to those who have contacted me privately... dunno what can be accomplished, but with the permission of Carl and his family, I will be putting some of your suggestions into practice this week... will post progress (or lack thereof) on here... regards, rollo
  14. "I had a thought along the same lines." thanks, people... I have started with a post on the saintsational website, and the response has been gratifying... the best idea I have heard, so far (lexl on demonology), is for a celebrity match to raise funds for the legal defence... Carl does not want charity, he and his family want justice, so this is the best idea I have heard so far... I can't remember when I last felt so angry... (It might have been when jimmy ran over the mark in '87 and my hawks-supporting brother-in-law patted me on the arm as buckennara lined up and said "there's always next year")...
  15. Former Saint and Demon captain coach "Big Carl" Ditterich is in trouble - FOOTY HARDMAN CARL DITTERICH FIGHTING TO SAVE FARM I had the honour of speaking with Carl today. He and his family are in danger of being evicted from the family farm at Swan Hill, over a dispute with the local water authority. Their lawyers say they have a good case, but the legal bills are mounting and the family is in danger of not being able to make it to the door of the court. Carl's view is that they need to publicise the matter. What, if anything, can Carl’s devoted fans do to help? I am after ideas here. Any posters with ideas they do not wish to put out on public forum are welcome to ring me on 0408 698 328. Regards, Peter Connor (aka rollo)
  16. anybody need cheering-up by reading about demonland's proud (and recent) emphatic victory ?? (if not, I am sharing your pain - since '65 no less - and I apologise for intruding on your grief)... yep, it's going to be a long season, but I am encouraged by the number of committed and passionate supporters online at the moment...
  17. just heard that collingwood "nicks" beat the sainters... who would have thunk it possible ?? I vote we sit back and wait to see if anybody dares to play us... thoughts ??
  18. sorry to hear of your grief, mate... is this self-healing, or does it require medical treatment ??
  19. hey, 45gd, if you want the smelly thing... send me a pm or email... (don't want to take it back to NE Victoria, enough smoke pollution up there already)...
  20. stuck in melbourne all this week, 45hg, so do send me a pm or a text and we can arrange to get this worthy item of gear back to you...
  21. if it wasn't you drinking all the beer, 45hg, my apologies... offer still stands, without the resentment bit... ex-afl player did not show, and the talkingcarlton organiser (barnesy) had no idea who it might have been... dazzledavey36 lived up to his reputation...
  22. hey, 45hotgod... I asked you (several times) if the bloody (smelly) thing was yours... each time you said "no"... I am in melbourne for most of the rest of this month... send me a pm or email or text, and I will return this item to you (washed with predudice)... yours resentfully, rollo
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