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drysdale demon

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Everything posted by drysdale demon

  1. looks like you spat it when you included this line in your post.
  2. I am sure they are given certain programs to work with.
  3. Maybe so it is not an official club training session, pretty sure they are not allowed under player agreements.
  4. There is always the chance that now he has a premiership medallion he may be considering whether he wants to continue playing.
  5. I use to speak to Crackers a few times a week for a number of years when I lived in Maribyrnong as he use to take his son to a mate of mines place for boxing training . He never once said a bad word against the MFC but he did have an intense dislike of Cameron Schwab.
  6. Amazing isn't it, some just can't see the big picture.
  7. That is you, not the professionals and experienced people who are in charge at the club.
  8. She is just typical of the sewer rats in the media
  9. As SWYL has suggested you could always enlighten us with your evidence.
  10. HaHaHa I would be surprised if he left within the next 4 to 5 years.
  11. I spoke to him at the Carlton game, he was okay and pretty happy about how the cub was going. I doubt he will post on here too many more times.
  12. Just more crap from Cornes I am pretty confident that this admin. will be on top of it.
  13. Yeah, I saw that and thought he may get pinged for it.
  14. At the end of day, in the fullness of time, Que sera sera.
  15. Just more beat up by the media and Wilson is good at doing that.
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