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Everything posted by DeleteUser

  1. All of which shows how close the competition is and what an "8 pointer" that game was
  2. Gawd so an Elimination Final against COllingwood beckons Week 1. The bogeyman. #FML
  3. https://www.footywire.com/afl/footy/tg-essendon-bombers?year=2000
  4. I agree, I think, based on the losses to date, and the size of them, we will lose to Port WCE Sydney Adelaide Possibly more. I think we will miss the finals but hope I am wrong
  5. This is a key issue (yesterday, and against Hawks/Tigers, and was a complaint last year when things didn't go our way. I am not in any saying Goodwin is an issue).
  6. This is a good point. What midfield depth do we have? What if someone has an injury (Oliver) or is so out of form they need to be dropped. Who do we have in Casey? Tyson, sure. Garlett in the midfield or on wing (?). Who else? Sorry, don't pay enough attention to Casey.
  7. I hope he can start synthesising these lessons soon. Richmond, Hawks, Pies (also Pies R23 2017). 10% knocked off % is not useful. Especially after it took us so long to recover from Hawks/Tiges and build the buffer over 6 weeks. What happened to the killer instinct? Maybe the camp should have happened (lobs grenade and runs for cover). jk on the last line!
  8. What to do about Vince? And whatif Jetta out? We have Petty and Frost to choose from, maybe Weid swung back too. Anyone else?
  9. I'll bet they do have another shocker. Swans, Eagles to start with. That's 3 floggings against 2 good teams (Pies Tigers) and against the Hawks plus Q1 against Dogs last week. Sure we can win the flag (anything is possible) but on the sample set of data so far against top 8 teams, it would be very very long odds I suspect. (Not trying to be argumentative with you or sound offensive. Internet words do not translate well without tone.)
  10. It's good to have options eh? Pedo back. Weid in, or not Tyson, Garlett, Petty, Tim Smith, Gaff. Oh wait, that's next year.
  11. 100%. You mean, a Plan B?? Something to fall back on when we are being dictated to? Hmmmm
  12. Totally agree. He showed desperation at the ball, too, when defending (spoiling), at least from what I saw on TV. Which is more than can be said for others. Some good spoils and couple of good marks? Give a few more weeks at least.
  13. Filed under Go and Get Gaff. You have to, not even grudgingly, hand it to the CFC coaching/FD team. They pulled us apart. They can win a flag playing like that. I turned the game off at half time. Was going to have a stroke. All posters have done a t'riffic job of pointing out what went wrong. Jones - total pus How was CFC able to have a floating player in the backline nearly every single entry attempt? Petracca straight back to Casey to see how much he wants to be a footballer as opposed to a young fella on lots of money and in the media, worried about basketball etc. Weideman - play rest of year, Pedersen did some ok things early and I only watched half the game but WTF was going on with setup. Liked J. Smith. Lewis vomit. Hands on hips. :sadface: tackle pressure. Tim Smith might've been handy this week? I don't think he should have been dropped after one bad game (in which he was poleaxed)? But then I'm not a coach or analyst of a team. More concerning: repeat of R23 - how can this have happened? This really needs pulling apart from a preparation and psychology point of view. It's really, really worrying. All this BS in the media about "we've learnt our lesson" is bollocks, clearly. we seem unable to match a good team (can't lose by a close margin (R1 excepted)) did Goodwin have a plan B? Or A? Why doesn't he make drastic changes sooner? I thought changes were warranted after 20 mins, especially in the centre. all players should be banned from all media. No podcasts, no inside Melbourne, nothing. I want laser focus. serious doubts over top 8 now Having said all that - needed to lose eventually, just a shame it had to be against this team. But, since we had to lose, this should serve as a wake up call. So, what to do. Since we should still make the finals, some fine tuning needed ASAP.
  14. Perhaps the way to handle this is to sit him down and outline how they think he can be a really good player and play 200 for the club. They might outline that at the moment he is not playing to his capabilities and here is a list of X, Y and Z he needs to work on. Tell him he has the bye to show a real commitment to X, Y and Z (assuming he is deficient in X, Y and Z as some commenters here infer) and if he does not he will be in Casey without any thought. Perhaps also indicate he has until end of season to prove that he really wants to be a football player. Also clearly indicate his KPIs and relay the fact that if he continues to lack focus and worry about social media etc etc then he will be traded. Also indicate it's ok to have interests A, B and C, and he's young etc etc, but he is paid a lot of money to be a professional football player and attitude and application should reflect that. Oliver is a good example of what to do right after going off course a bit (who could forget the epic trolling of Martyn last year.) Assuming of course he is not injured (why playing if so) and he has deficiencies and isn't just "off" (we dropped Tyson and others for being off), and assuming the club doesn't already do that. (I only say the above that there seems to be a lot of coasting going on.) I turned the game off at half time as it ruined our family day (wife Collingwood). My 3YO son had the presence of mind to realise I was not ok, and took me out on our deck to play. Which was a smart move. So, bearing in mind, what I saw of Petracca, both yesterday and year to date, has not inspired confidence at all.
  15. 6 stars for a small monster truck but let's leave parenting my kids to me cheers
  16. I sense impending doom. Might be a psychological protection measure. Dees by 10 points
  17. I wish my monster truck star for sleeping in till 6 incentive program worked on my son every day - he must sense the Occassion that today is. awaking at 4.45am without a scheduled flight to Hawaii or France or to head to the snow is most uncivilised.
  18. Never mind drinking the bathwater tomorrow if we lose I'll be considering a immersing myself in mine if this post has raised issues for you call lifeline or if you would like a quick pick me up max gawns joke line
  19. Can someone copy paste from the Hun. Not a subscriber
  20. Ahhhh the days of watching the Zebras and then heading to the Sandy. Good times
  21. Kudos for getting the use of their right (he must know people other than CFC supporters) but then ruined it with use of them. And who even eats lamingtons. Would have been funnier referring to ashed chèvre . But then none of his fans would have got it
  22. Found on derro hunting dot com https://www.google.com/search?q=picture+of+joffa&prmd=insv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjay92ZssbbAhXMiLwKHSnmD9cQ_AUIESgB&biw=320&bih=431#imgrc=n6pCI_ssYBdHsM:">
  23. It's funny because it's not happening to me
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