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Everything posted by Kent

  1. So why wasnt he played last week??? If is so obvious!
  2. I agree Buck!! As soon as I saw we had a spare back at the start of the game and they had a spare mid I knew we were in trouble The reason we have struggled lately has been lack of pressure and poor setups at the centre Challenge to Goodwin to fix it.He must set up more offensively from the start of the game. I'm sure the player are not liking the way we are setting up and I suppose it is reflected in the lower than normal pressure on the ball carrier
  3. There was very little offence on Saturday. In my opinion Good went in with a defensive minddset and it cost us big time
  4. What basis do you have to say You are backing him to play well Blind Freddy can see he is busted and can barely run. He un balnaces our midfield group who did ok without him Bring him back if he ever gets un injured and Fit!
  5. why didnt he come back through Casey?? Come on experts!
  6. Viney is a very ordinary footballer not helped by critical injuries he will not in my opinion play out his contract Jordon is a good footballer learning his craft
  7. I was but I dont trust the premiers at the moment
  8. if there was a decent forward making space he would have kicked it earlier our forwards stood still like trees
  9. yes its the worst case agreed. Sydney look a chance to me they are hot
  10. That's what I got also 640!! Its concerning that we have lost against lower sides when we had the opportunity to build a commanding position
  11. looking at the Live ladder we could easily sink to 6th after next week end Now I"m really starting to worry?
  12. So your view is that Pickett was playing well and contributing and yes I think Goodwins view dominates the so called selection committee You dont so what!
  13. Joe boy was right Absolute liability on Saturday
  14. should have been rested 2 weeks ago Blind Freddy could see he was struggling Another victim of Goodwins' stubbornness
  15. Thanks just confrms what i saw on a cold miserable afternoon
  16. Are you serious?? This is our year so many pathetic excuses for serial under performers who cant or wont perform under pressure
  17. Viney cant kick and he is running like a busted mule Please our midfield is better without him is is jus so obvious
  18. Viney is a very ordinary footballer not helped by critical injuries he will not in my opinion play out his contract Jordon is a good footballer learning his craft
  19. I said that two weeks ago!!! I really wonder what our football department look at BTW if that is as good as Viney can be after 7 weeks off Im godsmacked. really looked broken out there
  20. so was I Binnny Gold coast next for me
  21. so where is the shortage?
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