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Rab D Nesbitt

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Everything posted by Rab D Nesbitt

  1. Managed to snag one of the few tables at The Rose to watch this one. Don’t know how they’re going to accommodate so many overlapping games to be honest. Like everyone else I have no idea which version of Melbourne will show up today but I’d feel sick to my stomach if we throw away another opportunity.
  2. Hi Wellsy. Yup, I get all that, I really do. I had no problem letting the club keep my $800 from last year have no intention of asking for anything back for the games we've been locked out of this year but they can't be doing this for games we could legitimately attend.
  3. If we do end up having crowds back for that round and this game is moved up there I’ll be ringing the club for a proportional refund on my tridents membership.
  4. Hi there Titan. I appreciate what you're saying but I was just trying to give some perspective with the amount of travel time AFL side have when compared to other sports. On average we play 6 interstate games a year, at least half of which will usually be no more than an hour away by air and played in similar conditions to our own. I'm not sure how much playing 60 games a season of a supposedly less taxing sport in comparison to our 22 games factor into a players flight fatigue any more than how much padding they wear in a game could. Likewise I don't know if Trac would necessarily feel more refreshed than Nibbler getting off that plane in Perth next Sunday just because he's on $500k a year more.
  5. I know that footballers in other countries are seen as prima donnas by followers of our code but at the highest level an English Premier League side could be playing a domestic game on a late Sunday afternoon followed by a Champions League game as far away as Moscow (a four hour flight) midweek followed by another domestic game on the weekend. If they're good enough to play for their respective country they might have to fly to any part of the globe for a midweek international (Manchester to La Paz in December for example where there isn't just a climatic change but an elevation difference of over 3,600 metres) then back again for another domestic game. NFL players will play in Miami one week, Green Bay the next and Denver the week after.
  6. If they move this game back to Darwin then there is no way it will be played in the afternoon. It's still stinking hot during the day but the conditions are really good for a night game. Most of our side would be familiar with the place so it would be more of a home game for us if it happened I think. We'd also be flying to Perth a whole week before our next game anyway so recovery shouldn't be an issue.
  7. With a 3.10pm start it's fair to say it won't be in Darwin then.
  8. Sure I'm disappointed but looking at the game in isolation there was very little between the two sides on the night. Had we been able to pick up the ball at the first attempt in the middle & inside fifty and hand it off cleanly, particularly in the first half, then we're probably looking at a different result. Again, when we're able to lock the ball in our forward half for long spells we have so little to show for it on the scoreboard and letting them out the back to score on the counter undoes it all. This result only looks bad when we bring our other losses into the equation and what it might mean for where we finish the home & away season. After eighteen games no side has been able to put us away and I'm still confident that we can go all the way if we can get the double chance. I'm also not keen to chop and change the side. If this is our best 23 for the game style we play then they need to find form as a collective in the next four weeks. Anyway try and enjoy your Sunday everyone. Living deep in doggie territory I've already snuck out to the shops and back before I see any red, white and blue on show.
  9. Not sure if I've seen that one. Will put it on the to do list for a rainy weekend.
  10. Wow. Never heard that before EO. He's got a a really good voice Fran Healy.
  11. Yeah, love that song from the movie Hardtack. The cafe is in Newberry Springs and was known as the Sidewinder Cafe back then. I camped next to it for a few days when I was taking photos in the area. Barely a soul around. The film itself has a beautiful light to it.
  12. Glaswegians (from Glasgow), or Glesga' as we say.
  13. Yeah, I haven't seen it in ages but bringing it up now makes me want to see who might be streaming it online. I love the desert landscape and spent a bit of time around the Mojave a few years ago. One of my favourite films is called Bagdad Cafe which was filmed in the area and has the same sort of vibe to it.
  14. Yeah, they're weegies. They took their name from the main character in the Wim Wenders movie Paris, Texas.
  15. And Travis are a scots band. You might remember the tune Why Does It Always Rain On Me. All Celtic supporters I believe (puke).
  16. If Gladys gets her hands on our vaccines they will be distributed in marginal seats no doubt.
  17. Hi QD. You're right of course. Given a choice I know which one I'd want in my VFL side. Jokes aside I do wish the best for Sam. Like all of our squad he's a good human being and I hope he's able to fulfil the potential he has whilst still in the red & blue.
  18. Schache is their version of Weeds. Not overly concerned about them bringing Hannan and him into their side.
  19. Hi Bing. They’ve just celebrated ‘freedom day’ as well haven’t they, just as infection numbers begin to increase again? Well, they were the same govt that gave a ferry contract to a company with no ships and were surprised at how important the Dover crossing was to trade with Europe after the port ground to a halt. They couldn’t run a bath never mind a country.
  20. True enough daisycutter. Mine's more of a little niggle at the back of what I hope is the rational part of my brain. I'm still a long way from Chicken Licken mode I think.
  21. My two bobs worth. I'd very much like the borders to be open and have people travelling again by 2022 as my main job depends on being able to send people overseas, these days almost exclusively to Africa. One concern I have however is even if most Australians are vaccinated by then there will still be parts of the globe where due to either a lack of funds (the sub continent and Africa) or an overabundance of ignorance (US southern states & 10 Downing St) their citizens are still unvaccinated it gives the virus an opportunity to mutate quickly into strains that are less and less susceptible to our vaccines.
  22. No food or drink on sale inside grounds Does this mean I can bring in a turkish gozleme to eat and a six pack of Moondog Mack Daddy's to help wash it down?
  23. That's hilarious. It sounds both roman and Australian. It would make for some great hashtag t-shirts and keep cups to accompany the positive lingers merch.
  24. Media are cranking up their 'we can't be trusted' story again which might be a good thing for this game. We should probably translate it into latin and add it to our club logo.
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